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From left to right

Front Row: Hilary Chamberlain, Noeline Brokenshire, Peter Cameron, Margaret Erlanger, Philip Smithells Director, Annette Golding, Joe Wallace, Margaret Dunbar, Secretary ?.

Second Row: Guy McGreggor, Joan Coleman, Jenny Clark, Judy Bryant, Doreen Brown, Gwenda Whitehouse, Annie Robertson, Beverley Bridgeman, Norah Denman, Prue Lusk, Sadie Baird, Beverley Ball, Ailsa Farrant, Ray Morland, Tom Wolfe.

Third Row: May Oldham, Margaret Main, Alisoun Hight, Olive Vujich, Ruth Murray, Beverley McClure, Jill Cameron, Margaret Thompson, Toni Thompson, Mary Middleton, Lyn Austin, Helen Shanley, Jill McPherson, Corinne Levy.

Fourth Row: Marigold Edwards, Rex Wilkinson, John Drinkwater, Sonya Alexander, Kathleen Cleland, Charlie Loretz, George McLauchlan, Shirley Davison, Janet Brown, Brenda Duncan, Robin Newick, Jenny McIldownie, Evie von Sturmer, Don Miller.

Back Row: Heather Eyre, Judy Watts, Robin Fisher, Ian McNicol, Bob Dragicevich, Ian McAuslan ("Inky"), Brian Bradley, Alan Levitt, Malcolm Marshall, Eric Pollock, Lester Ronald, Graham Eden.

Courtesy of Alisoun Butt (née Hight) DipPhEd 1955, Shirley Henderson-Bolt (née Davison) DipPhEd 1955 and Annette Golding, lecturer in dance at the School from February 1953 to October 1965.

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