Journal - Research Article
Gale, J. T., Peddie, M. C., & Hargreaves, E. A. (2024). Perceived barriers and facilitators to performing evening regular activity breaks at home: A COM-B analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12529-024-10334-x
Lee, P., Hargreaves, E., Jiang, Y., Calder, A., Marsh, S., Gray, C., … Eyles, H., … Heke, I., Kara, S., … Gao, L. (2024). Long-term cost-effectiveness analysis of rugby fans in training–New Zealand: A body weight reduction programme for males. BMJ Open, 14, e073740. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073740
Martin, H., Stenling, A., & Hargreaves, E. A. (2024). Motivational profiles for eating behavior and their associations with intuitive eating. Appetite. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2024.107603
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gale, J., Peddie, M., & Hargreaves, E. (2024). Perceived barriers and facilitators to performing evening regular activity breaks at home: A COM-B analysis. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 23rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from https://annualmeeting.isbnpa.org/
Martin, H., Stenling, A., Styles, S., & Hargreaves, E. (2024). Motivational profiles for eating and their association with intuitive eating, maladaptive eating, and self-reported health. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 23rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from https://annualmeeting.isbnpa.org/
Journal - Research Article
Stenling, A., Martin, H., & Hargreaves, E. (2023). Factor structure, criterion-related validity, and longitudinal measurement invariance of the Regulation of Eating Behavior Scale (REBS): A bifactor S-1 exploratory structural equation modeling approach. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 5, e11187. doi: 10.5964/miss.11187
Hargreaves, E. A., Shaw, S., Scott, T., Calverley, J., & Peddie, M. C. (2023). Feasibility and pilot outcomes of the Move More @ Work intervention designed to encourage employees to be physically active for 2 minutes after every 30 minutes of sitting. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 65(11), 905-917. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002920
Maddison, R., Hargreaves, E. A., Jiang, Y., Calder, A. J., Wyke, S., Gray, C. M., … Marsh, S. (2023). Rugby Fans in Training New Zealand (RUFIT NZ): A randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 20, 37. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01395-w
Journal - Research Other
Connor, M., Hargreaves, E. A., Scanlon, O. K., & Harrison, O. K. (2023). The effect of acute exercise on state anxiety: A systematic review. Sports, 11, 145. doi: 10.3390/sports11080145
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Woolf, L., Cotter, J., Hargreaves, E., & Vlietstra, L. (2023). Psychological and cardiovascular effects of physical activity indoors and outdoors, a cross-over trial. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 7(4), (pp. 129-130). doi: 10.36905/jses.2023.04.01
Hargreaves, E. A., & Stubbs, C. (2023). Is time really a barrier to regular participation in physical activity, or just an excuse? Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 7(4), (pp. 93-94). doi: 10.36905/jses.2023.04.01
Gale, J. T., Peddie, M. C., & Hargreaves, E. (2023). Perceived barriers and facilitators to performing regular activity breaks at home in the evening. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 7(4), (pp. 57). doi: 10.36905/jses.2023.04.01
Journal - Research Article
Jenkins, M., Lee, C., Houge Mackenzie, S., Hargreaves, E. A., Hodge, K., & Calverley, J. (2022). Nature-based physical activity and hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing: The mediating roles of motivational quality and nature relatedness. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 783840. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.783840
Journal - Research Other
Doolan-Noble, F., Calder, A., Hargreaves, E., & Xiao, H. (2022). NZ men get sick or injured more and die sooner than women: A targeted health policy is long overdue. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/nz-men-get-sick-or-injured-more-and-die-sooner-than-women-a-targeted-health-policy-is-long-overdue-184237
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Scanlon, O., Hargreaves, E., Connor, M., & Harrison, O. K. (2022). Effect of acute exercise on the state anxiety and autonomic regulation of moderately-anxious, sedentary individuals. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 6(4), (pp. 40-41). doi: 10.36905/jses.2022.04.01
Calder, A., Hargreaves, E., Digby, C., & Baxter, D. (2022). Kiwi blokes with stroke illustrate and narrate their experiences of physical activity: A photovoice study. International Journal of Stroke, 17(2, Suppl.), (pp. 20-21). doi: 10.1177/17474930221115601
Connor, M., Scanlon, O. K., Hargreaves, E. A., & Harrison, O. K. (2022). Resistance and aerobic exercise of moderate or self-selected intensity is effective in reducing anxiety. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1557), (pp. 105). Retrieved from https://journal.nzma.org.nz/
Journal - Research Article
Hargreaves, E. A., Lee, C., Jenkins, M., Calverley, J. R., Hodge, K., & Houge Mackenzie, S. (2021). Changes in physical activity levels pre-, during and post-lockdown COVID-19 restrictions in New Zealand and the explanatory role of daily hassles. Frontiers in Psychology, 642954, 642954. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.642954
Hargreaves, E. A., Marsh, S., & Maddison, R. (2021). Factors influencing men’s experiences and engagement with the rugby fans in training: New Zealand pilot trial: A healthy lifestyle intervention for men. Healthcare, 9, 1737. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9121737
Jenkins, M., Houge Mackenzie, S., Hodge, K., Hargreaves, E. A., Calverley, J. R., & Lee, C. (2021). Physical activity and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 lockdown: Relationships with motivational quality and nature contexts. Frontiers in Sports & Active Living, 3, 637576. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2021.637576
Journal - Research Other
Hargreaves, E. A., Haszard, J. J., Shaw, S., & Peddie, M. C. (2021). Protocol for a pilot trial to assess the feasibility of the Move More @ Work intervention to encourage employees to take the opportunity to move (be physically active) after every 30 min of sitting. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 7, 172. doi: 10.1186/s40814-021-00903-2
Journal - Research Article
Cox, A. E., Ullrich-French, S., Hargreaves, E. A., & McMahon, A. K. (2020). The effects of mindfulness and music on affective responses to self-paced treadmill walking. Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology, 9(4), 571-584. doi: 10.1037/spy0000192
Jenkins, M., Hargreaves, E. A., & Hodge, K. (2020). Examining the relationships among cognitive acceptance, behavioral commitment, autonomous extrinsic motivation, and physical activity. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42(3), 177-184. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2018-0276
Hargreaves, E. A., Hayr, K. T., Jenkins, M., Perry, T., & Peddie, M. (2020). Interrupting sedentary time in the workplace using regular short activity breaks: Practicality from an employee perspective. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 62(4), 317-324. doi: 10.1097/jom.0000000000001832
Calder, A. J., Hargreaves, E. A., & Hodge, K. (2020). Great expectations: A qualitative analysis of the factors that influence affective forecasts for exercise. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 17(2), 551. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17020551
Journal - Research Other
Maddison, R., Hargreaves, E. A., Jiang, Y., Calder, A. J., Wyke, S., Gray, C. M., … Jenkins, M., & Marsh, S. (2020). Rugby Fans in Training New Zealand (RUFIT-NZ): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs in New Zealand. Trials, 21, 139. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-4038-4
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hargreaves, E. A., Marsh, S., Jiang, Y., Calder, A. J., Wyke, S., Gray, C. M., … Maddison, R. (2020). Rugby Fans in Training New Zealand (RuFIT-NZ): A randomized controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs in New Zealand. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 4(3), (pp. 31). doi: 10.36905/jses.2020.03.01
Prout, J., Cotter, J., Gibbons, T., Kissling, L., Akerman, A., Hargreaves, E., Campbell, H., Lamberts, R., … Sims, S. (2020). Comparing the effectiveness of 9-day passive vs. active heat acclimation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 4(3), (pp. 28). doi: 10.36905/jses.2020.03.01
Hargreaves, E., Shaw, S., & Peddie, M. (2020). Managerial perspectives on staff taking opportunities for short bouts of regular physical activity during the work day to break up sitting time. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity (ISBNPA) XChange. (pp. 933). International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Retrieved from https://venuewest.eventsair.com/isbnpa-xchange-initiative
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Hargreaves, E. (2020, December). Rugby fans in Training New Zealand (RuFIT-NZ): A randomised controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Men's Health Colloquium: Advancing Advocacy to Enhance Men's Health in NZ, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Jenkins, M., Hargreaves, E. A., & Hodge, K. (2019). The role of psychological flexibility in physical activity maintenance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 41, 185-193. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2018-0311
Maddison, R., Hargreaves, E. A., Wyke, S., Gray, C. M., Hunt, K., Heke, J. I., … Marsh, S. (2019). Rugby Fans in Training New Zealand (RUFIT-NZ): A pilot randomized controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs in New Zealand. BMC Public Health, 19, 166. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6472-3
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Prout, J. R. P., Gibbons, T. D., Kissling, L. S., Akerman, A. P., Lamberts, R. R., Corbett, J., … Hargreaves, E. A., Campbell, H. A., & Cotter, J. D. (2019). The effectiveness of self- versus externally-controlled heat strain, and the heterogeneity of self-regulated heat strain, in active heat acclimation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 3(1), (pp. 17-18). doi: 10.36905/jses.2019.01.01
Cox, A., Ullrich-French, S., Hargreaves, E., & McMahon, A. (2019). The effects of music versus mindfulness on affective responses to self-paced treadmill walking. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 41(Suppl. 1), (pp. S60). doi: 10.1123/jsep.2019-0082
Jenkins, M., Hargreaves, E., Rehrer, N., & Falcous, M. (2019). The experiences of electric bike users within the Dunedin community. In S. Mandic & K. Coppell (Eds.), Proceedings of The Active Living and Environment Symposium (TALES): Linking Transport, Health and Sustainability. (pp. 58). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Elsangedy, H. M., Machado, D. G. D. S., Krinski, K., Duarte do Nascimento, P. H., De Amorim Oliveira, G. T., Santos, T. M., Hargreaves, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2018). Let the pleasure guide your resistance training intensity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(7), 1472-1479. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001573
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hargreaves, E., Maddison, R., & Marsh, S. (2017). Rugby Fans in Training: A healthy lifestyle programme for overweight men. Proceedings of the 7th Activity and Nutrition Aotearoa Conference. (pp. 63). Retrieved from https://ana.org.nz
Calder, A., & Hargreaves, E. (2017). Jogging ones memory: The role of affective memories and affective forecasts on future exercise behaviour. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. (pp. 532). ISBNPA. Retrieved from https://www.isbnpa.org
Jenkins, M., Hodge, K., & Hargreaves, E. (2017). Using single-case designs to assess physical activity interventions: Observations and lessons learned from a multiple-baseline design study. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. (pp. 485). ISBNPA. Retrieved from https://www.isbnpa.org
Hargreaves, E. A., Maddison, R., & Marsh, S. (2017). Why do men engage with professional-sport based lifestyle interventions? The case of Rugby Fans in Training-NZ. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. (pp. 388). ISBNPA. Retrieved from https://www.isbnpa.org
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Hargreaves, E. (2017, November). Rugby fans in training New Zealand: A healthy lifestyle intervention for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs. Verbal presentation at the Men's Health Conference: Meeting the Challenges, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Hargreaves, E. A., Mutrie, N., & Fleming, J. D. (2016). A web-based intervention to encourage walking (StepWise): Pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(1), e14. doi: 10.2196/resprot.4288
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jenkins, M., Hargreaves, E. A., & Hodge, K. (2016). Exploring the role of acceptance and commitment in physical activity motivation and behaviour. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 15th Annual Scientific Meeting. (pp. 663). ISBNPA. Retrieved from https://www.isbnpa.org
Jenkins, M., Hargreaves, E., & Hodge, K. (2016). Acceptance, commitment and motivation: Exploring the role of mindfulness in physical activity behaviour. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health (ISPAH). (pp. 539). Retrieved from http://www.ispah2016.org/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Calder, A. J., Hargreaves, E. A., & Cotter, J. D. (2016, October). The role of affective responses to exercise in making an affective forecast. Verbal presentation at the Sport & Exercise Science New Zealand (SESNZ) Annual Conference, Cambridge, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Jenkins, M., & Hargreaves, E. (2015, August-September). Motivation and mindfulness: Psychological flexibility and autonomous motivation for physical activity. Poster session presented at the Medical Sciences Congress (MedSci), Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., Hargreaves, E. A., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2014). Comparing sport motivation scales: A response to Pelletier et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 15(5), 446-452. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.03.006
Dawson, A. M., Brown, D. A., Cox, A., Williams, S. M., Treacy, L., Haszard, J., Meredith-Jones, K., Hargreaves, E., Taylor, B. J., Ross, J., & Taylor, R. W. (2014). Using motivational interviewing for weight feedback to parents of young children. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 50(6), 461-470. doi: 10.1111/jpc.12518
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rehrer, N. J., Novis, B. J., & Hargreaves, E. A. (2014). Cardiovascular benefits of commuter cycling. Proceedings of the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference: Communities on the Move. Retrieved from http://www.2walkandcycle.org.nz/
Chapter in Book - Research
Hargreaves, E. A., & Waumsley, J. A. (2013). Psychology of physical activity-related injuries. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation. (pp. 185-198). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Hargreaves, E. A., & Stych, K. (2013). Exploring the peak and end rule of past affective episodes within the exercise context. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 14(2), 169-178. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2012.10.003
Hodge, K., Hargreaves, E. A., Gerrard, D., & Lonsdale, C. (2013). Psychological mechanisms underlying doping attitudes in sport: Motivation and moral disengagement. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 35(4), 419-432.
Journal - Research Other
Ekkekakis, P., Hargreaves, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2013). Envisioning the next fifty years of research on the exercise-affect relationship [Invited]. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 14(5), 751-758. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.04.007
Ekkekakis, P., Hargreaves, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2013). Introduction to the special section on affective responses to exercise. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 14(5), 749-750. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.04.010
Journal - Research Article
Parfitt, G., Blisset, A., Rose, E. A., & Eston, R. (2012). Physiological and perceptual responses to affect-regulated exercise in healthy young women. Psychophysiology, 49(1), 104-110. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01287.x
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2012). Exercise experience influences affective and motivational outcomes of prescribed and self-selected intensity exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 22(2), 265-277. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2010.01161.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Taylor, R., Hargreaves, E., Meredith-Jones, K., Brown, D., Cox, A., Treacy, L., Dawson, A., Haszard, J., & Williams, S. (2012). Motivation for healthy lifestyles and weight status in a large sample of 4–8-year-old children: The MInT study. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 6(Suppl. 1), (pp. 24-25). doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2012.08.050
Novis, B. J., Hargreaves, E. A., & Rehrer, N. J. (2012). Effects of 10 wk commuter cycling on cardiovascular fitness, lipids, insulin sensitivity and body composition. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(5, Suppl. 2), (pp. 917). doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000417529.22755.ed
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hart, I., Mainvil, L., & Hargreaves, E. (2011). Transtheoretical model mediators of fruit and vegetable intakes in the 5+YourWay study. Australasian Medical Journal, 4(12), (pp. 733). [Abstract]
Mainvil, L., Hart, I., & Hargreaves, E. (2011). Transtheoretical model mediators of fruit and vegetable intakes in The 5+YourWay® Study. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 10th Annual Meeting. Retrieved from http://isbnpa.eproceedings.com.au/#
Hargreaves, E. A., & Sheppard, K. E. (2011). Exploring the peak and end rule of past affective episodes within the exercise context. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 33(Suppl.), (pp. S155-S156). [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, R. W., Brown, D., Dawson, A. M., Haszard, J., Cox, A., Rose, E. A., Taylor, B. J., Meredith-Jones, K., Treacy, L., Ross, J., & Williams, S. M. (2010). Motivational interviewing for screening and feedback and encouraging lifestyle changes to reduce relative weight in 4-8 year old children: Design of the MInT study. BMC Public Health, 10, 271. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-271
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2010). Pleasant for some and unpleasant for others: A protocol analysis of the cognitive factors that influence affective responses to exercise. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 7. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-7-15
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hodge, K., Lonsdale, C., & Rose, E. (2010). 'Firing up' or 'burning out'? Athlete engagement vs athlete burnout in elite sport. Proceedings of the New Zealand Sports Medicine+Science Conference. (pp. 61). Dunedin, New Zealand: Sports Medicine New Zealand. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mutrie, N., & Rose, E. (2010, February). Conducting physical activity consultations [Workshop]. Verbal presentation at the Big Fat Truth Symposium: What are we 'weighting' for? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., & Rose, E. (2009). Athlete burnout in elite sport: A self-determination perspective. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(8), 785-795. doi: 10.1080/02640410902929366
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Fowler, C., & Rose, E. (2009). An exploration of the motivational strategies used by personal trainers: Are they autonomy supportive? Proceedings of the New Zealand Sports Medicine+Science Conference. (pp. 44). Dunedin, New Zealand: Sports Medicine New Zealand. [Abstract]
Dewes, L., & Rose, E. (2009). Differences in affective responses to prescribed and self-selected exercise intensities in overweight women: The role of autonomy. Proceedings of the New Zealand Sports Medicine+Science Conference. (pp. 35). Dunedin, New Zealand: Sports Medicine New Zealand. [Abstract]
Rose, E., & Parfitt, G. (2009). Exercise experience influences affective and efficacy outcomes of prescribed and self-selected intensity exercise but does not influence the exercise intensity chosen. Proceedings of the New Zealand Sports Medicine+Science Conference. (pp. 68). Dunedin, New Zealand: Sports Medicine New Zealand. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2008). Can the feeling scale be used to regulate exercise intensity? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(10), 1852-1860.
Anglem, N., Lucas, S. J. E., Rose, E. A., & Cotter, J. D. (2008). Mood, illness and injury responses and recovery with adventure racing. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 19(19), 30-38.
Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., & Rose, E. A. (2008). The Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ): Instrument development and initial validity evidence. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 30(3), 323-355.
Journal - Research Article
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2007). A quantitative analysis and qualitative explanation of the individual differences in affective responses to prescribed and self-selected exercise intensities. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 29, 281-309.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Parfitt, G., Backhouse, S., Ekkekakis, P., Rose, E., & Sheppard, K. (2007). The exercise intensity-affect relationship: Theory into practice. Journal of Sports Sciences. 25(S2), (pp. S36-S39). [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., & Rose, E. A. (2006). Pixels vs. paper: Comparing online and traditional survey methods in sport psychology. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 28, 100-108.
Parfitt, G., Rose, E. A., & Burgess, W. M. (2006). The psychological and physiological responses of sedentary individuals to prescribed and preferred intensity exercise. British Journal of Health Psychology, 11, 39-53.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2006). The utility of the feeling scale to regulate exercise intensity. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 28(Suppl.), (pp. S156-S157). [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Rose, E. A., Parfitt, G., & Williams, S. (2005). Exercise causality orientations, behavioural regulation for exercise and stage of change for exercise: Exploring their relationships. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 6, 399-414.
Forsyth, G., Handcock, P., Rose, E., & Jenkins, C. (2005). Fitness instructors: How does their knowledge on weight loss measure up? Health Education Journal, 64(2), 154-167.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Lucas, S. J. E., Cotter, J. D., Palmer, C. D., Rose, E. A., & Anson, J. G. (2005). Self-selected pace during very prolonged competitive exercise. Proceedings of the New Zealand Sports Medicine+Science Conference. (pp. 54). Dunedin, New Zealand: Sports Medicine NZ Inc. [Abstract]
Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., & Rose, E. (2005). Burnout in elite sport: A self-determination perspective. Proceedings of the Association of the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology 20th Anniversary Conference. (pp. 42-43). [Abstract]
Parfitt, G., & Rose, E. (2005). A test of the tenets of the dual-mode model with sedentary women. Proceedings of the International Society of Sport Psychology 11th World Congress of Sport Psychology. [CD-ROM] Sydney, Australia: ISSP. [Abstract]
Rose, E., & Parfitt, G. (2005). A qualitative analysis of the affective experience of exercise. Proceedings of the International Society for Sport Psychology 11th World Congress of Sport Psychology. [CD-ROM] Sydney, Australia: ISSP. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Parfitt, G., Rose, E. A., & Burgess, W. M. (2003). The effect of prescribed and preferred intensity exercise on the psychological and physiological responses of sedentary individuals. In R. Stelter (Ed.), Proceedings of the XIth European Congress of Sport Psychology. (pp. 145). Denmark: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultets Reprocenter. [Abstract]
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2003). Motivatoinal profiles in causality orientations and their relationship with exercise behaviour change and behavioural regulations for exercise. In R. Stelter (Ed.), Proceedings of the XIth European Congress of Sport Psychology. (pp. 129). Denmark: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultets Reprocenter. [Abstract]
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Rose, E. A. (2002). Motivational and affective responses to exercise: Issues for adherence and the role of causality orientations. Health, Physical Education & Recreation, 15, 33-34.
Journal - Research Article
Rose, E. A., Markland, D., & Parfitt, G. (2001). The development and initial validation of the exercise causality orientation scale. Journal of Sports Sciences, 19(6), 445-462.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Parfitt, G., Rose, E. A., & Noble, K. (2001). A test of the thermogenic and mastery hypotheses as explanations for acute responses to exercise. In A. Papaioannou, M. Goudas & Y. Theodorakis (Eds.), 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology. 2, (pp. 131). Thessaloniki, Greece: Christodoulidi Publications. [Abstract]
Rose, E. A., & Parfitt, G. (2001). The influence of casuality orientation on adherance to exercise and motivational responses to exercise during a six month exercise intervention. In A. Papaioannou, M. Goudas & Y. Theodorakis (Eds.), 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology. 4, (pp. 355). Thessaloniki, Greece: Christodoulidi Publications. [Abstract]
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Rose, E. A. (2001). Motivational and affective responses to exercise: Issues for adherence and the role of causality orientations University of Wales, Bangore, UK. 245p.
Journal - Research Article
Parfitt, G., Rose, E. A., & Markland, D. (2000). The effect of prescribed and preferred intensity exercise on psychological affect and the influence of baseline measures of affect. Journal of Health Psychology, 5(2), 231-240.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rose, E. A., Markland, D., & Parfitt, G. (2000). An evaluation of the concurrent validity of the exercise causality orientation scale. Journal of Sports Sciences. 19, (pp. 80-81). [Abstract]
Rose, E. A., Markland, D., & Parfitt, G. (2000). Development of the exercise causality orientation scale. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. (pp. 621). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rose, E., Parfitt, G., & Markland, D. (1999). The effect of a prescribed intensity exercise session and a preferred intensity exercise session on psychological affect. Journal of Sports Sciences. 17, (pp. 64). [Abstract]