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Peter Lamb ImageSenior Lecturer
Tel +64 3 479 9115
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Peter Lamb is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences. Peter obtained his HBK (2003, Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology) and MSc (2005, Motor Learning and Biomechanics) at Lakehead University in Canada before completing a PhD at Otago applying neural network analyses to human movement coordination in 2010. Peter then completed a 3-year post-doctoral fellowship at the Technical University of Munich researching golf swing biomechanics and performance modelling.

At the University of Otago he now teaches and researches in biomechanics and performance analysis and is co-ordinator of the BSc Honours in Sport, Exercise and Health.


  • SPEX 102 Principles of Exercise for Health and Performance
  • SPEX 201 Biomechanics
  • SPEX 301 Performance Analysis
  • SPEX 316 Practicum (Performance Analysis Placement)
  • SPEX 401 Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health
  • SPEX 450 Advanced Topics in Exercise and Sports Science (Data processing and analysis techniques)


Peter's research interests are generally focussed on coordination between biomechanical components as well as between teams and individuals, spanning the fields of biomechanics and performance analysis. Peter has a particular interest in novel analysis, signal processing and data visualisation techniques to gain understanding of coordination and movement variability in various sports and health related contexts.

Postgraduate Students

Current Students

  • Cliff Waller (PhD; co-supervisor)
  • Janelle Romanchuk (PhD; co-supervisor)
  • George Wardell (PhD at University of Waikato; co-supervisor)
  • Bianca Koper (MSc)
  • Katrina Sharlott (MSc)
  • Efe Çelik (MSc; co-supervisor)
  • Alex Douglas (BSc(Hons))
  • Jack Wylie (BSc(Hons))


  • Corey Perrett, PhD (2021)
  • Kelsi Wallace, MSc (2021)
  • Jake Gawn, BSc(Hons) (2021)
  • Neil Anderson, PhD (2019; co-supervisor)
  • Cameron Ross, PhD (2019; co-supervisor)
  • Codi Ramsey, PhD (2018; co-supervisor)

Potential postgraduate students should have an interest in sports biomechanics and performance analysis from a complex systems perspective. Please consult the University of Otago scholarships webpage to check eligibility for international and domestic student scholarships.
Visit the University of Otago scholarships webpage


Perrett, C., Bussey, M., & Lamb, P. (2022). External workload intensity in cricket fast bowlers across maximal and submaximal intensities: Modifying PlayerLoad and IMU location. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40(5), 527-533. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2021.2003570 Journal - Research Article

Wallace, K., Kalogeropoulou, S., & Lamb, P. (2024). The time-continuous association between turnout and axial joint moments in the competitive Irish dance ‘fly’ landing. Sports Biomechanics, 23(11), 2289-2298. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.2016927 Journal - Research Article

Sole, G., Lamb, P., Pataky, T., Klima, S., Navarre, P., & Hammer, N. (2021). Immediate and 6-week effects of wearing a knee sleeve following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A cross-over laboratory and randomised clinical trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 655. doi: 10.1186/s12891-021-04540-x Journal - Research Article

Perrett, C., Lamb, P., & Bussey, M. (2020). Does external workload accurately predict lower-back injuries in cricket fast bowlers? A systematic review. Physical Therapy in Sport, 41, 71-79. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.11.007 Journal - Research Article

Hébert-Losier, K., Lamb, P., & Beaven, C. M. (2022). Biomechanical determinants of placekicking success in professional Rugby Union players. Sports Biomechanics, 21(7), 861-876. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1728368 Journal - Research Article

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