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LecturerTina van Duijn image
BSc (Sport/Biology) MSc (Sport/Biology), PhD (Waikato)
ORCID Tina van Duijn
ResearchGate Tina van Duijn


Tina van Duijn completed a Master of Science in Sport and Biology at the University of Bern (Switzerland) and went on to complete Swiss Higher Education certificate for teaching, ready to become a PE teacher. A fascination for research made her pause, and she ended up investigating, rather than teaching, the mechanisms of skill learning.

Tina moved to New Zealand in 2015, gained her PhD in skill acquisition at the University of Waikato (New Zealand) in 2018 and stayed on this side of the globe since then. She joined the school as a lecturer in 2024.

Besides her teaching and research, she is a scientific advisor to the Swiss Lifesaving Society and an assistant editor for the International Journal of First Aid Education, for which she also translates abstracts into German and Dutch.

Tina’s favourite things about Dunedin are its surf, running trails and its proximity to the alps.



Dr Tina van Duijn's research focuses on improving motor skill learning and performance through the study of neurophysiological and cognitive processes. Her PhD work explored how implicit learning affects brain activity and cognitive processing efficiency.

More recently, she has been applying skill acquisition concepts in practical fields, such as older people’s activities of daily living, water safety competencies, first aid and lifesaving skills.

Tina has worked with Water Safety New Zealand and the Swiss Lifesaving Society on drowning prevention research. A current project on CPR skills aims to improve accessibility in low-income and remote communities by providing evidence-based resources for practitioners.

Postgraduate students

Brendon welcomes enquiries from students interested in postgraduate research (i.e., Honours, PGDip, Masters and PhD).

Current students

  • Kane Cocker (PhD; Otago, co-supervisor)


  • Dominic Faulkner (BSc (Hons); University of Newcastle, co-supervisor), 2024
  • Kiljan Luc de Block (MSc; VU Brussels, co-supervisor), 2022
  • Kane Cocker (BSc (Hons); University of Otago, co-supervisor), 2021
  • Bieke Bardyn (MSc; VU Brussels, co-supervisor), 2021
  • Merel Hoskens (MSc, VU Amsterdam / University of Waikato), 2017


van Duijn, T., Uiga, L., & Masters, R. S. W. (2024). Can analogy instructions help older people (re)learn activities of daily living? Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.36150/2499-6564-N605 Journal - Research Other

Peixoto-Pino, L., Martínez Isasi, S., Otero Agra, M., Van Duijn, T., Rico-Díaz, J., Rodriguez Núñez, A., & Barcala Furelos, R. (2024). Assessing the quality of chest compressions with a DIY low-cost manikin (LoCoMan) versus a standard manikin: A quasi-experimental study in primary education. European Journal of Pediatrics, 183, 3337-3346. doi: 10.1007/s00431-024-05601-8 Journal - Research Article

van Duijn, T., Button, C., Cotter, J. D., & Masters, R. S. W. (2023). Energetic and cognitive demands of treading water: Effects of technique and expertise. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 22(4), 726-738. doi: 10.52082/jssm.2023.726 Journal - Research Article

Button, C., van Duijn, T., Cocker, K., Trotter-Dunn, G., & Seifert, L. (2023). Does a combined swimming pool and open water education programme for children develop adaptable water safety competencies? Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 7(2), 18-28. doi: 10.36905/jses.2023.02.03 Journal - Research Article

Cocker, K., van Duijn, T., Cotter, J., & Button, C. (2022). Characterising the demands of human-powered Surf Lifeguard rescue in New Zealand. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 6(4), (pp. 45). doi: 10.36905/jses.2022.04.01 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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