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msam BPE (Alta), MA (New Bruns), PhD (Otago)
Tel +64 3 479 8398


Dr Michael Sam is an Associate Professor and co-director of the NZ Centre for Sport Policy and Politics. His background is in recreation, having gained much of his teaching/research interests from working at both the municipal and provincial levels of government in Manitoba, Canada. Mike serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. He is also the President for the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA), a charitable incorporated organisation comprising 300 members across 50 countries (



Associate Professor Sam's research interests broadly encompass areas of policy, politics and governance as they relate to the public administration/management of sport. His ongoing research projects relate to:

  • dilemmas and 'wicked problems' associated with governing sport,
  • comparative features of sport development systems and their recurrent challenges
  • the politics of policy regimes around stadium financing, sports gambling, and sport integrity

He has published widely in both sport studies and parent discipline journals and has co-edited three books: Sport in the City: Cultural Connections (2011), Sport Policy in Small States (2016) and Case Studies in Sport Diplomacy (2017).

Dr Sam's work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Swedish Research Council, the University of Otago and the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand.


Park, H., Sam, M. P., & Jackson, S. J. (2024). The policy instrument mix in South Korea: Precursor to maltreatment in sport. International Journal of Sport Policy & Politics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2024.2342393 Journal - Research Article

Moreno, D., Sam, M. P., & Jackson, S. J. (2024). Sport policy reforms in Chile: The tension between ‘doers’ and ‘thinkers’. International Journal of Sport Policy & Politics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2024.2304856 Journal - Research Article

Skille, E. Å., & Sam, M. (2024). Reindeer sports among the Sámi people in Norway: The symbolism of Indigenous sport disciplines. In M. Vaczi & A. Bairner (Eds.), Indigenous, traditional, and folk sports: Contesting modernities. (pp. 213-226). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003317685-18 Chapter in Book - Research

Jackson, S., Sam, M., Porter, D., & Dawson, M. (2023). The well-being pandemic: Outline of a contested terrain and research agenda. Proceedings of the International Sociological Association (ISA) XX World Congress of Sociology. (pp. 343). Madrid, Spain: International Sociological Association. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Tak, M., Jackson, S. J., & Sam, M. P. (2023). Traces of (dis)organised crime in sports gambling: A case study of the 2011 K-League match-fixing scandal. Trends in Organized Crime. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12117-023-09518-w Journal - Research Article

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