Category | Health and Safety |
Type | Policy |
Approved by | Chief Operating Officer, November 2018 |
Date Policy Took Effect | 1 February 2018 |
Last approved revision | 23 November 2018 |
Sponsor | Chief Operating Officer |
Responsible officer | Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing |
To provide the procedure to resolve any conflict or disagreement relating to any decision by the University whether an ACC claim is personal injury by accident (PIBA) or is work related or not, or where there is a dispute regarding entitlements or any rehabilitation initiatives implemented under the ACC Accredited Employer programme.
Organisational scope
All workplaces of the University of Otago.
- ACC Accredited Employer
- Individual Rehabilitation Plan
- Return to Work
- Work related injury
- An injury sustained in the workplace as defined by the ACC legislation
1. Rehabilitation Principles
- The University of Otago is an accredited provider under the ACC AE which allows the Case Management Team within Health, Safety and Wellbeing to manage and administer work related injuries for all staff members.
- The University will meet the ACC AE requirements for work related injuries and apply these best practice principles to non-work injury and illness as far as is practical.
- The University will provide knowledgeable and qualified resources to provide an evidence based, best practice rehabilitation programme. Where this expertise is not available, external contractors may be engaged.
- The principle of the ACC AE and non-work rehabilitation processes is to provide support and assistance for prompt return to work which will aid recovery for individuals.
- The aim of rehabilitation is to enable staff to resume their pre-injury/illness activities. Wherever possible, the hierarchy of preferred return to work outcomes are:
- Same job, same work area
- Same job, different work area
- Different job, same work area
- Different job, different work area.
- University staff are expected to report all work injuries and illnesses as soon as possible, record sick leave in the Web Kiosk, and to advise managers of any periods of expected extended leave required due to illness.
2. Responsibilities
- Officers of the University are responsible for:
- Ensuring sufficient resources are available to achieve the requirements of the ACC AE, including training and information for all employees.
- Meeting the financial obligations of the ACC AE
- Monitoring the compliance with the ACC AE.
- Line Managers are responsible for:
- Knowing about the ACC AE program offered by the University.
- Ensuring the prompt reporting of any work-related injury or illness by staff members through Vault.
- For non-work injuries or illnesses, early reporting and web kiosk reporting is encouraged to provide assistance with rehabilitation and return to work.
- Maintaining confidentiality and privacy requirements in respect of the individual's injury or illness, consistent with the principles of the Privacy Act 1993.
- Liaising with the Health and Safety Case Management Team and DHRM (or equivalent) to facilitate and support an effective individual rehabilitation programme. This may include attending Case Management Meetings, participating in rehabilitation plans and providing workplace support such as alternative or reduced duties, as far as reasonably practical.
- Remaining in contact and providing support for staff members who are off work for any extended period of time.
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing is responsible for:
- The delivery of the ACC AE program within the University.
- The provision of training and information for all staff in the ACC AE program.
- The training and monitoring of the CMT members within the University including regular review of outcomes and metrics.
- Meeting the legal requirement for maintaining confidentiality and privacy of staff health information.
- Meeting the requirements of the ACC AE to maintain eligibility as an accredited employer.
- Staff members are responsible for:
- Informing their line manager, as soon as possible, of any absence due illness or injury, and recording sick leave through Web Kiosk.
- Providing reasonable notice to their line manager of the requirement to take pre-arranged sick leave (e.g.: for surgical procedures)
- Reporting injuries and incidents through the University of Otago reporting system.
- Providing copies of ACC forms and medical certificates as soon as possible to either their manager or the ACC Case Management Team. Failure to do so may result in delays in compensation payments, or decline of ACC claims for work related injuries or illnesses.
- Participating in the development of an individual rehabilitation plan with the Case Management team, including the return to work programme such as reduced hours or alternative duties.
- Individuals requiring rehabilitation may involve a support person of their choice at any stage of the rehabilitation process (e.g.: Union).
Related policies, procedures and forms
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
ACC PP Procedures Manual
Contact for further information
If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:
Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing