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The Staff Club presents two pleasantly-appointed meeting rooms, ideal for hosting small private meetings, interviews, reviews, or small breakfasts, lunches, or dinners. Enquire Now

The Gallery Restaurant

The Gallery Restaurant is the second door on the left as you enter the downstairs foyer area, it has adjoining doors to the Billiard Room.

The room has the capacity to cater for up to 42 people. Set up restaurant-style unless required otherwise.

The Billiard Room

The Billiard Room is on the left as you enter the downstairs foyer area, it has adjoining doors to the Gallery Restaurant.

The room has the capacity to cater for up to 42 people. Set up boardroom-style unless required otherwise.

Billiard Room table layout 3 thumbnail

Presentation layout

Billiard Room table layout 4 thumbnail

Discussion layout

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Meeting layout

The Leith Room

The Leith Room is on the right as you enter the downstairs foyer of the Staff Club. This meeting room has views over the Gallery Restaurant courtyard and the Leith river.

Set up Boardroom-style for 14 people (other configurations possible):

Leith Room letterbox
Leith Room 2 letterbox
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