All staff at Student Health are advocates for your health. You are welcome to come in to discuss any issues around your use of drugs and alcohol and their effect on your health and well-being. We will provide confidential, professional and unbiased assessment and brief intervention. We will also provide support in the co-ordination of further care if needed.
You can book an appointment with our mental health and well-being team to have a safe, non-judgemental, free consultation by contacting Student Health on 0800 479 821 (inside New Zealand).
As of 2014, Otago University is a smoke-free campus. Student Health is committed to supporting students to quit for life, exploring triggers for smoking and gaining skills to make the behaviour change.
For quit support please make an appointment with a Student Health Nurse 0800 479 821 (inside New Zealand) and/or visit Quitline NZ.