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Graduate outside clocktower


If you are eligible to graduate, you will receive an invitation to apply to your student email address. Your student email account will stay active until after you have graduated. It is essential you monitor this account so that you do not miss important communication from the University.

If you need to set up email forwarding from your student email address to your preferred email address, please follow the link below.

If your student email address is forwarded to a Hotmail or other Microsoft email account, please ensure that you have added the University of Otago to your Safe senders or white list. This is vital to ensure that you receive emails about your graduation.

If you require assistance with your Safe Senders list, please visit:
ITS help

It is vital that you monitor the Opening and Closing Dates for Applications section of our webpages.  If your emailed invitation has not been received by the time that applications open, contact the Graduation Office immediately.

Each round of graduation ceremonies has a specific time-frame during which applications can be made.  The onus is on you to submit an application during this time-frame. Late applications cannot be accepted.

You must submit an application even if you do not wish to attend a graduation ceremony.

How to forward your StudentMail to another email address

Graduation Ceremony Dates, and Application Opening and Closing Dates

When and how to apply

Applications are made online via your eVision student portal.  Each round of graduation ceremonies has a specific time-frame during which applications can be made. Late applications cannot be accepted.

Applications for the May, August, and December ceremonies normally open in late February, mid-June, and late September respectively.

See the confirmed application opening and closing dates

Finding the graduation application link

Applications to graduate in person or in absentia must be made through your eVision student portal.

Even if you are not currently enrolled at the University, you will still have access to your eVision student portal.  Log-in using the same username and password that you used when you were a student.

Once applications have opened, log-in, then underneath your "My graduation" heading click on "See more".

Next, underneath your "Apply to graduate" heading, click on the "Your graduation application" link.

If you are unable to see the graduation application link - once applications have opened - please contact AskOtago immediately.

If you have any problems logging in to your eVision student portal, visit the AskOtago Service Portal

Confirmation of application acceptance

As soon as you have successfully submitted your application, a submission confirmation email will be sent to your nominated email address.  Please check the information contained within this email carefully to ensure that it is correct.

If you have not received a confirmation email by the end of the following business day, please contact the Graduation Office immediately.

Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will also be able to view a summary of your graduation details within your eVision student portal.

Your application to graduate in person or in absentia is confirmed as accepted if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have successfully submitted your application for graduation in eVision while applications are open
  • You have received a confirmation email containing your graduation arrangements by the end of the business day following your application
  • Any remaining requirements of your qualification are met and your qualification is marked as 'complete' on your academic record at least four weeks prior to the date of your ceremony
  • You are not a debtor to the University and any outstanding fines or fees are cleared at least five weeks prior to the date of your ceremony

Once all of the above criteria are met, your attendance at graduation is confirmed.

Please note, you will not receive an email confirming these conditions are met. If you have any concerns regarding  your debtor or completion status, please contact AskOtago.

Information about your Name

The reading of your name

At the graduation ceremony, you will be announced by your full legal name as appears on official University documents. It is important that your name is pronounced correctly.

If you have a name that may be mispronounced, please provide your name pronunciation in the box provided when you are completing your graduation application within your eVision student portal.

Changing your name

A change to your name can only be made by submitting an original (or witnessed copy) of evidence of the change.

Such documentation must be received by the Graduation Office at least five weeks prior to the date of your graduation ceremony.

contact the Graduation Office for further information

If you owe money to the University

Any outstanding fees or fines must be cleared at least five weeks prior to the date of your graduation ceremony.

The University's policy is to decline your application to graduate if you do not meet the above-mentioned deadline.

If you have a disability

If you or your guest(s) experience disability or have an injury that could cause mobility difficulty on the day, you can note the relevant details as part of your graduation application.

Alternatively you can contact the Graduation Office directly.

It is important to contact us as soon as possible to ensure that special access, seating, or other arrangements can be made.

Ordering Guest Tickets and Hiring Regalia

As part of your graduation application you will also be able to request tickets for your guests, as well as order and pay for your regalia hire.

Receiving your Certificate without attending a Ceremony

If you wish to receive your certificate without attending a graduation ceremony, you must apply to graduate in absentia via your eVision student portal as outlined above.

As part of your application you will be able to nominate the address that you want your certificate to be sent to.  As your certificate will be sent via signature required courier, this must be a street address.  An email will be sent to you after the ceremony has been held, once your certificate has been sent.

If your postal address changes between submitting your application and your relevant ceremony, you should contact the Graduation Office as soon as possible.

Postgraduate Certificate programmes

If you are undertaking a postgraduate certificate programme, you are not eligible to attend a graduation ceremony.  Once you have completed all the requirements for your programme, your qualification will automatically be awarded in absentia during the next round of graduation ceremonies.

An email will be sent to your student email address containing information about receiving your qualification certificate. Your student email account will remain active until after your qualification is awarded in Absentia. You will also be asked to confirm your contact and current address details.

Those who have completed their programme by the end of semester one will be sent this email in late September; while those who complete by the end of semester two will receive this email in early March of the following year.  Qualifications will then be awarded in December (of the same year) or May of the following year, respectively.

Please ensure that you are either checking your student email address regularly, or set up forwarding to your preferred email address.

How to forward your StudentMail to another email address

Information for Doctoral and Masters Candidates

Your final result must be confirmed prior to applying to graduate. Check with your department if your final result has not been received when applications to apply to graduate open.

Further information for Doctoral and Masters Candidates

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