Student ID cards
Distance students can obtain a University of Otago ID Card from the Dunedin Campus or can have one mailed to them by completing the ID Card Application Form.
Your card can only be issued after course approval has been completed (you have signed your course approval form and returned it to your programme coordinator or as directed). Once you have completed and returned your ID Card Application Form AND you have been course approved, your ID card will be sent to you. Your PIN (Personal Identification Number) and password will be sent only if they have not been previously issued. (Note: they will not all be sent in the same envelope.)
Student ID card information and application form
Student handbook
The Distance Learning Office liaises with other areas of the University to produce the Distance Learning Information and Support for Students handbook each year. This handbook provides information to support you throughout your study at Otago.
Contact the Distance Learning Office to ask for the web link that will take you to this useful document.
Once you receive the link, be sure to bookmark it so that you have it handy when you need it.
Library and textbooks
Borrowing from the University Library
You would normally purchase prescribed texts, as you will be referring to them often. If requested by course coordinators or tutors, a copy of books on your recommended reading list will be available from the University's Distance Library Services Collection. Subject to copyright requirements, a single chapter of available books could be scanned and emailed to you at no charge.
In addition, lecturers often request that required readings are available via the University Library's e-Reserve facility. Check with your course coordinator and/or contact:
Library services for distance students
Guide to the Library
In conjunction with the Distance Learning Office, the University Library provides a very useful Guide to the Library for distance students, which is updated annually. As well as some useful information about making use of resources, the Guide contains the information you will need to help you find your way around the Library.
Contact the Distance Learning Office to ask for the web link that will take you to this useful document.
Buying textbooks
Books prescribed for your course will usually be available from the University Book Shop (Otago) Ltd (UBS).
Tel +64 3 479 3967
Fax +64 3 477 6571
Student newsletter
Distance students have their own newsletter! The newsletter, called Your Distance Campus, is produced monthly from February to December, and will arrive early each month as a link in an email.
The newsletter contains reminders and notices about events and happenings, as well as important information for your distance study.
The Distance Learning Office is eager to include in the newsletter stories about your study that you think would benefit other students. Just contact the Distance Learning Office to let us know your ideas:
Support Services
Find out what support services are available for distance students at Otago.
Support services for distance students
IT Support
Need help with IT? AskOtago is your first stop:
- Self-service via the AskOtago Service Portal
- Make a request by logging in to the AskOtago Service Portal
- Tel +64 3 479 7000 or 0800 80 80 98
- Contact AskOtago
You can also find helpful tips on the following pages.
Find answers to the most common enquiries about examinations from Distance Learning students.
Examinations information for distance students
Managing your study
- Before your course begins – are you ready?
- Attributes of highly successful distance students
- Support from family
- Am I on track? - Managing my study
Distance Learning Prospectus
Download the Distance Learning Prospectus (PDF)