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Clocktower at night

As per clause 10 of the Admission to University Statute 2011, the following programmes and papers have limitations on enrolment numbers for 2023 due to resource limitations.  Such limitations have been approved by the University Council.


Paper, course or programmeMaximum admitted
BMBA 502 Marketing28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 503 Organisational Leadership28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 504 Statistics and Decision Tools28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 505 Economics28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 506 Human Resource Management28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 507 Accounting28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 508 Investment and Global Financial Markets28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 509 Strategic Planning for International Markets28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 510 Leading Sustainable Enterprises28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 511 Operational Excellence28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 512 International Business28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
BMBA 513 Strategy Implementation28 (per distance occurrence; no limit for on-campus occurrences)
MART 333 Creative Marketing Communication72

Health Sciences

Paper, course or programmeMaximum admitted
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)128 (68 international* - not all places may be allocated in the initial intake year)
Bachelor of Dental Technology (BDentTech)32
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc)60 (5 international*)
Bachelor of Medical Sciences with Honours (BMedSc(Hons))22
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB)302 (20 international*)
Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH)55
Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)150 (20 international*)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPhty)130 (10 international*)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours (BPhty(Hons))10
Bachelor of Radiation Therapy (BRT)40
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinician-Performed Ultrasound30
Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology40
Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy (PGDipSurgAnat)25
GENA 713 Travel Medicine 1: Introductory Concepts20
GENA 714 Travel Medicine 3: Applied Concepts20
GENA 717 Generalist Medical Echocardiography30
GENA 718 Generalist Medical Ultrasound30
GENA 719 Tropical Infectious Disease20
GENA 725 Communication in Rural Hospital Medicine15
GENA 728 Cardiorespiratory Medicine in Rural Hospitals20
MSME 701 Clinical Diagnosis on‐campus course12
MSME 709 Clinical Therapeutics on‐campus course12
OBGY 712 Pre and Early Pregnancy Care60
OBGY 713 Pregnancy Care in the Community60
OBGY 715 Medical Gynaecology I60
OBGY 716 Medical Gynaecology II60
OBGY 717 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical Training40
OBGY 718 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residential Course 163
OBGY 719 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residential Course 242
PRHC 702 Wilderness and Expedition Medicine18


Paper, course or programmeMaximum admitted
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (second year)230
Master of Planning (MPlan)15
Master of Teaching and Learning (MTchgLn)150
EDSU 110 Children in Action30 (Invercargill)
EDSU 115 Exploring the Visual Arts through Drawing and Painting20 (Invercargill)
LAWS 464 Advocacy12
LING 332/432 TESOL Practicum/ Second Language Practicum24
THEA 152 Theatre Technology25
THEA 253/353 Bicultural Theatre28 (not offered in 2023)
THEA 257/357 Special Topic50 (not offered in 2023)
THEA 351 Performing Shakespeare18
THEA 352 Directing18
THEA 451 Advanced Directing18


Paper, course or programmeMaximum admitted
Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv)70
Master of Wildlife Management (MWLM) / Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management (PGDipWLM)14
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClPs)12
ANAT 335 Neurobiology160
AQFI 301 Field Methods in Applied Marine Science30 (per occurrence)
ECOL 314 Pacific Field Ecology18
NEUR 301 Current Topics in Neuroscience16
SCOM 412 The Techniques of Natural History and Science Filmmaking 215
SURV 322 Hydrographic Surveying30

*Specified for 2023 (all international available places) places within total limit.

Selection for limited places

The main criteria for selection of students for available places in papers and programmes with limitations on enrolment shall be academic merit and suitability for the paper or programme. The following criteria have been deemed not to require special approval:

  1. Additional selection criteria and processes as outlined in programme regulations (which have previously been approved by Senate).
  2. Additional selection criteria falling under the standing approval provisions of clause 3(d) in the Limitation of Enrolment for Specific Papers and Programmes Procedure.
  3. Additional selection criteria which fall under suitability for the course, including:    
    • Enrolment or intended enrolment in a type of programme where relevant (e.g. preference for students enrolled in a research programme for a limited Enrolment research methods paper)
    • Enrolment in specific relevant qualification(s) and/or major(s) (e.g. preference for Theatre Studies majors for a limited enrolment Theatre Studies paper)
    • Motivation and likelihood to pursue a career in a relevant profession for professional programmes
    • Additional skills relevant to success in a programme or paper (e.g. demonstrated poetry writing skills for a poetry writing paper).

Additional selection criteria for specific papers or programmes, as approved by the University Senate, are as follows:

OBGY 718 and 719Timeliness of application (preference for earlier applications), in cases where academic merit and suitability for the course do not provide grounds for selecting between applicants
PGCertCPUSome preference is given to generalist doctors working in rural areas of New Zealand and the Pacific Islands due to the lack of ultrasound services in these communities. All participants must have access to an ultrasound machine in their clinical workplace. All participants must also have a current Medical Council registration.
MTchgLnParticularly strong applicants may be offered a place prior to application deadline
ANAT 335Timeliness of application (preference for earlier applications)

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