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Last updated: 03 Mar 2025

The University

strathclydeuni_33866679918The University of Strathclyde has 14,000 undergraduates from more than 100 nations, with 80% living on or close to campus in the heart of Glasgow. Strathclyde offers a flexible, innovative learning environment with a first-class student experience. As a student at Strathclyde, you will have access to: interactive classrooms, digital design facilities and labs, top-flight engineering simulators, multi-million pound chemical engineering facilities, laser and photonics facilities, campus-wide wireless internet access and numerous computer labs.

Glasgow is one of Britain's largest, liveliest and most interesting cities, with a legacy of appealing Victorian architecture and several distinguished suburbs of terraced squares and crescents. The city houses many wonderful municipal art galleries and museums, first class sports and leisure facilities; excellent theatres; an array of restaurants, pubs and clubs; and beautiful parks. Spectacular countryside and coastal views are within easy reach and the city is only 42 miles from Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh.

Exchange Information

  • Academic Year: September - May (First Semester: September - December; Second Semester: January - May).
  • Minimum/maximum Course Load: 60 Strathclyde credits (30 ECTS) per semester.
  • You may select from 1st, 2nd or 3rd year courses. 4th year courses are often reserved for Strathclyde honours students.
  • You must take at least 50% of your courses from one department/subject area.
  • You should have flexibility around courses. Some courses may be confirmed after you arrive at Strathclyde.
  • Course numbering system: The first two digits of the class code represent the department the class is taught in. The third digit represents the level; 1=1st year, 2=second year, 3=third year. Students should avoid classes where the third digit is a 4 or a 9. This represents 4th year and postgraduate classes respectively.
  • Strathclyde papers that mention 'both semesters' are Full Year courses. These are not available to students going on exchange for one semester.
  • Chemistry is only able to consider applications for two semesters/full academic year due to the year long structure of their classes.
  • Computer Science has limited single semester classes available as many of them run over both semesters.
  • Psychology is only able to host a limited number of exchange students. Applications will be considered as they are received. Students need to have a knowledge of Statistics to cope with third year classes.
  • Honours classes are NOT available to exchange students.

Relevant Links

Exchange experiences

Further Information

For further information about Otago Global Student Exchange, please contact an Exchange Adviser.

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