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Last updated August, 2022

The University

Texas 5.The highest ranked business school in Texas and the Southwest, and a top-ranked research institution the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin is dedicated to educating the business leaders of tomorrow while creating knowledge for industry and society. Rankings tell only part of the story of what makes McCombs so great, but it's a good beginning. We're one of the few schools in the country to receive top marks in nearly all the business specialty areas ranked annually by U.S. News & World Report—at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Austin, the capital of the state of Texas, has an internationally renowned music, film and art scene, a thriving economy, a glittering lake running through the center of the city, big blue skies, and the natural beauty of the surrounding Hill Country.

Exchange Information

  • Undergraduate level exchange only.
  • Academic Year: August - May (Fall Term: August - December; Winter Term: January - May).
  • A full-time course load at UT is 12 credit hours of undergraduate courses (usually 4 courses).
  • Credit hours: the first digit of the course number indicates the credit value of the course in semester hours. Courses numbered 201 through 299 have a value of two semester hours; 301 through 399, a value of three semester hours. Generally, the last two digits indicate the rank of the course; if they are 01 through 19, the course is of lower-division rank; if 20 through 79, of upper-division rank; and if 80 through 99, of graduate rank.
  • Each 3-credit course at UT will involve approximately 10 hours of work outside of the classroom. Most business courses incorporate a lot of group projects that take up time. Many courses have weekly homework, quizzes and projects.
  • You may take two courses (minimum) at McCombs School of Business + two courses at the main UT campus.
  • On-campus accommodation at UT is limited, and priority is given to first-year students. Exchange students primarily live in off-campus dormitories and coops adjacent to UT in a neighbourhood called West Campus. Some exchange students also live in private apartments throughout the city.
  • Students attending UT are required to purchase a mandatory Student Health Insurance Plan ((USD$1300 per semester in 2023) + adequate travel insurance to meet Otago's requirements.

Relevant Links

Exchange experiences

You may also want to read the UT Exchange Experiences.

Further information

For further information about Otago Global Student Exchange, please contact an Exchange Adviser.

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