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University of Leeds is a new exchange partner University in 2024 and is currently accepting applications for semester 2 2024 and semester 1 2025.

The university

Established in 1904, the University of Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK. They are part of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities and are renowned globally for the quality of their research and teaching.

  • Ranked in the top 75 universities in the world
  • More than 39,800 students are currently studying here

The University of Leeds is in Yorkshire, Northern England – a lively, multicultural city in the middle of Great Britain. It’s one of the largest financial and business services centres in the UK outside London, and a centre for culture and entertainment, with world-class art collections, several theatres and museums, and many bars and restaurants.

Exchange information

  • Students can apply for modules across the University. Priority will be given to students who study the related subject as their degree major.
  • Academic Year: September to June (Autumn semester: September–January; Spring semester: January–June).
  • 60 Leeds credits per semester/120 credits for the full academic year. Students may take 50 credits per semester and still be considered a full-time student but must have this agreed with their home university. 10 Leeds credits (5 ECTS ) is equivalent to 10 hours of study, including lectures, seminars and independent learning.

Relevant links

Further information

For further information about Otago Global Student Exchange, please contact an Exchange Adviser.

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