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Last updated February, 2021

The University

Award winning lecturers and an applied approach to teaching and research, the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at The University of the West of England focuses on enhancing society and the environment. Courses blend theory and practice to create a learning experience that's thought-provoking and relevant. UWE's main campus at Frenchay is set in countryside 4 miles north of Bristol city centre.

Bristol is a rich mixture of buildings of all ages and is surrounded by leafy suburbs. The city's extensive docks now serve as a focus for cultural and leisure activities, including cinemas, shops and art galleries. The city also has a lively arts scene including drama, music, ballet and opera, film and galleries and also a wide selection of cafes and restaurants offering culinary delights from around the world.

Exchange information

  • Undergraduate and graduate level exchange.
  • This agreement is only between the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at UWE and the School of Geography at Otago.
  • You must have completed two years (GEOG) at Otago before arriving at UWE Bristol.
  • Academic Year: September – June (Semester 1: September–January; Semester 2: January–June).
  • Minimum/maximum Course Load: 60 UWE credits (30 ECTS) per semester.
  • 1 credit usually equals 10 notional hours of study.

Relevant links

Exchange experiences

Further information

For further information about Otago Global Student Exchange, please contact an Exchange Adviser.

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