Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon
Value $1,500
Number Offered 1
Closing Date 1 August


This prize was founded in the year 1943 in memory of the late Philip Foster Neill, by his sister, who in that year settled the sum of £1,000 with the Trustees, Executors and Agency Co. Ltd., with instructions to pay the annual income to the Council. The late Mr Philip Neill was a medical student of the University of Otago, who died in 1943.

Applicants must:

  • be a past or present student of a university in New Zealand
  • submit an original and unaided work in a form of structure prescribed by examiners, along with a midi recording of the work.

An exercise which has been submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Music or a composition which has already been published in written or recorded form, including public broadcast, will not be accepted.

2024 topic and requirements:

Topic: Compose a duo or trio for any combination of violin, cello and piano.

  • You may adopt any theme you please with the work

  • Electronics or prepared piano are not permitted

  • The work should be  between 8–15 minutes in duration

  • You should include a programme note and any performance notes necessary

  • Compositions MUST include a computer-set musical score and a MIDI recording.

    Please note: these requirements should be read in conjunction with the Prize Regulations which are included with the application information available for download below.

Contact details

All related enquiries can be made to:



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