Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon
ValueNZ$2,000 in year one and half the cost of tuition fees in years two, three and four
Number offered1
Closing dateSuspended until further notice


The University of Otago Survey Worx Auckland Scholarship provides generous support to a student upon acceptance into Surveying out of high school by contributing to half the successful recipient's student fees in years two, three and four.

Specific eligibility criteria for this scholarship

All applicants must:

  • Be applying for admission into the Surveying First Year (BSc) programme
  • Have completed secondary school in the Auckland region
  • Have achieved NCEA Level 2 endorsed with merit, or equivalent.

Application process

All applications for Entrance Scholarships are done through eVision, the University's student management system. In order to apply for a scholarship, you will be required to go through the first stages of enrolment at the University of Otago to access the Entrance Scholarship online application.

In the Entrance Scholarship application, it is recommended that to be considered for this scholarship, you should have completed the Financial and Family sections of the application. For more information on the application process, as well as step-by-step instructions, please visit the apply for an entrance scholarship webpage.

Before going through the application process, it is important to ensure that you are adequately prepared to begin the application. What you will need to prepare for your application is listed on the scholarship application preparation webpage.

Selection of recipients

The Selection Panel consisting of the Director of Development and Alumni Relations and the Manager Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships, or their nominees, in consultation with a representative from Survey Worx shall consider the following factors in awarding the scholarship:

  • Academic ability
  • Financial need
  • The life circumstances which present significant barriers to studying at university
  • Potential and motivation to succeed at university

Scholarship detail

The Scholarship terms and conditions can be found here:

Scholarship terms and conditions

In addition, the following information applies to this Scholarship, subject to the specific provisions of the offer letter for the recipient:

  • The Scholarship will be for four years of study.
  • Payment in year one of the scholarship shall be made as a $2,000 contribution towards a Residential College or University Flat fees. Recipients who are not resident in University of Otago owned or affiliated Residential Colleges or University Flats will have payment made directly to them to assist the recipient with living expenses.
  • Payment in years two, three and four shall be made as contribution towards half of the recipient's tuition fees, subject to meeting the requirements for continuation.
  • Tenure in years two to four are subject to the recipient being accepted into the full Bachelor of Surveying programme and receiving satisfactory marks to progress into the next year of study.
  • This scholarship may be held concurrently with any other University of Otago Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship at the selection panel's discretion.
  • Recipients are required to provide an annual written report to the donor outlining progress.
  • Recipients agree to reasonable requests from the University of Otago to appropriately represent the University, Survey Worx and the scholarship.


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