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Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours (BMedSc(Hons))


    The Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours (BMedSc(Hons)) degree is available to students who have satisfactorily completed three or more years of study towards a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) degree. Most students enrol for the BMedSc(Hons) degree after their third year, but a few do so after their fifth year, prior to their trainee internship.

    The degree involves a full-time year of research in a field of medical science (including a thesis) and stands graduates in good stead for a future career involving research or academic medicine.

    Programme details

    Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours BMedSc(Hons)

    1. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
      2. Every applicant shall have satisfactorily completed three or more years of the programme for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) or have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).

    2. Structure of the Programme

      1. The degree will be awarded upon the submission of a satisfactory thesis embodying the results of a supervised investigation.
      2. The course of study and the topic of the thesis shall be approved by the Academic Board of the Otago Medical School.
      3. One or two supervisors from members of the academic staff of the University will be appointed by the Academic Board of the Otago Medical School on the recommendation of the Head of Department concerned. The primary supervisor shall be an academic staff member (at the level of lecturer or research fellow or above) of the University of Otago. At least one supervisor shall normally be from within the Otago Medical School.
      4. Candidates for the degree shall be full-time and may not hold any position of emolument or attend any other course without the approval of the Head of Department concerned.

    3. Duration of the Programme

      The requirements for the degree shall be completed within one year of commencing the programme.

    4. Examination

      1. The thesis shall be assessed by at least two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University.
      2. The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Convener of Examiners.
      3. Each examiner shall supply a written report on the thesis and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the thesis as submitted, and an overall result selected from the options as specified in clause (d) below.
      4. The examiners may recommend that a thesis:
        1. be accepted without requiring amendments;
        2. be accepted subject to minor corrections made at the discretion, and to the satisfaction, of the Convener of Examiners;
        3. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but may be revised and resubmitted for examination;
        4. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
      5. Amendments (regulation 4(d)(ii)) and revisions (regulation 4(d)(iii)) shall be completed by a specified date to be determined by the Convener of Examiners.
      6. A candidate shall be permitted to revise and resubmit a thesis for examination once only.
      7. If a revised and resubmitted thesis is finally accepted, the degree shall be awarded with Third Class Honours. If the revised and resubmitted thesis is not judged to be satisfactory the result shall be 'Fail' (i.e. ungraded).
      8. Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Convener of Examiners should so report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.

    5. Standard of Award of the Degree

      The degree may be awarded with First Class Honours, with Second Class Honours (Division I), with Second Class Honours (Division II), or with Third Class Honours.

    6. Variations

      The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

    Note: Applications for enrolment in the programme are due by the first Friday in August in the year before admission.

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