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Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv)

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The Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv) degree is the only academic qualification available in New Zealand that leads to full professional recognition as a Chartered Surveyor. It is also the only qualification that is recognised as being an appropriate foundation for Licensing by the Cadastral Surveyors Licensing Board of New Zealand.

Otago's BSurv degree is recognised for licensing in all Australian States, in both East and West Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. It is also recognised as a strong (and appropriate) professional degree for those seeking employment as a surveyor in the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and Africa.

The degree is four years in length and aims to produce a graduate skilled in the science of measurement, in the practical issues of land planning and development, and in the legal issues associated with land ownership and resource management. It also allows a student to pursue GIS studies and other specialist professional areas such as hydrographic surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and the study of land tenure systems. The degree is characterised by its strong academic, practical and professional emphasis.

Information for new applicants

All new students applying for a Surveying programme for the first time must apply for Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv First Year) using the first 'Apply now' button above.

Students who have completed their first year apply via their eVision portal and select Bachelor of Surveying from the programmes section.

New students to Otago, who have completed the first year compulsory papers elsewhere, and are wishing to apply directly for the Bachelor of Surveying should contact the School of Surveying for assistance.

This programme is subject to limitations on enrolment numbers from second year.  Qualified domestic students are given first preference, but places may be available for international students.  International students enrolled in the Surveying First Year may transfer into the BSc Land Planning and Development should admission to the Bachelor of Surveying not be possible.

Fees for surveying students

Surveying students are required to pay excursion and field camp fees. Details are available from the School of Surveying.


Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the second year of the programme for the degree of Bachelor of Surveying shall be determined by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) on the advice of the Surveying Admissions Committee. Candidates will normally be selected on the basis of their academic records.
    2. The number of candidates who are New Zealand citizens or who have permanent residence in New Zealand, and are admitted annually to the second year, shall not normally exceed 70.
    3. Applications for enrolment in second year classes in Surveying must be received not later than 15 November, in the year preceeding desired entry.
    4. To be considered for admission to the second year of the programme, a candidate must normally have passed, or be eligible for credit for, papers worth at least 126 points as prescribed in the programme requirements above.
    5. Direct entry to certain papers at 200-level may be granted to candidates who have attained a sufficently high standard in appropriate papers at school. Such candidates may be exempted from all or some of the papers normally required in the first year of the programme, or may be permitted by the Dean of Surveying to substitute other papers for all or some of the prescribed papers.

  2. Structure of the Programme

    1. Every programme shall consist of the papers worth not less that 522 points as prescribed in the programme requirements above and shall normally be pursued over four years of full-time study.
    2. Variations from the normal sequence of papers in the programme may be approved by the Dean of Surveying for candidates who have been granted exemptions from papers or who have been granted credit for papers on the basis of previous tertiary qualifications.
    3. The Dean of Surveying may reduce the amount of practical work required for SURV 298, SURV 299, SURV 399, and SURV 499 in cases where students have relevant previous knowledge and experience.

  3. Prerequisites, Corequisites and Restrictions

    Every programme of study shall satisfy the requirements for prerequisites, corequisites, and restrictions set out in the Prescriptions, (published in the Guide to Enrolment) provided that the Dean of Surveying may, in special circumstances, waive any prerequisite or corequisite in approving a particular candidate's course of study.

  4. Level of Award of the Degree

    The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

  5. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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