Personalise your degree to suit your interests, strengths and career plans as you choose from hundreds of subject combinations
Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom)
The BACom will give you both a creative and a business background to work in arts and business professions. More information about the BACom
Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc)
The BASc will give you scientific capabilities as well as knowledge of human history, how people think, and how societies function. More information about the BASc
Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc)
The BComSc will give you the ability to apply knowledge and thinking to both the experimental and industry applications of subjects. More information about the BComSc
Combined degrees by discipline
Business combined degrees
Combine the Bachelor of Commerce with either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of...
Arts combined degrees
The Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) and Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom...
Sciences combined degrees
Combine the Bachelor of Science with either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of...
Get course advice to sort out your personalised degree
If you're considering studying for a BACom , a BASc or a BComSc talk to a Schools' Liaison Officer first. They can help you get on the right track from the start, and will ensure you're taking the correct number of papers to complete your qualification.
Find your Schools' Liaison Officer
Are you already at university?
We recommend you book an appointment to talk to an adviser on campus, or contact the department or programmes teaching your major subjects.