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Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS)

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The Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS) degree is founded in the proposition that Māori, Pacific Island and other Indigenous peoples have unique bodies of knowledge about customary, environmental and cultural practices. This degree requires at least twelve months of full-time, or the equivalent in part-time, study to complete. The normal admission requirement is a four-year degree, but applications will be received from alternatively qualified individuals who have at least three year's relevant experience.

Degree candidates enrol in one core and two elective papers, and submit a supervised research report at the end of the course. Graduates will have advanced communication and team work skills, know about current issues, have a multi-disciplinary and international perspective, be able to independently assess topical issues, and appreciate the key ethical considerations.

This degree prepares graduates for administrative and leadership roles with indigenous communities in New Zealand and abroad. It is also an entry qualification for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

The Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS) is also available through Distance Learning.


Regulations for the Degree of Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
    2. Every applicant must normally either
      1. have completed the requirements for an Honours degree or other bachelor's degree requiring at least four years of full-time study, or equivalent, or
      2. have completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree requiring three years of full-time study, have had at least three years' experience relevant to the programme, and provide evidence of ability to undertake advanced academic study.
    3. In exceptional circumstances, an applicant who is not a graduate may be considered on the basis of alternative qualifications or satisfactory training and experience in management, administration, or leadership in indigenous communities. Such preparation must be equivalent to a degree, and the applicant must provide evidence of ability to undertake advanced level academic study. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may require such an applicant to pass one or more prescribed papers either before admission to or concurrently with the programme.
    4. In considering an applicant's qualifications, regard will be had to the detail of the course of study followed to gain the qualifications and the option for which a successful applicant might be permitted to enrol (see regulation 2 (a)), as well as the applicant's performance in the programmes.

  2. Structure of the Programme

    1. The programme of study shall consist of either of the following options:
      1. Research Report option:
        • INGS 501 Indigenous Theory and Method (30 points), and
        • INGS 590 Research Report (60 points), and
        • One 400-level INDS, MAOR or PACI papers (each worth 30 points). An approved paper at the 400-level or above (worth 30 points) may be substituted for one 400-level INDS, MAOR or PACI paper.

          Research reports shall be limited to 18,000 words of text, exclusive of appendices, footnotes, tabular material, bibliography or equivalent.


      2. thesis option:
        • one core paper: INGS 501 Indigenous Theory and Method (30 points), and
        • a thesis (INGS 5) with a value of 90 points. In certain cases, at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, a thesis candidate may be required to take one or more prescribed papers in addition to the programme. Theses shall be limited to 32,000 words of text, exclusive of appendices, footnotes, tabular material, bibliography or equivalent.
    2. The research project for INGS 590, or the thesis, should be started at the beginning of the programme and submitted no later than 28 February of the year following first enrolment (or the second year following first enrolment for a part-time candidate). Every component of the programme must be passed individually.
    3. Before commencing the investigation to be described in the research report or thesis, a candidate shall obtain the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator and the supervisor(s) of the proposed topic.
    4. A candidate may not present a research report or thesis which has previously been accepted for another degree.

  3. Duration of the Programme

    1. A full-time candidate should complete the requirements of the degree within twelve months.
    2. No programme of study shall exceed five calendar years from the date of first admission.

  4. Examination of Thesis or Research Report

    1. The Head of School or Head of Programme concerned (or nominee) shall appoint a Convener of Examiners who shall oversee the thesis examination.
    2. The thesis or research report shall be assessed by at least two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University.
    3. The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Convener of Examiners.
    4. Each examiner shall supply a written report on the thesis or research report and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the thesis as submitted, and an overall result selected from the options as specified in clause (e) below.
    5. The examiners may recommend that a thesis or research report:
      1. be accepted without requiring amendments;
      2. be accepted subject to minor corrections being made at the discretion, and to the satisfaction, of the Convener of Examiners;
      3. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but may be revised and resubmitted for examination;
      4. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
    6. Amendments (regulation 4(e)(ii)) and revisions (regulation 4(e)(iii) shall be completed by a specified date to be determined by the Convener of Examiners.
    7. A candidate shall be permitted to revise and resubmit a thesis or research report for examination once only.
    8. If a revised and resubmitted thesis or research report is finally accepted, the result shall be either 'Pass' or 'Fail' (i.e. ungraded) and without eligibility for the award of the degree with distinction or credit.
    9. Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Convener of Examiners should so report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.

  5. Level of Award of the Degree

    The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

  6. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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