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Master of International Studies (MIntSt)


    The Master of International Studies (MIntSt) degree is an intensive, 12-month programme of postgraduate coursework and research in the multidisciplinary field of International Studies.

    It consists of four master's-level papers taught by staff from four disciplines – international politics, global economics, international law, and peace and conflict studies – and a supervised research essay of between 18,000 and 20,000 words.

    The degree will take at least twelve months of full-time study, or the equivalent in part-time study.

    The Master of International Studies is good preparation for professions that require international expertise: diplomacy, the public service, teaching, journalism or business. It can also serve as a foundation qualification if you are interested in advancing to the PhD.

    You may enrol in the MIntSt degree at the beginning of semester one (February) or semester two (July) each year.

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    Programme details

    Regulations for the Degree of Master of International Studies (MIntSt)

    1. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
      2. Every applicant should normally
        1. be a graduate with an ordinary bachelor's degree and with an average grade of at least B in the 300-level papers for the degree, or
        2. be a graduate with an honours degree awarded at a standard of at least second class honours (division I), or
        3. have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).

    2. Structure of the Programme

      1. The programme of study shall consist of four taught papers and a supervised research dissertation:
        • INTS 502 International Politics (30 points)
        • INTS 503 The Global Economy (30 points)
        • INTS 504 International Legal Issues (30 points)
        • INTS 509 Global Peace and Conflict (30 points)
        • INTS 590 Research Dissertation (60 points)
      2. The research dissertation should be started at the beginning of the programme and submitted no later than twelve months following first enrolment. The limit is 20,000 words of text, exclusive of appendices, footnotes, tabular material, bibliography or equivalent.
      3. Before commencing the investigation to be described in the research dissertation, a candidate shall obtain the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator and the supervisor(s) of the proposed topic.
      4. A candidate may not present a dissertation which has previously been accepted for another degree.
    3. Duration of the Programme

      A full-time candidate should complete the requirements of the degree within twelve months, and a part-time candidate within twenty-four months, of commencing the programme.

    4. Examination of the Research Dissertation

      1. The Head of Programme (or nominee) shall appoint a Convenor of Examiners who shall oversee the examination of each research dissertation.
      2. The research dissertation shall be examined by at least two examiners, one of whom may be external to the University
      3. Where both examiners are internal to the University, the examined dissertation shall be subject to external moderation.
      4. The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner.
      5. Each examiner shall supply a written report on the research dissertation and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the work as submitted.
      6. Where the examiners cannot agree on a result, the Head of Programme should so report to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.

    5. Withdrawal from the Programme

      Where a candidate withdraws from the programme after completing the prescribed papers, but does not complete the research dissertation, the Pro- Vice Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee may recommend the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects, or determine which papers shall be credited towards the Diploma.

    6. Degree Requirements

      The four required papers together contribute two-thirds, and the research dissertation one-third, of the overall mark. A pass standard is required for each of the four papers, and students must meet this standard to submit the research dissertation. Should a pass standard not be obtained, a student may re-take the examination or re-submit the assessment. Students may be re-examined in only one paper. They must also obtain a pass standard, or better, for the research dissertation.

    7. Level of Award of the Degree

      The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

    8. Variations

      The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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