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Master of Occupational Medicine (MOccMed)

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The Otago Master of Occupational Medicine degree (MOccMed) is part of an internationally accredited programme that will enable part-time registered medical practitioners to develop competencies for professional occupational medicine practice at a registered or board certified specialist level in any country in the world.

The master's degree (normally taken part-time by students continuing their usual work) extends the existing Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine (PGDipOccMed), and students will normally have completed the diploma prior to being accepted into the master's papers. The programme builds on the fundamental principles and clinical practice leading to management and research evaluation of occupational medicine, and ensuring that staff are fit to engage in safe work.

The goal of the programme is to prepare the registered medical practitioner for admission to Fellowship of the appropriate Faculty or College of Occupational and Aviation Medicine in their home country by covering a range of professional development and knowledge areas to an advanced academic level, and inculcating professional behaviours and activities consistent with working at a consultant level.

The Occupational and Aviation Medicine international distance learning programme is based on an interactive learning management system employing Moodle to share tutorials, multimedia materials, online workshops and webinars that are in part student-led, blogs and forums, as well as an annual residential school in a suitable international venue. Second Life exercises where students participate in case studies in a virtual reality environment created in 2014 for group learning activities, examining medical issues on major industrial site scenarios will promote presence and participation.


Dr Robin Griffiths
Tel +64 4 832 3250
Mob +64 21 620 148

Programme Manager
Tel +64 4 385 5591

See the OAMU website for more information.


Regulations for the Degree of Master of Occupational Medicine (MOccMed)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
    2. Every applicant shall have been admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of a university in New Zealand or hold an equivalent medical qualification approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences), and be a registered medical practitioner in his or her country of practice or residence.

  2. Structure of the Programme

    1. The programme of study shall consist of the following six papers with a total value of 180 points: AVME 715, AVME 716, AVME 723, AVME 724, AVME 801, and AVME 802.
    2. A candidate who has completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine may be credited with those papers in the programme which have been previously passed for the diploma.
    Note: On a case by case basis and with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences), it may be possible to have prior study from another university or tertiary institution recognised as equivalent to an Otago postgraduate diploma, and thereby receive some quantity of credit into the programme. Students who feel they may have completed relevant prior study are invited to discuss this with the Programme Academic Lead in the first instance.

  3. Duration of the Programme

    1. A candidate for the degree shall normally follow a programme of study for three years of part-time study.
    2. A candidate will normally be expected to satisfy the requirements for the degree within six years of admission to the programme.

  4. Level of Award of the Degree

    The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

  5. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2024 Calendar and supplementary material.

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