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Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (PGCertHealSc)


The Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (PGCertHealSc) is designed to enable health professionals to specialise in specific areas of practice at a postgraduate level, studying on a part-time basis. In general, this qualification is intended for health professionals who have completed three years of tertiary study and already have experience in the field.

The Certificate may lead into the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences (PGDipHealSc), or Master of Health Sciences (MHealSc) degree.

Information for new applicants

The Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (PGCertHealSc) is a postgraduate certificate comprising compulsory papers to the value of 60 points (usually two 30 point papers) from a schedule of "endorsed" options listed below.

You can obtain information about each endorsement by clicking on the links below.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences is taught from three campuses (Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington).

The Certificate may be credited towards the Postgraduate Diploma Health Sciences, though admission to the Diploma will depend upon performance.

Please seek advice from a course adviser prior to submitting your application.

Division of Health Sciences website

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If this is the qualification for you, get started with your application today.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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