The Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (PGCertPhty) is a coursework programme that provides a balance of scientific principles, clinical skill development and an understanding of the clinical issues surrounding physiotherapy practice.
Information for new applicants
This qualification is available to registered physiotherapists. The papers on offer by the School of Physiotherapy, for the PG Certificate of Physiotherapy, requires applicants to hold a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC) issued by the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand. Students must be practising physiotherapists whilst undertaking the PG Certificate of Physiotherapy.
The certificate requires the completion of PHTY501 and one other 500- level paper on offer by the School of Physiotherapy. Applicants should note that some papers involved in this qualification involve attendance at residential blocks in Dunedin and audioconferences.
Students enrolling for this programme should take care to enrol for the on-campus or Distance versions of the papers as appropriate. Applicants enrolling for distance learning should ensure that they nominate the distance learning option. On-campus students will be based at the School of Physiotherapy in Dunedin.
On completion of the Certificate students can progress to the Postgraduate Diploma (PGDipPhty)
Closing date for applications:
Applications normally close on 10 December. Late applications may be considered.
Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (PGCertPhty)
Admission to the Programme
- Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
- Every applicant shall
- have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy or hold an equivalent Physiotherapy qualification acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences);
- be registered with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand and possess an Annual Practising Certificate where appropriate or be a registered (or equivalent) physiotherapist in their country of practice or residence; and
- have post-qualification clinical experience in physiotherapy.
Structure of the Programme
- The programme shall consist of approved PHTY papers to the value of 60 points as prescribed in the Schedule.
- With the permission of the Dean of Physiotherapy, a candidate may substitute up to 30 points in a relevant subject for the paper PHTY 501.
Duration of the Programme
- The duration of the programme shall be equivalent to half an academic year of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study.
- A candidate shall satisfy the requirements for the postgraduate certificate within two years of admission to the programme.
Terms Requirements
- No candidate shall be eligible to sit a final examination for a paper without having gained terms in that paper.
- A candidate gains terms in a paper by satisfactorily demonstrating the acquisition of sufficient knowledge, professional behaviours and skills; by attendance (in person and/or online); by performance in a professional manner of such practical and clinical work and other work as the School of Physiotherapy may require; and on overall performance in all components of each paper.
- A candidate who fails to gain terms in any paper will, if other requirements of the regulations have been met, be required to repeat the whole of that paper.
- Terms granted in any paper shall normally be for that year only.
- A candidate will be required to gain terms in a paper before being permitted to sit the examination for that paper.
- A candidate who obtains a D grade in a paper may be permitted to sit a special examination for that paper. Any candidate who has obtained an E grade in a paper will not normally be admitted to a special examination in that paper but may be offered an opportunity to repeat the paper.
Exclusion from the Programme
Any student who, during the course of their studies, is:
- subject to criminal charges; or
- subject to disciplinary proceedings of the University or of a professional body; or
- found to have an issue in connection with their mental or physical health that could adversely affect their fitness to practise; or
- found to have failed to declare a matter covered by (a)-(c),
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.