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Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDipMLSc)


    The Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDipMLSc) is open to well-qualified BMLSc graduates, and other medical laboratory scientists who can demonstrate an interest and aptitude for research. The Diploma is designed to prepare candidates for full-time research and thesis preparation for a Master of Medical Laboratory Science (MMLSc) degree, and thus includes a mix of course work and basic research. Both the Diploma and the Masters degree may be taken part- or full-time. There are special requirements to be met, and candidates are advised to consult with their potential supervisor, and with the BMLSc Course Director as early as possible.

    If you do not meet the entry requirements for the PGDip MLSc, but are a qualified and experienced Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT), please contact us to find out about our bridging pathway.

    Ready to apply?

    If this is the qualification for you, get started with your application today.

    Programme details

    Regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDipMLSc)

    1. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
      2. Every applicant shall normally have attained the degree of Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science with credit or distinction, or have a qualification acceptable to the Board of Studies in Medical Laboratory Science.

    2. Structure of the Programme

      The programme of study shall comprise the following:

      1. MELS 510
      2. Approved research methods paper(s) to the value of 30 points
      3. MELS 580 Research Project.

    3. Duration of the Programme

      1. The programme of study shall comprise one year of full-time study, or the equivalent in part-time study.
      2. A full-time candidate shall complete the requirements of the diploma within two years, and a part-time candidate shall complete the requirements within four years.

    4. Level of Award of the Diploma

      The diploma may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

    5. Variations

      The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

    More information

    Website Medical Laboratory Science

    This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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