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Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine (PGDipSEM)


    The Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine (PGDipSEM) is designed for graduates in Medicine, Physiotherapy, Physical Education, Human Nutrition, Pharmacy, or Sciences, or those with a comparable qualification in the health care professions. Although sports medicine may form a significant part of their work, most practitioners have minimal or no formal training at an undergraduate or postgraduate level.

    This course will reflect the multidisciplinary nature of sports medicine and provide the opportunity to gain academic and clinical training through the:

    The Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine (PGDipSEM) is also available through Distance Learning.

    Ready to apply?

    If this is the qualification for you, get started with your application today.

    Programme details

    Regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine (PGDipSEM)

    1. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
      2. Every applicant shall
        1. be a graduate or possess an appropriate health professional qualification requiring at least three years' full-time tertiary study;
        2. Note: Typical qualifications deemed appropriate in this context include Medicine, Physiotherapy, Physical Education, Human Nutrition, Dentistry, Nursing, and Podiatry.
        3. have experience of or be currently working in a relevant field;
        4. present evidence of ability for advanced level academic study.

    2. Structure of the Programme

      1. The programme of study shall consist of SPME 701 and SPME 711 and additional papers from the schedule, to a total value of 120 points.
      2. A candidate may be credited with up to 30 points based on papers in a relevant or related subject successfully completed at a university or other tertiary institution.

    3. Duration of the Programme

      1. A candidate for the diploma shall normally follow a programme of study for not less than one year of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study.
      2. A candidate shall complete the requirements for the diploma within four years of admission to the programme.

    4. Level of Award of the Diploma

      The diploma may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

    5. Variations

      The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

    More information

    Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    Otago Medical School


    This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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