The Postgraduate Diploma in Theology (PGDipTheol) requires one year of full-time or its equivalent in part-time study and may be taken in Biblical Studies, Christian Thought and History or Pastoral Studies. Candidates are required to hold a Bachelor of Theology (BTheol) degree in the major subject of the proposed programme with satisfactory grades.
Required coursework includes the completion of three papers at 400-level, and the writing of a 17,000 word dissertation.
The aim of the programme is to expose a candidate to advanced knowledge and skills in one of the sub-disciplines of Theology. Graduates of the Diploma are able to pursue careers in many fields, including education, counseling, and church-related areas.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Theology (PGDipTheol) is also available through Distance Learning.
Programme details
Regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Theology (PGDipTheol)
Admission to the Programme
Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
have been admitted with the status of one who is entitled to proceed to the diploma.
Subjects of Study
The diploma may be awarded in any one of the subjects listed above, or in any approved combination of the subjects listed above.
Structure of the Programme
Every programme of study shall normally contain the papers required for the Honours programme in the subject concerned.
With the permission of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities), a candidate may substitute a paper of another subject for one of the required papers.
The required dissertation must be submitted no later than 1 November of that year. Extension of time will be granted only in special circumstances at the discretion of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
Prerequisites, Corequisites and Restrictions
Every programme of study shall satisfy the requirements for prerequisites, corequisites, and restrictions as set out in the Prescriptions (published in the Guide to Enrolment).
Duration of the Programme
The programme may be taken by full-time candidates in one year, or by part-time candidates over a period of more than one year. Any paper in which a candidate is enrolled in any year shall be examined in that year.
Level of Award of the Diploma
The diploma may be awarded with distinction or with credit.
Diploma in a Second Subject
A student who has obtained the diploma in one subject may become a candidate for the diploma in any other subject.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.
Note: The due date for applications for first enrolment in the programme is 10 December. Late applications will be considered.
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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.
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