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Number offeredVaries
Closing date

31 January, 30 April and 31 July


Established in 2008 by the University of Otago to support research travel by MBA students, the Neville Bain Travel Award was made possible by a donation from the late Dr Bain (1940–2012). Dr Neville Bain was born in Dunedin and attended King's High School before completing a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a Master of Arts in Economics at the University of Otago. He had a distinguished career in business with Cadbury, Coats Viyella and the Post Office Group. In 1994 he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Otago and in 2008 an Otago Medal for outstanding alumni service.

This Award is for students engaged in either the Doctor of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration programme and is to be used for research or associated conference travel to present research findings and develop professional networks.

Applicants must be

  • enrolled in or intending to enrol in either the Doctor of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration programme in the Commerce Division at the University of Otago.


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