I declare that all the information I provide in connection with my visit to the University of Otago ('the University') is correct and complete and I assume full responsibility for the accuracy and appropriateness of data I enter into the Sojourn database.
I agree to up-date the email address, physical address and phone number in the Sojourn database for myself and my emergency contact when requested.
I agree to the University communicating on matters related to my visit via the contact details I provide.
I authorise the University to obtain official records and related information relevant to my application for visiting the University from my host institution.
I confirm that I will be 18 years of age by the first day of my proposed visit to the University.
I declare that as a visiting student at the University of Otago I will be bound by the Statutes, Regulations and other requirements established by, or under the authority of, the University Council.
In particular, I agree to abide by:
- The Code of Student Conduct which forms part of the University's Student Conduct Statute (published in the University Calendar and on the University's web site), which also applies to Visiting Students.
- The Information and Communications Technology Regulations (published in the University Calendar and on the University's web site).
- The University's Visiting Students Policy.
I accept responsibility for the payment of any and all fees charged by the University in relation to my visit. I agree to pay all costs relating to the collection of any outstanding debt.
I undertake to return, at the conclusion of my visit, any materials owned by the University that are supplied to me, or accept liability for payment for the materials.
I accept that the University of Otago will collect, store, use and disclose personal information about me in the course of conducting its proper business in relation to my visit to the University.
I have read and understand how such information will be managed and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993, and as outlined on the University website.
I acknowledge that I have the right to access and seek correction of personal information about me and understand that if I withhold information or provide false or misleading information my visit may be terminated.