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Need to know whether a paper allows clashes?

Use the allowable timetable clash search

What is a timetable clash?

A timetable clash occurs when a student has two teaching events scheduled at the same time.

Students are expected to attend all scheduled teaching events in their course of study.

This means that you are expected to attend all of your lectures, tutorials, laboratories etc. for all of your papers.

However, in some limited circumstances timetable clashes may be permitted, as detailed below. If you have a timetable clash in your proposed course of study, please read the information on this page carefully. You will normally need to provide additional information in eVision if you believe a timetable clash is necessary in your proposed course of study (see below).

Note that students are not normally permitted to have more than one timetable clash per week per teaching period (i.e. during Summer School, first semester and/or second semester).

The University reserves the right to decline a requested timetable clash in a student's proposed course of study.

What should I do if I have a timetable clash?

Things to consider:

  • Do you need this combination of papers?
  • Are the papers core requirements for your degree?
  • Can either paper be taken in other semesters or years?
  • Are you taking 4 papers where you could be taking three?

It is possible during paper selection to go back and amend your choice of papers.

While you should attend all teaching events, if you do decide that you need to take a combination of papers with a clash, you will need to determine whether it is an allowable or exceptional clash using the information below and follow the steps outlined.

Note: The University does not encourage timetable clashes. Students need to carefully consider the effect on their workload before applying for a timetable clash. Applications should only be made when the timetable clash is absolutely necessary. Should the University approve a timetable clash it is the responsibility of the student to manage the consequences of the clash.

Information about timetable clashes for particular students and papers is provided below.

Please note that clashes between Health Sciences First Year papers (listed below) will be resolved by University Staff. If you have clashes identified in eVision during paper selection for the Health Sciences programme, please ignore these and submit your paper selection for course approval in eVision.

List of Health Sciences First Year papers

Paper code Paper title
BIOC 192 Foundations of Biochemistry
CELS 191 Cell and Molecular Biology
CHEM 191 The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health
HUBS 191 Human Body Systems 1
HUBS 192 Human Body Systems 2
PHSI 191 Biological Physics
POPH 192 Population Health

All timetable clashes between Summer School papers are classified as Exceptional Timetable clashes.

Students on Conditional Enrolment are not permitted to have timetable clashes in their course of study. To discuss study options, please contact your relevant Designated Adviser of Studies.

Allowable and Exceptional Timetable Clashes

Allowable Timetable Clashes

An 'Allowable Timetable Clash' is defined as a timetable clash between teaching events, where at least one of the teaching events has pre-approved arrangements in place which can accommodate the clash.

You can search for an Allowable Timetable Clash, including instructions for managing the clash, in the box below. It is recommended you do this for any clash in your proposed course of study for which you wish to seek approval.

Exceptional Timetable Clashes

Any timetable clash which is not an Allowable Timetable Clash is considered an Exceptional Timetable Clash. This includes any clash between Summer School papers.

Exceptional Timetable Clashes will only be approved in very limited circumstances. The criteria outlined below will normally be applied when assessing an Exceptional Timetable Clash. Deviations from the normal standards will require sound academic reasons. If you do not meet the criteria below you may wish to consider revising your paper selection.

Is the clash relating to a core requirement for your degree?

Exceptional Timetable Clashes will only be approved where both papers are major, minor or core degree requirements, or pre-requisites for major, minor or core requirements, and where non-approval may adversely affect degree progression.

Can you effectively manage the timetable clash?

Exceptional Timetable Clashes will only be approved where the clash can be appropriately managed.

Do you have more than one timetable clash per teaching period?

No more than one Exceptional Timetable Clash will be approved per teaching period.

How long is the timetable clash, and how frequent?

The duration of a clash should be no longer than one hour per week.

Are you a first-year student?

No exceptional timetable clashes will be permitted in a student's first year of university study.

Is your GPA higher than 4?

No exceptional timetable clashes will be permitted for any student with a GPA in their previous year's study of less than 4.

How many points are you taking in a semester?

No exceptional timetable clashes will be permitted where a student's proposed course of study in the relevant teaching period exceeds 72 points for a semester.

Clashes which do not meet the criteria outlined above are highly unlikely to be approved by staff. Students will be asked to amend their selection of papers to attain a clash-free timetable.

How to apply for an Exceptional Timetable Clash

eVision Review and submit page

Students intending to take a selection of papers involving an Exceptional Timetable Clash are required to submit an application in eVision outlining why the exceptional clash is necessary, and provide information about how they will manage their timetable clash.

This information is submitted in the comments box at the bottom of the Review and submit screen of paper selection in eVision (see right). Exceptional Timetable Clashes will only be approved in limited circumstances.

Failure to provide necessary information to request an Exceptional Timetable Clash is likely to result in your application being delayed or declined.

Allowable Timetable Clash search 2025

To check whether a timetable clash is allowable, search for both paper codes (one at a time) in the clash in the box below. If there is no result returned then this clash is not an allowable clash. For the clash to be deemed allowable, at least one of the papers must be listed and the clash must be consistent with the 'Details of clash to be allowed' provided. This means that if your timetable clash is approved, you can miss the listed paper to accommodate the clash, so long as you follow the 'Instructions for management of timetable clash' listed.

If your timetable clash meets these criteria, please include the stated "instructions for management of timetable clash" in the comments box on the review and submit page (see above).

Please note that students are not normally permitted to have more than one allowable timetable clash per-week per-teaching period. Allowable clashes will be assessed, and may still be declined, as part of the Course Approval process.

If your timetable clash does not meet these criteria, it will be considered an  Exceptional Timetable clash and will need to be assessed as such. You should consider revising your paper selection.

Search below to find your 2025 paper

Paper Code Details of clash to be allowed Instructions for management of timetable clash
AGRI101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted as all lectures are recorded. Students are required (but not compulsory) to attend all laboratories.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
AGRI221A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted as all lectures are recorded. Students are required (but not compulsory) to attend all laboratories.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
AGRI321A one-hour clash per fortnight in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. A one-hour clash per week in laboratories is permitted. Must attend the first hour.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard.
AGRI322A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted as all lectures are recorded. Students are required (but not compulsory) to attend all laboratoYou must view the recording of the missed lecture.
AGRI323A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted as all lectures are recorded. Students are required (but not compulsory) to attend all laboratories.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
ANTH103A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials. Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture.
ANTH105A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH106A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials. Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture.
ANTH203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH204A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH205A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH206A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH208A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all practicalsYou must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all lab practicals.
ANTH210A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard, and study the assigned readings. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
ANTH223A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH312A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH323A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH327A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must watch any scheduled documentaries screened in the lecture in the library. You must study the assigned readings and attend all tutorials.
ANTH329A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend computer labs.You must review the lecture presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must study the assigned readings and attend all computer labs.
APPS201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend the first hour of the laboratory.You must review the PowerPoint presentation and supplementary material on Blackboard. You must complete exercises on Blackboad. You will need to arrange to obtain notes from a fellow student in the class. Arrange a meeting with teaching staff if any problems with course material.
AQFI251A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all laboratories and field trips.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture; You must review the powerpoint presentation available on Blackboard; You must attend all laboratories and field trips
ASIA201A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You also must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
BIBS112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures and consult Blackboard for any additional notes and /or Powerpoint sides presented during the lecture.
BIBS121A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures and consult Blackboard for any additional notes and /or Powerpoint sides presented during the lecture.
BIBS322A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures and consult Blackboard for any additional notes and /or Powerpoint sides presented during the lecture.
BIBS423A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures and consult Blackboard for any additional notes and /or Powerpoint sides presented during the lecture.
BIOC221A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, and can consult with teaching fellow during office hours for missed information.
BIOC222A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, and can consult with teaching fellow during office hours for missed information.
BIOC223A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, and can consult with teaching fellow during office hours for missed information.
BIOC351A one-hour clash is allowed for the laboratories. Must attend seven hours of the laboratory.You must arrange with laboratory supervisor and demonstrators how you will complete experimental work in a timely fashion.
BIOC352A one-hour clash is allowed for the laboratories. Must attend seven hours of the laboratory. You must arrange with laboratory supervisor and demonstrators how you will complete experimental work in a timely fashion.
BIOC353A one-hour clash is allowed for the laboratories. Must attend seven hours of the laboratory.You must arrange with laboratory supervisor and demonstrators how you will complete experimental work in a timely fashion.
BIOL112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Review audio-podcasts (with powerpoint slides) for the missed lecture, and information about readings on Blackboard. Talk to teaching team if any problems with course material.
BIOL123A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, review the PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the recommended reading.
BITC201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must study the lecture podcast, powerpoint, and assigned reading. Contact the Course Co-ordinator if there are any difficulties accessing resources for the paper.
BITC202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must study the lecture podcast, powerpoint, and assigned reading. Contact the Course Co-ordinator if there are any difficulties accessing resources for the paper.
BITC301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast and powerpoint presentation on Blackboard. If further help is needed, see the Course Co-ordinator in the office hours reserved for this paper.
BSNS111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all workshops.You must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours. You must attend all workshops as assessable activities are conducted during workshops.
BSNS112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
BSNS113A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
BSNS114A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any podcasts and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
BSNS115A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any podcasts and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
BTNY201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, review the PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the recommended reading.
BTNY202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, review the PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the recommended reading.
BTNY203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, review the PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the recommended reading.
CELS191A one-hour clash per week in tutorials is permitted.This tutorial is an optional study skills session.
CHEM111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the tutorials or laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the tutorials or laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the tutorials or laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM205A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM206A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard, and watch the lecture recording. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM305A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's slides on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording and complete any homework questions. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
CHEM306A one-hour clash per week in practicals is permitted after 11am; attendance in the first hour from 10am is required.You need to discuss any missed content with the lecturer.
CHIN131A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
CHIN132A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
CHIN231A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the study notes and worksheets of lectures and tutorial discussions available on Blackboard.
CHIN232A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the study notes and worksheets of lectures and tutorial discussions available on Blackboard.
CHIN334A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
CHIN335A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
CHTH102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures.
CHTH111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review relevant sections of the Coursebook to make up for the missed lectures and consult Blackboard for any additional notes presented during the lecture.
CHTH131A clash with lectures is permitted.Campus students having a clash are advised to enrol in the Distance version of the paper.
CLAS105A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorialsYou must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS108A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorialsYou must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS109A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorialsYou must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS238A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorialsYou must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS241A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorialsYou must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS245A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend all tutorials.You must view the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard, watch the lecture recording, and complete the associated readings. You must also attend all tutorials.
CLAS341A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the associated readings.
CLAS342A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the associated readings.
CLAS343A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the associated readings.
CLAS345A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard and complete the associated readings.
COMO101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend one tutorial per week.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
COMO204A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
COMO303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
COMP101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture material and related media, and attend all laboratories.
COMP151A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COMP161A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COMP162A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC204A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC341A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC343A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC344A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC349A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC402A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC412A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC420A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC431A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
COSC440A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
EAOS111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all practicums.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
ECOL111A one-hour clash from 5-6pm in laboratories is permittedYou must speak with teaching staff for ECOL 111 regarding arrangements to manage this clash
ECON112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and in-class tests as scheduled.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON206A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and in-class tests as scheduled.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON207A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and labs.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON271A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and in-class tests as scheduled.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON306A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON308A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
ECON377A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings (when available), lecture slides and in-class notes available on Blackboard prior to the next lecture. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
EDUC101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
EDUC102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
EDUC211A one-hour clash Tuesdays 9.00-9.50 in lectures is permitted.You must review lecture related content available on Blackboard, attend tutorials and complete required readings.
EDUC252A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. Recordings will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture. Students are still expected to attend tutorials.
EDUC254A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. Recordings will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture. Students are still expected to attend tutorials.
EDUC259A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. Recordings will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture. Students are still expected to attend tutorials.
EMAN201A one-hour clash per week in practical is permitted.Students must ensure they prepare well and attend all of the practical outside of the clash.
EMAN204A one-hour clash per week in practical is permitted.Students must ensure they prepare well and attend all of the practical outside of the clash.
EMAN301A one-hour clash per week in practical is permitted.Students must ensure they prepare well and attend all of the practical outside of the clash.
ENGL121A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view podcasts of missed lectures on Blackboard.
ENGL127A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view podcasts of missed lectures on Blackboard.
ENGL128A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view podcasts for the missed lecture and see information about readings on Blackboard.
ENGL131A clash with either or both weekly lectures is permitted.You must view the recordings of all missed lecture. You are still required to attend all tutorials.
ENGL220A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorialsYou must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
ENGL227A one-hour clash per fortnight in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture powerpoint of missed lectures on Blackboard and keep up with required reading and tasks.
ENGL228A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view podcasts for the missed lecture and see information about readings on Blackboard.
ENGL254One lecture clash permissible; students required to attend tutorials. You must view lecture recordings.You must view lecture recordings on Blackboard
ENGL319A clash with the one-hour class is permitted. All students are required to attend the two-hour class.You must review lecture recordings and slides (available on Blackboard) for all missed lectures.
ENGL327A one-hour clash per fortnight in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture powerpoint of missed lectures on Blackboard and keep up with required reading and tasks.
ENVI111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. A one-hour clash from 5pm-6pm in laboratories is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must consult with the course convenor or teaching fellow at the beginning of semester regarding arrangements to manage this clash.
ENVI211A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides, and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
ENVI311A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
ENVI312A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must consult with the course convenor or teaching fellow at the beginning of semester regarding arrangements to manage this clash.
EURO202A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
EURO302A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
FINC203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and catch up on any other notes from classmates.
FINC206A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
FINC302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You will need to arrange to obtain lecture notes from a fellow student in the class.
FINC320A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. You are required to inform the lecturer about the clash.
FORS201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. You must review the lecturer's PowerPoint presentation on Blackboard. Use the laboratory sessions to resolve any questions about the lecture material.
FOSC111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories.You must review recordings of lectures prior to the next scheduled class.
FOSC201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. Clash with tutorials is permitted.You must review recordings of missed lectures prior to the next scheduled class.
FOSC202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories.You must review missed lectures prior to the next scheduled class.
FOSC301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories.You must review recordings of lectures prior to the next scheduled class.
FOSC302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all laboratories. Clash with tutorials is permitted.You must review recordings of lectures prior to the next scheduled class
FOSC306A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the reocrding of the missed lecture.
FOSC311A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard.
FREN131A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
FREN132A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
FREN232A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
FREN233A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
FREN333A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
FREN334A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must review material covered in class via Blackboard. You must attend all scheduled in-class tests.
GEND101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard .
GEND205A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
GEND206A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted. A tutorial clash is only permitted if student can attend GEND306 tutorial (Wed : 14:00-14:50).You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard or attend the GEND306 tutorial (Wed : 14:00-14:50).
GEND207A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted. A tutorial clash is only permitted if student can attend GEND307 tutorial (Wednesday 14.00-14.50).You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard or attend the GEND307 tutorial (Wednesday 14.00-14.50).
GEND208A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND209A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND305A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the recording of the missed lecture.
GEND306A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted. A tutorial clash is only permitted if student can attend GEND206 tutorial (Thurs : 13:00-13:50).You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard or attend the GEND206 tutorial (Thurs : 13:00-13:50).
GEND307A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted. A tutorial clash is only permitted if student can attend GEND207 tutorial (Thurs : 13:00-13:50).You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard or attend the GEND207 tutorial (Thurs : 13:00-13:50).
GEND308A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND309A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND310A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
GEND311A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must work through the discussion questions on your own and send them to the lecturer.
GENE221Clashes at 10.00 on Mondays are permittedYou must review the podcast of the missed lecture material and lecture materials available through Blackboard as well as relevant sections of the text book
GENE222Clashes at 9am on Mondays are permitted.You must review the podcast of the missed lecture material and lecture materials available through Blackboard as well as relevant sections of the text book
GENE223Clashes at 9am on Mondays are permitted.You must review the podcast of the missed lecture material and lecture materials available through Blackboard as well as relevant sections of the text book
GENE312A one-hour clash per week in laboratories is permitted. Must attend first hour.Students should liaise with teaching staff and class mates to ensure that all of the experimentation and data analysis is carried out
GENE313A one-hour clash per week in laboratories is permitted. Must attend first hour.Discuss clash with Genetics before attending the lab
GENE314A one-hour clash per week in laboratories is permitted. Must attend first hour.Discuss clash with Genetics before attending the lab
GENE315A one-hour clash per week in laboratories is permitted. Must attend first hour.Students should liaise with teaching staff and class mates to ensure that all of the experimentation and data analysis is carried out
GEOG101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
GEOG215A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG216A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG219A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG276A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
GEOG280A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG281A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG282A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG298A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG376A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG379A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG380A one-hour clash per week in seminars is permitted.You must review any seminar recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG384A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG387A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG388A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOG397A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories/tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester
GEOG398A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the teaching fellow at the beginning of semester.
GEOL112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend all practicums.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
GEOL273A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
GEOL275A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
GEOL373A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
GEOL375A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Lectures for this paper are recorded via Otago Capture. You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and other material provided on Blackboard. You must attend all laboratories and tutorials. You must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of the semester.
GERM331A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must read all texts and complete all exercises covered in class.
GERM334A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must read all texts and complete all exercises covered in class.
GLBL201A one-hour clash per week is permitted.A one-hour clash is permitted, but attendance during the two-hour lecture is required.
GLBL202A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You also must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
GLBL301A one-hour clash per week is permitted.A one-hour clash is permitted, but attendance during the two-hour lecture is required.
GLBL302A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must review any lecture recordings, presentation slides and notes available on Blackboard. You also must consult with the course convenor at the beginning of semester.
GREK111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
GREK112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
GREK211A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
HIST102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard, and listen to the audio recordings (Otago Capture); the course textbook is available to fill-in information; and you can also consult the lecturer or tutor(s) privately with specific questions about missed lecture material.
HIST107A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard, and listen to the audio recordings (Otago Capture); and you can also consult the lecturer or tutor(s) privately with specific questions about missed lecture material.
HIST108A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard, and listen to the audio recordings (Otago Capture); the course textbook is available to fill-in information; and you can also consult the lecturer or tutor(s) privately with specific questions about missed lecture material.
HIST123A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST206A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST216A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentation and other materials that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST229A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST234A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST244A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST245A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST308A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST325A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HIST328A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentation and other materials that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer provately about missed lectures.
HIST347A one-hour clash is allowed for the lecture only. Students are required to attend the weekly two hour seminar.You must view the lecture presentations and other material that will be available on Blackboard; there will be assigned readings which will help with information; and you can also consult the lecturer privately about missed lectures.
HUNT141A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT241A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT242A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT243A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT245A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT246A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT341A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT342A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT343A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture handouts, additional readings and if available Otago Capture recordings available on Blackboard.
HUNT345A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, and review all related material.
HUNT346A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the Echo of the missed lecture, and review all related material.
INDS302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read missed lecture content on Blackboard
INFO203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend laboratories and tutorials.You must review any lecture material and related media, and attend all tutorials and laboratories.
INFO204A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review any lecture material and related media, and attend all tutorials and laboratories.
INFO304A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture as a podcast provided on blackboard. Questions regarding the missed lecture can be further addressed during the tutorial which must be attended.
INFO310A two-hour clash per week in the weekly lecture is permitted. Students are required to attend the laboratory.You must view the reocrding of the missed lecture. Recordings will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture. Students are still required to attend tutorials.
JAPA131A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard
JAPA132A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard
JAPA231A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations and other sources on Blackboard.
JAPA233A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard
JAPA331A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the notes for the lecture or tutorial discussions on Blackboard.
JAPA332A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the notes for the lecture or tutorial discussions on Blackboard.
LATN111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
LATN112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
LATN211A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must make up missed material using slides, handouts, and/or textbook exercises as required.
MANT250A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
MANT251A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
MANT303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. You must view the recording of the part of missed lecture. Each student is expected to contribute to in-class activities, debates and discussions. Recordings of the lectures will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture. Students are still required to attend workshops.
MANT330A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorialsYou must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
MANT334A one-hour clash per fortnight in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorialsYou must view the recording and/or access the notes/reading of the missed lecture. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are up-to-date with class material for any sessions missed due to the clash.
MANT345A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorialsYou must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
MANT346A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorialsYou must review any lecture recordings (when available) and in-class notes available on Blackboard. Seek clarification from instructor during office hours.
MAOR102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the Lecture presentation and listen to the audio-capture on Blackboard.
MAOR108A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend practicums.You must view lecture presentations and supplementary readings available on Blackboard.
MAOR110A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR111A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR207A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Must attend first lecture each week.You must read missed lecture content on Blackboard or at close reserve.
MAOR211A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR212A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR311A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and Wananga.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MAOR312A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials and Wananga.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
MARI112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard.
MARI202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend the compulsory laboratories and field trips.Students must view the PowerPoint presentations and the lecture and tutorial handouts available on Blackboard.
MARI301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend the compulsory laboratories and field trips.A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend the compulsory laboratories and field trips.
MART112A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Student must be available for terms test which takes place during lecture time.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART207A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART211A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART212A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Student must attend practical lab sessions as internal assessment is conducted during those sessions.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all lab sessions and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART308A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students must attend practical lab sessions as internal assessment is conducted during those sessions.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all lab sessions and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MART328A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MATH120A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH130A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH140A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH203A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH302A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH304A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH306A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MATH342A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
MFCO101Clash with film screening permitted.You must view the missed film screening through the Library AV centre or via your own arrangements.
MFCO102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information about assignments.
MFCO103A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information about assignments.
MFCO202A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information about assignments.
MFCO210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information about assignments.
MFCO212A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Students must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MFCO213A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend scheduled in-class tests.Students must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MFCO216Clash with film screening permitted.You must view the missed film screening through the Library AV centre or via your own arrangements. You will be expected to take notes during the screening in preparation for relevant course assessments.
MFCO251A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard. You must attend all studio sessions.
MFCO301Clash with film screening permitted.You must view the missed film screening through the Library AV centre or via your own arrangements.
MFCO303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MFCO313A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permittedYou must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information about assignments.
MFCO315A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
MICR221A one-hour clash with lectures and/or laboratories each week is permitted. Must attend the first hour of laboratories.You must review the presentations of missed lectures as Podcasts and on Blackboard, as well as relevant sections of the textbook. Students must ensure they prepare well for the practical. See Dr Judith Bateup for futher details.
MICR223A one-hour clash with lectures and/or laboratories each week is permitted. Must attend the first hour of laboratories.You must review the presentations of missed lectures as Podcasts and on Blackboard, as well as relevant sections of the textbook/s. Students must ensure they prepare well for the practical. Email Professor Alex McLellan for futher details.
MICR332A clash is allowed for the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory only. Must attend five hours of the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory. Must attend one of the 1-hour laboratory blocks on Wednesday morning or Friday morning. Must attend ALL of the Monday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon laboratory. You must arrange with the supervisor how the clash will be managed so that laboratory work is completed satisfactorily. Contact Megan Hall for further details.
MICR334A clash is allowed for the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory only. Must attend five hours of the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory. Must attend one of the 1-hour laboratory blocks on Wednesday morning or Friday morning. Must attend ALL of the Monday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon laboratory. You must arrange with the supervisor how the clash will be managed so that laboratory work is completed satisfactorily. Contact Megan Hall for further details.
MICR335A clash is allowed for the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory only. Must attend five hours of the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory. Must attend one of the 1-hour laboratory blocks on Wednesday morning or Friday morning. Must attend ALL of the Monday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon laboratory. You must arrange with the supervisor how the clash will be managed so that laboratory work is completed satisfactorily. Contact Jen Robson for further details.
MICR337A clash is allowed for the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory only. Must attend five hours of the Tuesday or Thursday laboratory. Must attend one of the 1-hour laboratory blocks on Wednesday morning or Friday morning. Must attend ALL of the Monday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon laboratory.You must arrange with the supervisor how the clash will be managed so that laboratory work is completed satisfactorily. Contact Jen Robson for further details.
MUSI233A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
MUSI333A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
PACI101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the lecture presentations on Blackboard.
PACI201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.Lecture slides available on Blackboard in some instances, must attend tutorial to catch up on missed lecture.
PATH201A one-hour clash per week is allowed for either the Tuesday OR the Thursday lectureYou must view the PowerPoint presentation and audio recordings for missed lectures available on Blackboard.
PATH301A one-hour clash per week is allowed for either the Monday OR the Tuesday lectureYou must view the PowerPoint presentation and audio recordings for missed lectures available on Blackboard.
PATH302A one-hour clash per week is allowed for the Tuesday lecture only.You must view the PowerPoint presentation and audio recordings for missed lectures available on Blackboard.
PHIL101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read the materials on Blackboard, attend tutorials, and view the lecture podcast.
PHIL103A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the presentations of missed lectures on Blackboard, attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
PHIL105A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
PHIL222A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review missed material. Consult with instructor.
PHIL225A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
PHIL228A one-hour clash per week is permittedYou must read course book and class notes and spend time reflecting on the relevant topic.
PHIL229A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must ensure that you have read the relevant coursebook material.
PHIL232A one hour clash per week is permitted.Study all assigned material and communicate regularly with the instructor.
PHIL233A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.For any classes missed, students must pick up handouts from the department and view blackboard notes of clashed lectures in their own time.
PHIL234A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Particular lectures are tagged to particular chapters in the course textbook. Students must study these in their own time and consult the lecturer if they have questions.
PHIL235A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Students must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
PHIL315A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.Particular lectures are tagged to particular chapters in the course textbook. Students must study these in their own time and consult the lecturer if they have questions.
PHIL329A one-hour clash per week is permitted.You must ensure that you have read the relevant coursebook material.
PHIL332A one hour clash per week is permitted.Study all assigned material and communicate regularly with the instructor.
PHIL333A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.For any classes missed, students must pick up handouts from the department and view Blackboard notes.
PHIL335Students may miss one hour out of fourYou must read course book and spend time reflecting on the relevant topic.
PHIL338A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Must attend first hour of lecture.You must view the podcast on Blackboard for the missed lecture. You must attend first hour of lectures.
PHPE201A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the presentation of the missed lecture, and discuss missed material with the course coordinator.
PHSI131A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. A clash with the tutorial is permitted.You should complete readings for the lectures you miss, look for course material posted on Blackboard and attend the weekly tutorial. Discuss with the course co-ordinator if you will miss more than 9 lectures during the semester as this will impact your internal assessment. The tutorial is an optional ‘helproom’ session. Students must complete assignments early and seek any help required at the labs.
PHSI132A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. A clash with the tutorial is permitted.You should complete readings for the lectures you miss, look for course material posted on Blackboard and attend the weekly tutorial. Discuss with the course co-ordinator if you will miss more than 9 lectures during the semester as this will impact your internal assessment. The tutorial is an optional ‘helproom’ session. Students must complete assignments early and seek any help required at the labs.
PHSI245A one-hour clash per week in either the tutorial or the laboratory is permitted.You are advised to contact the course coordinator in case of a clash with the laboratory.
PMAN401A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must obtain the missed lecture information from Blackboard and consult with the lecturer for missed information.
PMAN501A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must obtain the missed lecture information from Blackboard and consult with the lecturer for missed information.
POLS102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must consult the notes on Blackboard, do the required readings and attend tutorials.
POLS104A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS105A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS110A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS213A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS244A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS250A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS307A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS315A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS318A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS321A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
POLS323A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must read the lecture notes and handouts and attend tutorials.
POLS326A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must read the lecture notes and readings on Blackboard and attend tutorials.
RELS110A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS111A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus)You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS209A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS218A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus)You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS225A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS235A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS238A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS309A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS318A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus)You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS325A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS335A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
RELS338A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted. If there is more than a one-hour clash, the student may enrol as a distance student (which is available even if the student's other papers are taught on-campus).You must view the recording of any missed lecture or tutorial.
SOCI101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture. You must attend all tutorials, and consult with tutor during office hours for missed information.
SOCI202A one-hour clash per week in either lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the lecture notes available on Blackboard.
SOCI205A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the lecture notes available on Blackboard.
SOWK301Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK302Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK303A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Must attend first hour of lecture. Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to scheduling.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard. You must attend workshops.
SOWK304A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend tutorials.You must view the podcast of the missed lecture on Blackboard.
SOWK320Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK392Clash with workshop in week 28 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK551Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK552Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK553Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK554Clash with workshop in week 28 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK562Clash with workshop in week 10 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK563Clash with workshop in week 10 and 22 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK570Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK580Clash with workshop in week 10 and 22 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK592Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SOWK593Clash with workshop in week 9 is permitted due to schedulingYou must attend workshops
SPAN131A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
SPAN132A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
SPAN231A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
SPAN232A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
SPAN331A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
SPAN332A one-hour clash per week in lectures or tutorials is permitted.You must view the PowerPoint presentations as well as the lecture and tutorial notes available on Blackboard.
STAT110A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT115A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT210A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT260A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT270A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT310A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT311A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT312A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT370A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT371A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
STAT372A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review all relevant materials posted online.
SURV201A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend Practicals.You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV205A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV302A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV303A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend Practicals.You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV304A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend Practicals.You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV306A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV455A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
SURV459A one-hour clash per week in Lectures is permitted. Students are required to attend Practicals.You must view the recorded lecture, review slides and complete the recommended reading. All materials are available via Blackboard
TOUR101A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR102A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR217A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR218A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR219A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. However attendance for the fieldtrip is compulsoryYou must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR301A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. However attendance for the fieldtrip is compulsoryYou must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
TOUR306A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted. However attendance for the fieldtrip is compulsoryYou must review the Blackboard notes, recorded lectures and recommended key readings in your own time
ZOOL221Clashes with the Monday, 2-hour lectorial are allowable. In addition, a 1-hour clash with Tuesday and Wednesday lectures is allowable. Students must be able to attend at least 1-hour of lecture time per week and must attend all labs and field trips and the quiz on Monday April 7th 2025.Students must view the recording of the missed lecture/lectorial as well as the handouts available on Blackboard. The labs supplement the lectures while the lecture content help understand the labs so it's important that students catch up within a week of the lecture missed.
ZOOL222Clashes with the Monday lectorials are allowable. A 1-hour clash with Tuesday or Friday lectures is allowable. Students must be able to attend at least 1-hour of lecture time per week and must attend all labs. There is a quiz in the Monday lectorial slot in week 39 (22 Sept 2025) which students must attend. Students must view the recording of the missed lecture/lectorial as well as the handouts available on Blackboard. The labs supplement the lectures while the lecture content help understand the labs so it's important that students catch up within a week of the lecture missed.
ZOOL223Clashes with one lecture per week is permitted (either the Monday 2h lecture or one of the Thursday or Friday 1h lectures). Students are required to attend all 6 labs on the day they are streamed (either Tue or Wed).Students must view the recording of the missed lecture as well as the handouts available on Blackboard. Lectures and labs are linked so it's important that students catch up within a week of the lecture missed.
ZOOL314A two-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. Recordings will be accessible without restrictions from immediately after the lecture until the exam date.
ZOOL315A one-hour clash per week in lectures is permitted.You must view the recording of the missed lecture. Recordings will be available for two weeks after the scheduled date of the lecture.

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