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Study Sport and Exercise Nutrition at Otago

    From health and wellbeing to elite performance

    There is growing interest in the relationship between nutrition, physical activity and sporting performance, with two major areas of focus:

    The Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Nutrition is the only degree programme in New Zealand that combines nutrition and physical education. This degree will allow you to study the role nutrition plays in both health and sporting performance.

    Why study Sport and Exercise Nutrition?

    This is the first qualification in New Zealand that focuses on sport and exercise nutrition, giving a thorough grounding in all aspects of human nutrition and relevant areas of exercise and sport science. The degree requires a second major or a minor from a list of approved options. These will give you a set of complementary skills, making your Sport and Exercise Nutrition degree even more relevant to today's working world.

    Career opportunities

    There is a growing need for individuals with a combined understanding of the principles of nutrition, health and physical activity. This means there are many career paths available, depending on the minor chosen to complement SPNU, and the individual's areas of interest.

    Some examples include:

    • sports nutrition consultancy
    • roles in public health, physical activity and nutrition
    • research
    • product development
    • dietetics

    What is Sport and Exercise Nutrition?

    Sport and exercise nutrition is a rapidly expanding area requiring a combined knowledge of the roles of human nutrition and physical activity in health.

    The Sport and Exercise Nutrition (SPNU) programme combines human nutrition, sports science and physical education. In addition, several minor programme options are available, broadening the career opportunities upon completion of your degree.

    What will I learn about?

    A broad understanding of the principles of nutrition and exercise science will be obtained from human nutrition and physical education papers in the first, second and third years.

    First year

    In your first year of study you will be required to take papers in nutrition, human body systems, biochemistry and chemistry.

    Second year

    In your second year, human nutrition and physical education become the mainstay of your study.

    Third year

    The third year sees further specialisation in the selection of human nutrition and physical education papers.

    Teaching style

    As well as lectures to learn the theory of human nutrition and sport and exercise science, there is a large practical component in both the physical education and human nutrition papers. Labs and practical sessions give you hands-on experience and regular tutorials provide excellent small group learning opportunities.

    Recommended background

    High school students are recommended to take biology, chemistry, maths and English in Year 12 and preferably chemistry in Year 13.

    Choose a study option

    Whether you're embarking on your academic journey with our comprehensive undergraduate programmes or aiming to reach new heights through our advanced postgraduate offerings, Otago is here to support your aspirations.

    Undergraduate qualifications

    For new and current students studying towards a Bachelor's or other first degree. Explore undergraduate qualifications at Otago, designed to build a strong foundation in your chosen field, preparing you for a successful career or further study.

    Note: this subject can also be studied as a minor.

    Ready to apply?

    Take the first step towards your future in this subject.

    Further study opportunities

    Whether you are looking to bridge your undergraduate studies to advanced knowledge or aiming to specialise in a specific field, Otago offers a range of graduate and postgraduate options to suit your aspirations.

    Programme details

    Compare programmes for this subject as a major and minor (where available).

    100-level BIOC 192 Foundations of Biochemistry 18
    CHEM 191 The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health 18
    HUBS 191 Human Body Systems 1, or PTWY 131 Introduction to the Human Body 18
    HUBS 192 Human Body Systems 2 18
    HUNT 141 Understanding Human Nutrition 18

    Note: PTWY 131 is only available to students enrolled in the Diploma in Science.

    200-level HUNT 245 Sport and Exercise Nutrition 18
    Two of: 36
    SPEX 201 Biomechanics and SPEX 203 Exercise Physiology,
    SPEX 204 Psychology of Sport and Exercise and SPEX 205 Physical Activity and Health
    300-level HUNT 345 Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition 18
    Two of:
    • HUNT 341 Nutrition and Behaviour Change Communication
    • HUNT 342 Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
    • HUNT 343 Community and Public Health Nutrition
    SPEX 303 Exercise Energetics and Physiology and SPEX 305 Athletic Conditioning and Rehabilitation,
    SPEX 308 Psychology of Physical Activity and SPEX 309 Active Living and Environment

    90 further points. Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Science.

    Note: Cannot be taken by students majoring in Human Nutrition.

    Total 360

    Further information regarding the BSc majoring in Sport and Exercise Nutrition is available on the Department of Human Nutrition website.

    A minor subject can be included in many of our undergraduate degrees. To earn a minor, you typically must complete a minimum of 90 points in that subject, with at least 18 points at the 300-level.

    Your minor can be a subject more commonly taken for a different degree. For example, a BCom majoring in Marketing can include Japanese as a minor subject. To include this subject as a minor in your application, first find a major subject through our Subject Search or Study Match.

    You can check what’s required to receive the minor accreditation in the programme details below.

    Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Science (BHealSc), or Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) degree

    100-levelHUNT 141 Understanding Human Nutrition18

    HUNT 245 Sport and Exercise Nutrition

    One of:

    Note: HUNT 141 is a prerequisite for HUNT 241-243 but can be taken as a co-requisite for HUNT 241; other prerequisites for HUNT 241 are BIOC 192, CHEM 191 and ((HUBS 191 and HUBS 192) or (HUBS 192 and PTWY 131*) or (ANAT101 and PHSL 101)).




    HUNT 345 Applied Sports Nutrition

    One of:

    • HUNT341 Nutrition and Behaviour Change Communication
    • HUNT342 Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
    • HUNT343 Community and Public Health Nutrition



    Total 90

    Note: This minor subject is not available for students majoring in Human Nutrition.

    * PTWY 131 is only available to students enrolled in the Diploma in Science.

    More information

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