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The Summer School examination timetable will be available in late January. Please note that Otago Summer School 2025 classes finish on 14 February and the examination period is 15–20 February 2025.

Every effort is made to provide the most favourable timetable for the largest number of people. However, given the limited Summer School examination period, some students will inevitably have two examinations on one day.

Results for Summer School can be viewed on eVision as soon as they become available. Initially “Unconfirmed” will be shown against them. Once “Unconfirmed” is no longer showing, results are official. Official results should be available by early March.

Amani GhandourAmani Ghandour
(Bachelor of Science student)
"I would 100% recommend Summer School. There are heaps of activities on campus and so many opportunities to do fun things with OUSA. And because the classes are smaller it is easier to meet new people."

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