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What is the survey about?

We know very little about the foods that New Zealanders, particularly teenagers, are currently eating. We also don't know much about why teenagers choose to follow different dietary patterns, like being a vegetarian or eating gluten free, and if these are related to health and wellbeing.

The SuNDiAL Project is a nationwide survey conducted by researchers from the Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Otago.

The SuNDiAL project will investigate the dietary intakes, nutritional status, health status, lifestyles, and motivations and attitudes towards food choice of male and female high school students throughout the country.

The project involves high school students completing a series of online questionnaires, reporting several days of food intake and having their height, weight and forearm measured. Students may also provide a blood and urine sample or wear an accelerometer if they would like to, but this is not a requirement of participation.

Why is the survey important?

The findings from this study will provide valuable and unique information about the nutritional status and physical activity levels of New Zealand high school students.

The collection of biochemical data along with dietary intakes, and beliefs and motivations for adopting different eating patterns will also help to identity if certain patterns of eating increase risk, or give health benefits.

Ultimately, the results of this study will support the development of up-to-date government and health agency guidelines targeted at adolescents in New Zealand.

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