The widespread public debate about the ownership of the foreshore and seabed arising from the Ngati Apa case and the F&S Act of 2004, caused strife between Māori and the Crown and eventually new legislation the Marine and Coastal Areas (Takutai Moana) Act 2010.What is the meaning of a property right in the foreshore and seabed?
Method and data
Analysis of case law, legislation, and the principles of customary title in New Zealand
Selected publications and outcomes
Strack M. S. 2011. Marine and Coastal Areas (Takutai Moana) Act – A Commentary. Survey Quarterly. 66: 26-27.
Strack M.S. 2004. Access, Navigation and Property Rights in the Foreshore and Seabed. Survey Quarterly. (refereed section) Issue 39. September 2004; 37-39
Strack M.S. 2004. Customary Title over the Foreshore and Seabed of Aotearoa: A Property Rights Perspective. Trans Tasman Surveyor. No 6 August 2004; 44-51
Strack M.S. 2004. Time for negotiation with Māori over foreshore, seabed issue. Otago Daily Times: 13. May 19 2004.
Strack M. S. 2003. Māori Customary Title Heading Offshore: The Foreshore and Seabed of Aotearoa. Survey Quarterly. Issue 36. December 2003; 3-4.