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River Boundaries


  • Canterbury R C v Dewhirst [2019] NZCA 486
  • Humphrey v Burrell [1951] NZLR 270.

Selected Publications and Outcomes

Strack, M. 2021, Where are the banks of a river? Property and the extent of rivers. Journal of Water Law. Vol 27:2
Strack, M. & Scott, A. 2019. Making Room for Rivers. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law. 23:249-273
Strack, M. & Reid, K. 2019. Where is a River - and who decides? Surveying+Spatial. 100:39-40
Strack, M., Wheen, N., Lovelock, B. & Carr, A. (eds). 2018. Riverscapes: Research essays on the social context of southern catchments of Aotearoa New Zealand. Catchments Otago. Dunedin.
Strack, M. 2018. Natural boundaries, legal definitions: Making room for rivers. in Strack, M., Wheen, N., Lovelock, B. & Carr, A. (eds). 2018. Riverscapes: Research essays on the social context of southern catchments of Aotearoa New Zealand. Catchments Otago. Dunedin.
Strack, M. 2013. Watching the River Flow: The law, rights and ownership of rivers in New Zealand. New Zealand Surveyor 302:28-35.

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