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Dean of School


Antoni Moore

Dean of School and Professor
Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 130
+64 3 479 7589

Kaiawhina (Māori and Pacific Islands student support)

Francesca Marzatico image

Francesca Marzatico

Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 124
+64 3 479 0745

Academic staff

Riki Cambridge

Senior Professional Practice Fellow
Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 114


Paul Denys Profile

Paul H Denys

Senior Lecturer
GPS, Geodesy, Earth Deformation, Sea Level Rise
Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 125
Tel: +64 3 479 7596
Kelly Gragg Profile

Kelly Gragg

Scientific Officer
Software, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Data Management
Surveying Building 2nd Floor, Room 208
Tel: +64 3 479 7602
Richard Hemi Profile

Richard Hemi

Professional Practice Fellow
Cadastral Surveying, Land Development Planning, Engineering Surveying, Spatial documentation of Heritage sites
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 121b
Tel: +64 3 479 7595
Christina Hulbe Profile

Christina Hulbe

Glaciers and Polar Ice Sheets Modelling
Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 121a
Tel: +64 3 479 7613
Fraser Jopson

Fraser Jopson

Professional Practice Fellow
Project Management, Construction Management, Land Development Engineering
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 121c
Tel: +64 3 479 9008
Greg Leonard profile

Greg Leonard

Senior Lecturer
Antarctic Sea Ice, Polar Oceanography, GIS, Environmental Modelling, Civil Engineering
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 119
Tel: +64 3 479 5075
Francesca Marzatico image

Francesca Marzatico

Traditional governance, land tenure and natural resources governance, climate change, human mobility, conflicts
Surveying Building, 1st floor, Room 124
Tel: +64 3 479 0745
Aubrey Miller

Aubrey Miller

Professional Practice Fellow
GIS, Spatial Analysis, Natural Hazards, Cryosphere, Outdoor Recreation
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 118
Tel: +64 3 479 7606

Antoni Moore

Dean of School and Professor
GIS, Geovisualization, Cartography, Spatial Algorithms, Spatial Analysis, Geographical Modeling
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 130
Tel: +64 3 479 7589
Dr Robert Odolinski

Robert Odolinski

Associate Professor
Geodesy, GNSS, RTK
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 111
Tel: +64 3 479 5401
Pascal Sirguey Profile

Pascal Sirguey

Associate Professor
Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Spatial Analysis, GIS, Cryosphere, UAV/RPAS
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 115
Tel: +64 3 479 7698
Mick Strack Profile-small

Mick Strack

Senior Lecturer
Land tenure, Māori land, Customary rights, Planning, Sustainability
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 114
Tel: +64 3 479 7603
Emily Tidey Profile Image

Emily Tidey

Senior Lecturer
Hydrographic Surveying
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 112
Tel: +64 3 479 7587
generic profile silhouette image

Brae Ihaka Wingate



Yong Chien Zheng

Tectonic Geodesy, Earth Deformation, GPS/GNSS
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 126
Tel: +64 3 479 7584

Support staff

Mike Denham2

Mike Denham

Technical Officer
Surveying Building Ground Floor, Room G06
Tel: +64 3 479 5026

Judy Rodda

Technical Officer
Surveying Building Ground Floor, Room G06 or G12
Tel: +64 3 479 5010 or 4074

Craig Tidey

Senior Technical Officer
Surveying Building Ground Floor, Room G05
Tel: +64 3 479 7590
Rosie Collier 2022 image

Rosie Collier

Operations Lead
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 110
Tel: +64 21 279 2079
Rhiannon Cooper image

Rhiannon Cooper

Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 131
Tel: +64 3 556 6203

Postdoctoral and Research Fellows

Quyen Nguyen image

Quyen Nguyen

Research Fellow
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 123
Chris Pearson Profile 2018

Chris Pearson

Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Tectonics, Geodetic Reference Systems
Surveying Building 1st Floor, Room 124
Tel: +64 3 479 5095

Emeritus Professors

John Hannah

Areas of Interest

Geodesy, Sea Level Change, Professional Education

Postgraduate students

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