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The majority of our graduates are snapped up by surveying and construction companies in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia working in fields such as:

  • Cadastral surveying, resource management and land tenure
  • Engineering surveying and construction
  • Land development and urban design
  • Hydrographic surveying
  • Positioning and measurement
  • Spatial, mapping and analysis

In time, many end up as consultants running their own businesses or working internationally. The variety and diversity of options makes surveying and spatial an enjoyable and rewarding profession. The personal profiles below give you an idea of the scope of the profession.

Meet some of our graduates

Malcolm Dawson

BSurv (Hons)

Malcolm Profile

A brief personal profile since leaving:
I finished at The School of Surveying 2011, graduated 2012, Licensed 2014, currently Survey Manager at CKL Survey, Auckland office.  I've been involved in a number of interesting cadastral and engineering projects since I've been working at CKL.

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Alistair Bond

BSurv (Hons).

Alistair Bond

Since graduating in 2011 my path has been a bit different to most. I moved to Cambridge to be part of the NZ rowing team and competed until the 2016 Rio Olympics. I was always mindful of forgetting what I had learnt at Survey School while I was rowing though, so thankfully I was able to get a part time job with Cogswell Surveys.

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Robert Mears


Robert Mears - Square

During secondary school, Robert Mears discovered a love of problem solving, especially in regards to maths and design. Coming from a farming background, the opportunity for him to work with the tangibility of land was also attractive so he felt, Surveying ticked all the right boxes.

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Melissa Harrington

BSurv (Hons)

Melissa Harrington_1_square

Melissa Harrington was deciding between Civil Engineering and Geography, until her Geography teacher, an alumna herself, suggested Surveying as a career option.

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Lisa Shearer


Lisa Shearer Square

Lisa Shearer decided to study surveying after talking to her older brother and friends in the mountain bike club, who were all enjoying studying surveying at the University of Otago.

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Dan Graham Square

As an indecisive teenager in his final year of high school, Dan Graham chose to study surveying because it involved maths, and more importantly, a chance to work outdoors.

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Cassino Doyle

BSc(LDPD), GradDip(SURV) 2008

Cassino Edwards Square

After receiving head injuries while playing Professional Ruby League in the UK, Cassino realised he needed to reprioritise his sporting career and reassess his future career options.
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Emma Bullock


Emma Bullock

During my degree I worked with MWH as summer hire, as part of SURV499 vacation employment. This allowed me to confirm that I had made the right career choice as well as gain the practical days required to Graduate. I have now been working with MWH in the Wanganui office as a Graduate for three years.
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Hamish McKinlay_cropHamish McKinlay


After completing a Bachelor of Surveying degree in 2002 Hamish was hired as a surveyor for an international oil company.
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Jonathan Davis_cropJonathan Davis

BSurv (Hons)  

Though Jonathan started out testing field and office software used by surveyors and engineers, he's more involved with product management and marketing these days, but he tries his best to maintain a good technical contact with the projects he is involved in. Jonathan believes the Surveying degree at Otago "is so broad you can do anything”.
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Justin Poole_cropJustin Poole

BAppSc (GISS)  

The BAppSc degree in Geographical Information Systems made perfect sense for Justin with his interest in computers, a passion for geography, and a desire to work in a field with practical and wide-ranging applications.
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Robert Rameka_cropRobert Rameka (Ngati Kahungunu, Tuhoe, Nga Puhi)


Robbie's teachers at Flaxmere High saw that he had ability in maths and physics and encouraged him to apply for the University of Otago's Bachelor of Surveying degree.
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