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Since graduating in 2011 my path has been a bit different to most. I moved to Cambridge to be part of the NZ rowing team and competed until the 2016 Rio Olympics. I was always mindful of forgetting what I had learnt at Survey School while I was rowing though, so thankfully I was able to get a part time job with Cogswell Surveys. They were great at providing me as much or as little work as I wanted while competing and since finishing rowing I have been fortunate to get a full time graduate role with them. I have also managed to attain a Masters degree in Environmental Management and am currently working towards becoming a licensed surveyor.
It is hard to say whether my Honours degree helped me to get my job, but I know it helped me considerably when completing research for my Masters. I was far more prepared for the work required, and I made sure I avoided many of the mistakes I made with my dissertation at Survey School!
Alistair Bond

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