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The core subjects taken for the BSurv(Hons) degree are identical to those taken for the BSurv.  However, the total points required for a degree with Honours increases from 522 to 550 points, due to completing a research project in the final year (SURV590 - worth 60 points). (Note: BSurv Honours students are required to undertake two rather than three elective papers, that are necessary in the BSurv degree).  Students whose academic record is at the B+ average level for 2nd and 3rd year may apply for acceptance into the Honours Programme by registering for this programme on eVision.

A student, having completed an honours degree, will have the option of being admitted to study towards a Masters degree by thesis only and, in the case of first class honours, may be admitted directly to the University's PhD programme.

Find out more about the Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv)

Find out more about the Honours research projects.


For any enquiries about the Bachelor of Surveying with Honours, please contact the School of Surveying's Course Advisers.


Programme requirements

Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))

Prerequisites The compulsory papers for the First, Second and Third Year courses for the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Surveying (in approved cases, students may be credited with or be granted exemptions from some papers on the basis of previous tertiary passes.)  
Fourth Year compulsory papers PMAN 501 Advanced Project Management 20
SURV 450 Professional Practice 18
SURV 455 Statutory Planning B 18
SURV 499 Vacation Employment 0
SURV 590 Dissertation 60
Additional papers Papers worth a minimum of 38 points, including at least 20 points at 500-level selected from:

SURV 319 (or SURV 519 (20 points)), SURV 322, SURV 329 (18 points each)

SURV 510, SURV 511 , SURV 512, SURV 513, SURV 551, SURV 552, SURV 553, SURV 554, SURV 556 , SURV 557, SURV 558, SURV 559, SURV 562, SURV 563, SURV 569, (20 points each)

SURV 573, SURV 574, SURV 575 (40 points each)
Total 550

Regulations for the degree of Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))

Regulations for the Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons)) degree can be found on the BSurv(Hons) qualification page:

Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))

Fees for Surveying students

Surveying students are required to pay excursion and field camp fees for SURV 298, SURV 399, SURV 399 in addition to the regular university tuition fees. Details are available from the School of Surveying.

This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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