We can achieve more by working together
Something is always going on in Dunedin and supporting local community groups is a great way to connect with others and your local environment. Some key groups are:
Conservation volunteering
Volunteer with one of the many conservation projects around Dunedin.
Conservation volunteer registration form
Social Impact Studio
Helps connect students with volunteer opportunities, so you can get behind a social or environmental cause you care about.
The Social Impact Studio also runs and supports its own student-led projects:
- The Aspire Programme – An after-school experience for Year 7s and 8s who buddy up with a student coach. Friday afternoons during semester time
- Reading Oasis – Helps little ones learn to love reading at a local school
- Silverline Otago – A creative student-led mental health and well-being project
Email volunteer@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3479 8631
Web www.otago.ac.nz/social-impact-studio
Volunteering Otago
Works with more than 150 organisations in Dunedin and surrounding areas to develop and advertise many different kinds of volunteering opportunities:
Email office@volunteeringotao.org.nz
Tel +64 3 471 6206
Stitch Kitchen
Brings together like-minded crafters, makers and many types of artists who share a love of creative design, our environment and our community.
Offers a range of opportunities to use your skills and gain some new ones.
Your time can be 'banked' and exchanged for studio time, swap shop items or classes.
Email info@stitchkitchen.nz
Tel +64 21 026 11412
The Valley Project
Based in North East Valley, it is a community-led development project that builds community connections and promotes the well-being of local families and whanau.
Email project@northeastvalley.org
Tel +64 3 473 8614
Trail Crew
An opportunity to explore new places, learn new skills and meet new people. You'll be working to make Dunedin's trails great so even more people can appreciate and enjoy nature.
Register your interest with the Department of Conservation
War on weeds
More help is needed to tackle invasive weeds threatening native habitats. This collaborative work involves the Department of Conservation, councils, community groups, private landowners and iwi.
Find out more about steps you can take yourself and groups you can join, with the Department of Conservation
Orokonui Ecosanctuary
Plants and animals are protected from predators inside a 307 hectare fenced sanctuary. Volunteers are needed for weeding, planting, pest monitoring, fence monitoring, track building, track maintenance, and to care for habitats.
Email volunteer@orokonui.nz,
Tel +64 3 482 1755
Sinclair wetlands
Restore and enhance a large wetland south of Dunedin. Volunteers and community groups always welcome.
Email coordinator@sinclairwetlands.org.nz
Tel +64 27 424 0224
Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group
Aims to eradicate possums from the Otago Peninsula by 2023, in partnership with Predator Free Dunedin. The various activities anyone can join include biodiversity monitoring, track clearing, possum trapping and community engagement.
Email: volunteers@opbg.nz