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Demystifying statistics

Bridget Robson  (Ngāti Raukawa) says one of her key goals and that of the centre, is to  demystify statistics, showing them for what they are – “a powerful tool  for all Māori”.


Disabling disability

Dr  Emma Wyeth (Ngāi Tahu) was awarded a three year Health Research Council  of New Zealand Emerging Researcher First Grant for a project focused on  outcomes among injured Māori.


Game-changing Parkinson's research

Dr Louise Parr-Brownlie's (Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Pikiao) career as a  research academic has been entirely devoted to Parkinson's disease– a  devotion that is now receiving international attention and generous  Neurological Foundation funding.


Strategising hauora Māori

In  August 2013, Associate Professor Suzanne Pitama (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti  Whare) became the first person to complete a PhD with a focus on  indigenous medical health education.


Understanding Māori health inequities

"I  oversee a number of programmes supporting young Māori into health  professional degrees at Otago and ultimately growing the Māori health  workforce in New Zealand."

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