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Doctor of Philosophy - PhD

2024Megan PotikiTe Hu O Moho: What were the contributing factors to langugae death in one village 
 Jekope MaionoNavigating the Sustainable Rural Development: A Fijian case study on the role of Cirikalia Urban Youth Club 
2023Toan NgyyenBarriers to climate change adaption: The case of local communities and institutions in the north central coastal region of Vietnam 
2021Lou Kewene-DoigHe Kohinga Pao (Future Convergence): Creating an interactive archive of New Zealand Māori Popular Music starting with Māori Showband history 1960-1970 
2019Raphael Richter-GravierManu Narratives of Polynesia: a comparative study of birds in 300 traditional Polynesian stories 
 Kelli Te MaiharoaKā Pākihi Kā Whakatekateka a Waitaha: The Plains Where The Waitaha Strutted Proudly 
 Matiu PayneNā te kōti i tatari: The inconsistent treatment of tikanga taurima (whāngai) in Ngāti Mutanga (1820-2018) 
 Byron RangiwaiAn autoethnographic study of the positive impacts of syncretism on the development of Christian faith among Māori from my faith-world perspective 
2018Erica NewmanColonial Gaze on Fijian ‘Adoption’ Practices 1874-1970 
 Hirini TaneWhakapapakāinga: a template for the cross-generational development of marae-communities 
  John Donald Birnie Exploring learner-centredness for adults learning te reo Māori: easing the path to language acquisition 
  Erica Newman Colonial Intervention on Guardianship and 'Adoption' Practices in Fiji 1874-1970 
  Raewyn Tangiwai Rewi Examining Traditional Maaori Knowledge Frameworks and Intergenerational Knowledge Transmission “Titiro, Whakarongo” – he huarahi ako noo ngaa raa o nehe. “Look, Listen” – a way of learning from days past 
  Paratene Tane Whakapapakāinga: a template for the cross-generational development of marae-communities 
2017 Reiko Hayakawa Possibility of Telecommunication Universal Service in the Pacific Islands; Case studies of Vanuatu, PEACESAT and USPNet 
  Fetaomi Tapu-Qiliho Tuvaluan Diaspora within Oceania: Ethnic Identity and Belongingness in the Margins 
2016 Gianna Leoni Mā te taki te kāhui ka tau - Te Waiaro ki te Reo Māori i ngā Hinonga Kāwanatanga Māori
  Matani Schaaf Motivation and Burnout in Professional Pasifiki Rugby players English
2015 Erica Anderson Domestic Violence and Society's Response in the Cook Islands: The Psychological Impacts on Victims in “Paradise” English
  Marsa Dodson Mixed blessings: Oral histories of the war children born to US Servicemen and Indigenous Cook Islanders  
2013 Karyn Paringatai Kua riro ki wīwī, ki wāwā: The causes and effects of Māori migration to Southland English
  Delyn Day A Kui mā a Koro mā: he wānanga i te momo iranga i ētahi kōrero Māori o nehe Māori
2012 Vaughn Bidois Destablising the Binary: Reframing Cultural Identity Postcolonial Reflections in Aotearoa New Zealand English
2011 Anne-Marie Jackson Ki Uta Ki Tai: He Taoka Tuku Iho English
  Abby Suszko The Foreshore and Seabed Debate: Contrasting Visions of Equality and Rights 
  Michelle Schaaf Sport, culture, race and gender, with particular reference to Polynesian sportswomen  
2010 Paerau Warbrick Māori Land Court 1960-1980: An autoethnographic and social commentary  
2007 Nathan Matthews He  kura Māori, he kura hahi, he kura katorika, he kura motuhake mo te iwi.  Hato Paora College : a model of Māori Catholic education English
2005 Justin Ihirangi Heke Hokowhitu : a sport-based programme to improve academic, career, and drug and alcohol awareness in adolescent Māori  
  Poia Rewi Te ao o te Whaikorero  
2004 Jim Williams `E pakihi hakinga a kai: An examination of pre-contact resource management practice in Southern Te Wai Pounamu English
  Rawinia Higgins He tānga ngutu, he Tūhoetanga te mana motuhake o te tā moko wahine: The identity politics of moko kauae English
  Lachy Paterson Ngā reo o ngā niupepa : Māori language newspapers 1855-1863 Māori & English
2002 Brendan J. Hokowhitu Te mana Māori : Te tatari i nga korero parau  
1985 Michael Reilly John White: An Examination of his use of Maori Oral Tradition and the Role of Authenticity  

Master of Arts (MA)

2022Belinda TuariTe Kawakawa Tāraitanga: An exploration of whānau resilience in the sustainability and transfer of kawakawa plant’s rongoā Māori mātauranga 
2020Kuao WawataiNgā Hau Āwhi o Kaihautū: The Swirling Winds of Māori Leadership 
2017Tawini WhiteHe Waka Huia, He Waka Reo-ā-Iwi – The importance of reo-ā-iwi in indentity formation 
2018 Pia Cristóbal Kahn Sacred Katuiran: Decolonial Sensibility in the Katipunan Papers: An 'indigenist hermeneutic' of nineteenth-century Tagalog revolutionary texts 
2017 Tawini White He Waka Huia, He Waka Reo-ā-Iwi : The importance of reo-ā-iwi in identity formation 
2015 Te Ao Mārama Tawhara Kia Māori te reo Māori? An investigation of adult learner attitudes towards the impact of English on te reo Māori 
  Malia Lameta “I am the Apple Of My Brothers Eye”: An investigation into the evolving roles of Samoan women with particular reference to religion and gender relations 
  Jacob Myhre The attitude of non-Maori second language learners of the Māori language towards Māori language use 
  Marcelle Wharerau “You Maaris get everything” – Trequity Measures at the University of Otago 
2014 Clara Pau SNS (Social Networking Samoans): Exploring the ethnic identities of Samoan Facebook users in New Zealand 
2013 Courtney Sullivan Te Okiokinga Mutunga Kore - The Eternal Rest: Investigating Māori Attitudes towards Death English
  Tui Nicola Clery The Art of Peace: Performative and Arts Based Peace Practices in Contemporary Fiji 
  Catriona Elizabeth Timms Indigenous Language Revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand and Alba Scotland English
  Craig Hall A Comparison of Bilingual-based and Monolingual- based Pedagogy in the Acquisition of Māori as a Second Language He tina ki runga - He tāmore ki raro English
  Nicole McCrossin Intention and Implementation: Piecing Together Provisions for Māori in the Resource Management Act 1991 English
  Paratene Tane Pārahirahi: A case study of Māori tribal leadership English
  Catriona Elizabeth Timms Indigenous Language Revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand and Alba Scotland 
2012 Erica Newman 'A Right To Be Māori?' Identity formation of Māori Adoptees English
  Gianna Leoni He manu hou ahau, he pī ka rere: The transition of Māori language immersion students to the University of Otago English
  Craig Hall Implementing the 'Silent Way' method of teaching Te Reo Māori into a University context – Māori language teachers' perspectives English
2010 Suzanne Boyes Te Rapunga mō tētahi Ara Tika: Searching for a 'Right' Direction English
  Henare Mita The Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998: The quest for Ngāi Tahu tino rangatiratanga English
  Mara Hosoda Hawaiian, Māori and Samoan performing arts as education English
2009 Malia Lameta The changing role of Samoan women in Samoan society English
  Moira Fortin The Development of Theatre in Easter Island: Hakararama I Te A'amu O Rapa Nui English
2007 Sophia Beaton A Contemporary Māori Culinary Tradition English
2005 Rachel Ka'ai-Mahuta Tākina ko au, Tākina ko koe! Te āhuatanga o te whakataetae kapa haka Māori
  Dean Mahuta Ko taku rau kotahi  
2004 Karyn Paringatai Poia mai taku poi: Unearthing the knowledge of the past English
1999 Rawinia Higgins He kupu tuku iho mo tenei reanga : Te ahua o te tuku korero Māori

Masters of Indigenous Studies (MIndS)

2023Eirenei Taua’iINGS590, Tausi Matua: Exploring the Elder Caregiving Experiences of Samoans During COVID19 Pandemic 
 Zay’yen Benson-BrownINGS590, The Impacts of COVID-19 on Tikanga, and Hui Mate. Reflecting from the experiences of Ngāti Hine whanaunga 
2022Perise IupeliINGS590, O Le Malaga ‘The Journey’: Reverse Migration is still relevant today, perspectives from a New Zealand raised Samoan female. 
 Mary-Anne TamatiINGS590, ‘Ako ai, oranga kē – All in a two-decade days’work’ 
2021Renee Tuifagalale INGS590, Vasu: A Case Study of the Intergenerational  
 Nina Kirifi-AlaiINGS590, The Development of the Pacific Idlands Centre at the University of Otago. Dunedin, New Zealand: A Personal Reflection 
 Keomailani EatonINGS590, Defining Aloha ‘Āina: Quantifying Traditional and Modern Attitudes in the Media 
 Brenda MarrinerINGS5, Te Whare o Maraenui: Kia Tipu Anō Te Mokimoki: Ko te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori i roto i tētahi kura i te hapori o Maraenui ki Ahuriri 
 Nicola AndrewsINGS590, Historical Trauma, Indigenous People, and Libraries 
 Sharon MorehamINGS590, Identity and Belonging in a Contested Space: A Case study of a Pākeha Adoptee into a Kāi Tahu Whānau 
 Sheridan DuncanINGS590, Indigenous suicide and suicide prevention across three countries: Australia, Canada and New Zealand 
 Laurelee PerawitiINGS5, Practising Māori Principles within Mainstream New Zealand: A Frontline Scope of Kaitiakitanga within Child Protection 
2020Dale HardingINGS590 - , E Ngiha mai ana te Ahikā mō te Oranga: Igniting wellbeing through ahikā practices 
 Jamie-Lee TutburyINGS5, Culturally Responsive Teaching of Māori in Mainstream Education 
 Pania Tahau-HodgesINGS5, Toitū te Mātauranga Māori: The Protection of Mātauranga Māori in the Publishing Industry 
 Jade Higgan-McCaughanINGS590, Te Hapuku Te-Ikanui-o-te-Moana: A Leader Between Two Worlds 
 Billy van UitregtINGS590, A strategic settler colonial research agenda: turning the microscope to move beyond indigenous resistance 
 Ravana SaifoloiINGS590, Pillars of Success: An analysis of Pacific Students’ Success within Tertiary Education in Canberra, Australia 
 Samuel HughesINGS590, Unrelenting Achievement with Attitude – Iwi Based Education on the Rural East Coast of Aotearoa: A case study on Te Kura-a-Rohe o Ūawa me Kahukuranui – Tolaga Bay Area School me Kahukuranui’s localised and responsive curriculum 
 Sera PerhamINGS590, The Challenges Faced Teaching in English by Indigenous/Itaukei Fijian Teachers 
 Nadine ConnockINGS5, The Colonity of Whiteness: Countering Narratives of Oppression within ‘Wai262: Ko Aotearoa Tēnei’ 
 Pauline-Jean LuytenINGS590, Covid-19 Talanoa: The Voices of Tongan Kāinga in South Canterbury 
 Ahinata Kaitai-MullaneINGS590, Decolonising Taera, Representations of wāhine Māori from early colonisation into contemporary pornography 
 Manu Papunui-IlesINGS590, He Kōrero Hītori/Whakapapa o te rohe whānui o Waiapu me Hikurangi Enterprises Ltd 
2019Lisa TerakiINGS590, Te toto o te tangata, he kai Te oranga o te tangata, he whenua: Food nourishes the blood of people, But their wellbeing is in the land 
 Richell HancockINGS590, Indigenity and Libraries in Australia and Canada 
 Paia TaaniINGS5, Whakaritea te Pārekereke: How prepared are teachers to teach te reo Māori speaking tamariki in mainstream primary schools? 
 Victoria CampbellINGS590, Mā te kite i te reo 
 Porourangi TempletonINGS590, Te Roopū Māori, hiwa te mataara! Assertion of Tino Rangatiratanga by Māori in Tertiary Institutions 
 Ella WalshINGS590, Ka hoki kI te kāinga: A case study of how one family’s Māori identity has changed over three generations 
2018Stevie Te Hau FergussonINGS590, Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi: Being Māori at the University of Otago 
 Pia KahnINGS5, Sacred Kartuiran: Decolonial Sensibility in the Katipunan Papers An ‘indigenist Hermeneutic’ of 19th century Tagalog revoluntionary texts 
2017Nikki WaldenINGS590, Āhurutanga: the practice amd application of a customary Māori principle within a Māori tertiary context: ‘Ma te Whakaharatau e tika ai’ 
 Lana ArunINGS590, Indigenous Archaeology in Aotearoa New Zealand. Presenting an argument for a new Frameork using Te Ao Māori 
 Isabel RadkaINGS590, Progress Towards the Revival of te reo Māori in the Rural Aotearoa/New Zealand Education System of the 21st Century 
 Melanie PhillipsINGS590, Born but never conceived: learning lessons from the provincial government experience in Solomon Islands 
 Sophie KarangaroaINGS590, Effective Retention and Completion Strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander University Students at Australia Universities 
2016 Sandra Spence   English
2015 Marie Cocker   English
  Kylee Katipo Whāngai in the Māori Land Court English
  Lois Kusilifu   English
  Michael Tarry Māori and Sovereignty English
  Faapōpō Tupolo-Tauauanae The Aoga a le Faifeau [Pastor's School]: its place in the education system in Samoa today English
  Taiawhio Waititi Te Kaha 15B English
  Bronson Wharehinga   English
2014 Ka'o'onokapuaikahikinaheala Jarrett   English
  Bianca Johanson   English
2013 Matiu Payne Superior land inheritance rights by whāngai children English
  Anita Purcell   English
2012 John Birnie Online interaction in te reo Māori by beginner/intermediate adult language learners using Facebook and Skype English
  Bree Davis   English
  Jacqueline Fa'Amatuainu Climate law in the Pacific: Interpreting the principle of common but differentiated responsibility English
  Kym Hill How do mainstream early childhood settings implement a programme reflective of the bicultural aspirations inherent in Te Whāriki and Te Tiriti o Waitangi? English
  Samantha Jackson Matauranga Māori and Ngāti Whātua  
  Ben Manley Imagined Boundaries: The Native Land Court and Maori Identity English
  Alexander Stevens Power of my Māori name: Stories of Indigenous Struggles in White New Zealand English
  Jenni Tupu   English
  Michelia Ward   English
2011 Erica Anderson   English
  Aileen Davidson   English
  Rowan Easton Māori Women and Inequality English
  Aroha Gilling Treaty of Waitangi and Social Work English
  Eilis Haden   English
  Suzanne Spencer Ka Wahine and Takata Pora: Murihiku Women and Pakeha Settlers English
  Damon Sturmey   English
2010 Erina Ata Māori women's experience in middle management positions in government organisations English
  Zoe Bristowe   English
  Mark Brunton Māori Research Consultation: Establishment, Perception and Efficacy at the University of Otago English
  Sh'-Acacia-Dawn Cochise How unity can be created through meaningful and mindful interactions of traditional and western educational systems and their constructions of narrative and land: The Human Palimpsest English
  Mauteni Esera The Impact of the new Act (Land Titles Registration Act 2008) on customary land ownership in Samoa English
  Esmay Eteuati E te sau ma ou fa'aniusila na…You bring with you your New Zealand ways.' Roots migration and its impact on Samoan identity affirmation” English
  Deborah Goomes   English
  Whakarongotai Hokowhitu 'A' - ko te āporo. 'A' is for apple: English Language Acquisition by Graduates of Te Kōhanga Reo English
  Talai Mapusua Role of the Faletua in the Samoan church English
  Agustin Panganiban Sagada Traditional Forestry Resource Management English
  Hamish Rogers   English
2009 Filipo Lavea Levi   English
  Ka Solo   English
  Hone Te Rire The Dissipation of Indigeneity Through Religion English
  Arvin Villalon   English
2008 Regina Mendoza The Banaue Rice Terraces: A window into Ifugao's Indigenous Way of Farming English
  David Preston Roach Liberal-egalitarianism, Indigeneity, and Health Outcome Equity English
  Damian Skinner   English
2007 Vaughan Bidois   English
  Marcia Cassidy   English
  David Dudfield   English
2006 Sarah Cripps   English
  Sarah Naylor Tā te Pūnaha Mātauranga o Aotearoa he Kaikai Haere i te Oranga Tonutanga o te Reo: The Perpetuation of Māori Language Loss in the New Zealand Education System – A Pākehā Perspective. English
  Tangiwai Rewi What is the Impact and Implications of Ministry of Education Legislative Changes to Teacher Qualifications (effective 1 January 2006) on and for Teaching Staff in Kura Kaupapa Māori? English
2005 Charis Brown   English
  Michael Brown   English
  Dean Fraser   English
  Olivia Grace   English
  Rabena Kini   English
  T. Kirihimete Moxon   English
  Darryn Russell Full and Final Settlement: There is a fishhook in my soup English
2004 Vanessa Oxley The impact of becoming or wanting to become smokefree for Māori English
  Julie Segi   English

Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (PGDipArts)

2023Ruthie HolmesLeadership and Pacific cultural student associations at the University of Otago 
2010 Stefan Jordan Newsprint, Te Reo and Hegemony in New Zealand: Responses to the Wai 262 Report for the Waitangi Tribunal English
2005 Ngahuia Asher   English
  Sarah Asher Ko Taku Whakapapa Tonu Te Here: Application of Traditional Kaitiakitanga in Contemporary Commercial Contexts English
1999 Lachlan Paterson Nga tangi a te pipi : he mea tuku tenei tuhituhinga ki Te Tumu  
1997 Robert Taylor Waiata whakamaumahara ki ngā kaiherehere nō Taranaki i Ōtepoti i tērā rautau kua pahemo  

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA Hons)

2024Maioha WatsonTōku Ao Haka – Ngā Matatini o te Apōpō 
2022Anna EdwardsA Perspective on Concepts of Home for Māori in the Contemporary Era 
2018Sofia PetersPotentail Depression and Māori Whānau: A Literature Review 
2017Kahurangi SaluTuu Tonu Whakatika 
 Roma Simmons-DonaldsonTe reo Māori as a tool for Māori identity formation in urban New Zealand 
2016 Kahurangi Salu Tuu Tonu Whakatika Māori
2014 Matt Gillies Whakatau Hinengaro: Rongoā mō te Arero Tauhou Māori
  Tyson Tautari Au Au: A 'tail' of the kurī English
  Stacey Reynolds Māori and the Criminal Justice System: Towards 2010 English
2012 Julia Coates Kanga Pirau English
2010 Jared Mathieson Overcoming preconceived perceptions about university level education by young urban male Māori English
2009 Gianna Leoni Ko tōku Māoritanga: The Formation of Māori Identity in Dunedin English
2008 Carel Thompson-Teepa Tō 'Tātou' Reo Rangatira: National Treasure or Taonga Māori – An investigation into the motivations of Pākehā in learning the Māori language English
  Courtney Sullivan Mai i Aotearoa - From New Zealand: The effects of living in Australia on Māori identity English
  Natalie Coates Kia tū ko taikākā: Let the heartwood of Māori identity stand -An investigation into the appropriateness of the legal definition of 'Māori' for Māori English
2007 Rangimarie Mules Kā uri ā Papatūānuku: An investiagtion of pre-contact resource management in Te Wāi Pounamu English
2006 Erica Newman Maori, European and Half-caste Children; The Destitute, the Neglected and the Orphaned An Investigation into the Early New Zealand European Contact Period and the Care of Children 1840-1852 English
2005 Abby Suszko Māori Perspectives on the Foreshore and Seabed Debate: A Dunedin Case Study English
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