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Current postgraduate students

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts

Hiko Sam-Turner
[Under examination] Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Taamirangi Sam-Turner
Supervisor: TBC

Master of Indigenous Studies

Thomas Aerepo-Morgan
Me pēhea e tau ai te noho a ngā tauira kōrero Māori ki Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou.
Supervisor: Professor Poia Rewi

Nicola Andrews
My research focuses on the ways in which Indigenous academic librarians within mainstream institutions are required to immerse themselves in colonized ways of knowing and spaces which may reinforce historical and intergenerational trauma; while also being accountable to their familial communities and the needs of Indigenous students and library patrons.
Supervisor: Dr Erica Newman

Jade Higgan McCaughan
Examining Te Hapuku: The changing leadership in Aotearoa during the nineteenth century as a response to increased European influence.
Supervisor: Dr Michael Reilly

Fara Iati
Why are Pacific Islanders in New Zealand in poverty? Identifying the causes of poverty among Samoans in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Supervisor: Dr Telesia Kalavite

Sharon Moreham
Identity and Belonging in a Contested Space: A Case Study of Kāi Tahu Cross-Cultural Adoption.
Supervisor: Erica Newman

Ravana Saifoloi
Pillars of Success: An Analysis of Pacific Students' Success within Tertiary Education in Canberra, Australia. Pasifika student perspectives on challenging social stereotypes, taking ownership of their academic experiences, and advising on best support practices.
[Under examination] Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Schaaf

Vincent van Uitregt
A colonist research agenda: understanding whether turning the microscope can help us to move beyond Indigenous resistance.
Supervisor: Dr Lyn Carter

Kelly Ann Butler
Supervisor: TBC

Nadine Connock
Supervisor: TBC

Sheridan Duncan
Supervisor: Dr Gianna Leoni

Darren Evans
Supervisor: TBC

Liam Gillan-Taylor
Supervisor: Associate Professor Paerau Warbrick

Dale Harding
Supervisor: Megan Potiki and Professor Poia Rewi

Samuel Hughes
Supervisor: TBC

Eden Iati
Supervisor: Dr Telesia Kalavite

Nina Kirifi-Alai
Supervisor: Dr Telesia Kalavite

Pauline Luyten
Supervisor: TBC

Brenda Marriner
Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Laura-Lee Perawiti
[Under examination] Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Nick Perham
Supervisor: Professor Lachy Paterson and Dr Michael Ligaliga

Pania Tahau-Hodges
Supervisor: Dr Gianna Leoni

Eirenei Tauai
Supervisor: Dr Michelle Schaaf

Lisa Te Heuheu
Supervisor: Professor Merata Kaharu

Janine Tipene-Perene
Supervisor: TBC

Levi Titi
Supervisor: TBC

Renee Tuifagalele
Supervisors: Professor Michael Reilly and Dr Erica Newman

Manu-Aroha Walker
Supervisor: TBC

Karin Williams
Supervisor: Dr Michael Ligaliga

Master of Arts

Tania Bell
Ngā korero a ngā taonga ō Ngāti Tūwharetoa. ' When taonga speak'. The consequence of colonisation and missionisation on traditional Tūwharetoa society and the acquisition of taonga for museum collections.
Supervisor: Professor Michael Reilly

Belinda Tuari
Te kawakawa Tāraitanga: An exploration of whānau resilience in the sustainability and transfer of the kawakawa plants rongoā Māori knowledge.
Supervisor: Professor Poia Rewi

Kuao Wawatai
[Under examination] Supervisor: Professor Poia Rewi


Rua McCallum
“Tātai Arorangi: Traversing Beyond the Boundaries of Mātauranga Māori in Southern Iwi Creation Narratives”.  How is it possible for ancient civilisations such as Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand who originated from Polynesia, to know and understand cosmogenesis; something that is only now becoming recognised in scientific milieus?  By interpreting the coded metaphors in traditional tātai whakapapa (genealogies), I seek to clarify how Māori ancestors possessed knowledge of the origins of the universe.
Supervisors: Professor Michael Reilly and Dr Karyn Paringatai

Louise Kewene Doig
Louise (Waikato Tainui, Ngaati Hikairo) is enrolled in a PhD with Nominated Creative Component Doctoral Degree programme. The creative component is entitled, Tutuku: (The passing Down of Knowledge) and involves the creation of a digital archive. The thesis, entitled He Kohinga Pao, explores the knowledge and experiences of a selection of Māori Showband musicians of the 1960s.
Supervisors: Dr Karyn Paringatai and Professor Michael Reilly

Toan Thanh Nguyen
Research title: Barriers to climate change adaptation: The case of local communities and institutions in the north central coastal region of Vietnam.
Supervisor: Dr Lyn Carter
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Roma Simmons-Donaldson
Supervisors: Dr Karyn Paringatai and Professor Poia Rewi

Shona Kapea-Maslin
Supervisors: Professor Michael Reilly and Dr Michelle Schaaf

Megan Potiki
Supervisors: Professor Lachy Paterson and Associate Professor Paerau Warbrick

Jenni Tupu
Supervisors: Dr Karyn Paringatai, Professor Michael Reilly and Dr Lyn Carter

Recently completed postgraduate students


Raphael Richter-Gravier
Ngā aitanga kapakapa a Tāne. A comparative approach to birds in mythology, ornithomancy, and bird symbolism in Māori and other Polynesian cultures.
Supervisors: Professor Michael Reilly, Dr Michelle Schaaf (Te Tumu) and Professor Bruno Saura (University of French Polynesia)

Kelli Te Maiharoa
Why passive resistance was used by Tūpuna as a means to lay claim and maintain ahi kā to the whenua and does it currently hold validity and relevance for whānau today?
Supervisors: Professor Lachy Paterson (Te Tumu) and Dr Heather Devere (Peace & Conflict).

Matiu Payne
Nā te koti tatari: The inconsistent treatment of tikanga taurima (whāngai) in Ngāti Mutunga (1820-2019)
Supervisors: Professor Lachy Paterson and Dr Paerau Warbrick

Byron Rangiwai
Supervisors: Professor Michael Reilly (Te Tumu) and Professor Murray Rae (Theology)

Master of Indigenous Studies

Victoria Campbell
Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Sera Perham
Supervisor: Professor Michael Reilly

Paia Taani
Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Porourangi Templeton
Supervisor: Dr Lyn Carter

Jaime-Lee Tutbury
Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Ella Walsh
Supervisor: Dr Erica Newman

Ben Whatarau
Supervisor: Dr Tangiwai Rewi

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