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Paerau Warbrick imageBA PGDipArts MA LLB DipGrad PhD (Otago)
Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand, Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
Ngati Pahipoto, Warahoe, Ngāi Taiwhakaea (hapū of Ngāti Awa)

Chair of the Undergraduate Committee
Program Coordinator for Indigenous Studies

Contact details

Office 3S4 Richardson Building, South Tower
Tel +64 3 479 3973


Paerau's academic research interests focuses on Māori history, politics, and law. Paerau has a current interest in the Treaty of Waitangi, Māori elections especially in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

Paerau's principal iwi is Ngāti Awa. However he has very close whakapapa ties to Te Arawa (Tuhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi), Ngāti Tūwharetoa of Kawerau and Taupo, Ngāti Maniapoto and Whakatōhea and Whānau-a-Apanui. He also has links to Taitokerau iwi, Tūhoe and Ngāti Porou.

Paerau is not only a senior lecturer in Te Tumu, he is also a Barrister. He has practised as a barrister since November 2000, and his expertise is in Māori land law, trusts, wills, probate and administration. He has appeared in the Māori Land Court and Māori Appellate Court from time to time and his legal mentor was the late Robin Corcoran who practiced in the Māori Land Court in Christchurch for many decades. Paerau is the principal legal adviser to the lawyers in the Ngāi Tahu Maori Law Centre in Dunedin.


  • MAOR 204 Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • MAOR 304 Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti - Waitangi Tribunal
  • MAOR 404 Toitū te Whenua - Land, Lore and Colonialism



  • Judy Bautista, PhD, The Social Semiotics of Multimodal Visuals with Indigenous Contexts: A Critical Indigenist Multimodal Discourse Analysis, (2024-present)
  • Jesse Matheson, MIndS dissertation, Topics on DNA and Māori Identity, (2024-present)
  • Charlotte Boyt, MIndS dissertation, Mining landscapes and Whānau understandings, (2024-present)
  • Porourangi Templeton, PhD candidate, Māori students recruitment into Universities, (2021-present)
  • Oliver Skinner, PhD candidate, ‘Returning’ the Lakes: Māori Legal Experiences of Wairarapa Moana / Lake Wairarapa, (2018-present)


  • Toan Nguyen, PhD, Climate Change challenges in Vietnam (2020-2023)
  • Jekope Maiono, PhD, Fijian Land Development issues (2020)
  • Megan Potiki, PhD, Language loss in Otakou (2017-2023)
  • Raaniera Te Whata, PhD, Issues in Te Taitokerau Land Management (2021)
  • Matiu Payne, PhD, Tamaiti Whangai in a Ngāti Mutunga Context (2017-2020)
  • Margaret Courtney, MIndS, Tūhourangi, the Rotomahana Parekārangi Block and Whānau Mātauranga (2017-2018)
  • Marty Schaaf, PhD, Pacific Islanders and Burnout in Sport (2016)
  • Michael Tarry, MIndS, Māori and Sovereignty (2014–2015)
  • Taiawhio Waititi, MIndS, Te Kaha 15B. Case study in land management (2014–2015)
  • Kyle Katipo, MIndS, Whāngai in the Māori Land Court (2014–2015)
  • Faapōpō Tupolo-Tauaanae, MIndS, The Aoga a le Faifeau [Pastor's School]: its place in the education system in Samoa today (2013–2014)
  • Samantha Jackson, MA , Matauranga Māori and Ngāti Whātua (2011–2012)
  • Matiu Payne, MIndS, Superior land inheritance rights by whāngai children (2012)
  • Whakarongotai Hokowhitu, PhD, Ngāti Pūkenga Identity (2011–2012)
  • Anna Parker, MA, Treaty of Waitangi and Peace Studies (2010–2012)
  • Ben Manley, MIndS, Imagined Boundaries: The Native Land Court and Maori Identity (2011–2012)
  • Julia Coates, BA(Hons), Kanga Pirau (2012)
  • Aroha Gilling, MIndS, Treaty of Waitangi and Social Work (2011)
  • Suzanne Spencer, MIndS, Ka Wahine and Takata Pora: Murihiku Women and Pakeha Settlers (2011)
  • Stacey Reynolds, BA(Hons), Māori and the Criminal Justice System: Towards 2010 (2010)
  • Tamasone Esera, MIndS, The Impact of the new Act (Land Titles Registration Act 2008) on customary land ownership in Samoa (2010)
  • Henare Mita, MA, The Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998: The quest for Ngāi Tahu tino rangatiratanga (2009)
  • Natalie Coates, BA(Hons), Kia tū ko taikākā: Let the heartwood of Māori identity stand – An investigation into the appropriateness of the legal definition of 'Māori' for Māori (2008)
  • Kanakolu Noa, MIndS, Indigenous Peoples and International Law (2006)
  • Erica Newman, BA(Hons), Maori, European and Half-caste Children; The Destitute, the Neglected and the Orphaned An Investigation into the Early New Zealand European Contact Period and the Care of Children 1840–1852 (2006)


Warbrick, P. (2024). [Review of the book The fate of the land, Ko ngā Ākina a ngā Rangatira: Māori political struggle in the liberal era, 1891–1912]. New Zealand Journal of History, 58(1), 144-146. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Paterson, L., & Warbrick, P. (Eds.). (2023). Journal of New Zealand Studies, 35(1) [Special Issue: He Tuhinga Tuku Iho: Texts, contexts, resonances]. [Guest Editors]. Other - Edited Journal

Warbrick, P. (2023). The super-narrative effect. The resonance of written letters for whānau in the historical record. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 35, 70-81. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.iNS35.8117 Journal - Research Article

Paterson, L., & Warbrick, P. (2023). Introduction. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 35, 1-6. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.iNS35.8127 Journal - Research Other

Warbrick, P. (2021). Price of citizenship for Māori: A matter of historical and legal context. law&history, 8(2), 58-86. Journal - Research Article

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