PhD (Otago) MIndS (Otago) BEd (Waikato) HDipTch (Hamilton Teachers College)
Senior Lecturer
Currently on RSL until June 2021
Monday and Tuesday
Office 3S8 Richardson Building, South Tower
Tel +64 3 479 8742
Wednesday and Thursday
Room 5S9, 5th Floor, Arts Building
Tel +64 3 479 4599
Tangiwai's research interests include te reo me ngā tikanga Māori, Māori Education and Māori Pedagogy, and as a result of the PhD project, preserving the narratives of kaumātua.
Tangiwai's PhD investigated intergenerational knowledge transmission and pedagogy from the late 1800s until the present, and their place in today's learning environments; particularly from a Waikato Tainui perspective about practices associated with the Kīngitanga (King Movement). Related articles are listed below.
She has also researched the impact and implications of Ministry of Education legislative changes to teacher qualifications (effective 1 January 2006) and Māori pedagogy use in mainstream schools which led to subsequent publications.
She co-authored an article about kaupapa Māori education options available in Aotearoa today and how these options are affecting Māori educational success which was published in Te Kōparapara.
Tangiwai is also an adviser on the Ahi Pepe / Mothnet project with Landcare Research: Identifying, Strengthening and Restoring Connections. The project aims to engage the public and raise the appreciation of moths. It explores their potential to act as ecological indicators of the health and connectedness of our natural world. Sixteen bilingual guides to identifying moths have also been published in relation to this project.
Ahi Pepe / Mothnet Landcare Research website
Tangiwai is also a member of the Coastal People: Southern Skies collaboration that connects communities with world-leading, cross-discipline research to rebuild coastal ecosystems.
Coastal People: Southern Skies
- Brenda Marriner, MIndS under examination
- Laura-Lee Perawiti, MIndS under examination
- Victoria Campbell, MIndS: Te kopa iti o Rakahau. Mā te kite i te reo ka kōrero? (2019)
- Paia Taani, MIndS: Whakaritea te pārekereke. How prepared are teachers to teach te reo Māori speaking tamariki in mainstream primary schools? (2019)
- Jaime-Lee Tutbury, MIndS: Culturally Responsive Teaching of Māori in Mainstream Education (2019)
- Ben Whatarau, MIndS: A Digital Learning Framework for Rangatahi based on Māori Waka Culture (2019)
- John Birnie, MIndS: Moving up to the next level in te reo Māori (Māori language) – exploring creative ways for beginners/ intermediate adults to use their language online (2012)
- Kym Hill, MIndS, How do mainstream early childhood settings implement a programme reflective of the bicultural aspirations inherent in Te Whāriki and Te Tiriti o Waitangi? (2012)
- Erina Ata, MIndS: Māori women's experience in middle management positions in government organisations (2010)
- Rowan Easton, MIndS (adviser only): Māori Women and Inequality (2010)
- Whakarongotai Hokowhitu, MIndS: 'A' – ko te āporo. 'A' is for apple: English Language Acquisition by Graduates of Te Kōhanga Reo (2010)
- Shi Acacia Cochise, MIndS: How unity can be created through meaningful and mindful interactions of traditional and western educational systems and their constructions of narrative and land: The Human Palimpsest (2009)
- Jared Mathieson, BA(Hons): Overcoming preconceived perceptions about university-level education by young urban male Māori (2010)
Tamatea, K., Berryman, M., Rewi, T., Kalavite, T., & Pasley, A. (2024). Towards a more power-sharing relational response between Tangata Tiriti and Tangata Whenua in education research [Keynote panel]. Proceedings of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rewi, T. (2020, November). Collectivising Māori language and culture research. Verbal presentation at the Biennial International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC): A Gathering of Indigenous Minds, [Online]. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Jackson, A.-M., Rewi, T., Hakopa, H., Phillips, C., Russell, P., Parr-Brownlie, L. C., Hulbe, C., Leoni, G., Mita, N., Hepburn, C., Wikaira, J., … Elder, H. (2020). Towards building an Indigenous Science Tertiary Curriculum (Part 2). New Zealand Science Review, 76(1-2), 25-31. Journal - Research Article
Jackson, A.-M., Hakopa, H., Phillips, C., Parr-Brownlie, L. C., Russell, P., Hulbe, C., Rewi, T., Leoni, G., Mita, N., Jackson, S., Poa, D., Hepburn, C., Wikaira, J., … Elder, H. (2019). Towards building an Indigenous Science Tertiary Curriculum. New Zealand Science Review, 75(4), 69-73. Journal - Research Article
Rewi, R. T. (2018). Examining traditional Maaori knowledge frameworks and intergenerational knowledge transmission: "Titiro, whakarongo": He huarahi ako noo ngaa raa o nehe ["Look, listen": A way of learning from days past] (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from Awarded Doctoral Degree