Constitution - Ngā Ture
- Name.
- Interpretation.
- Objects.
- Registered Office.
- Membership.
- Annual Student Levies.
- Meeting Procedures.
- Te Rito.
- Creation of Vacancies on Te Rito.
- Elections and Tenure of Office.
- Nominations.
- Voting.
- Returning Officer.
- General Ballot.
- Chair of Hui.
- Hui Motuhake.
- Hui a Tau.
- Finance.
- Expenditure Authorisation.
- Budget.
- Application of profits.
- The Constitution.
- Common Seal.
- Winding up.
- Application of Funds.
- Indemnity.
1. Name.
1.1 The name of the society shall be Te Roopu Maori o Te Whare Wananga o Otago Incorporated
2. Interpretation.
2.1 In this constitution unless the context otherwise requires, 2.1.1 "Te Roopu" shall mean “Te Roopu Maori o Te Whare Wananga o Otago Incorporated”; 2.1.2 "Te Rito" shall mean those members of Te Roopu elected to office in accordance with these rules, they shall also be known as the executive; 2.1.3 “OUSA” shall mean “Otago University students’ Association Incorporated”; 2.1.4 “Hui a Tau” shall mean “Annual General Meeting”; 2.1.5 “Hui Motuhake” shall mean any General Meeting of the Association, including Special General Meetings; 2.1.6 “Hui a Te Rito” shall mean the “Meeting of Te Rito”; 2.1.7 “Hui” shall mean any meeting of Te Roopu, including but not limited to, Hui a Tau, Hui Motuhake and Hui a Te Rito; 2.1.8 “Te Huka Matauraka” shall mean The Maori Centre at Otago University; 2.1.9 “Critic” shall mean the student magazine Critic produced by Critical Publications; 2.1.10 “Public Notice” shall mean notice publicly displayed at Otago University campus, including on Te Roopu Maori’s Notice Board and supplied to Critic and the Maori Centre for distribution; 2.1.11 "Member" shall mean "Member of the Association". In accordance with rule 5; 2.1.12 “Stranger” shall mean any person who is not a member; 2.1.13 “Resolution” shall mean any motion requiring positive votes of at least half of the total number of members voting at any meeting of the Association; 2.1.14 “Special Resolution” Shall mean any motion requiring positive votes of at least two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total number of members voting at any meeting of the Association; 2.1.15 "Rules" means the Constitution and Rules of the Association herein contained; or as subsequently amended; 2.1.16 "University" means the University of Otago; 2.1.17 "Act" means the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and any subsequent amendments. 2.1.18 “Clear Days” shall mean all days excluding weekends, holidays, and University holidays. 2.1.19 “Tumuaki” shall mean the President of the Association 2.1.20 “Kaitiaki Putea” shall mean Finances and Services officer of the Association 2.1.21 “Tumuaki Tuarua” shall mean Vice President of the Association 2.1.22 “Kaiwhakahaere” shall mean general executive of the Association
3. Objects.
3.1. The objectives of Te Roopu shall be: 3.1.1 To support and encourage education for Maori Students enrolled at the University of Otago; 3.1.2 To encourage tertiary education amongst Maori Students; 3.1.3 To liase with the broader Maori community at local, regional and national levels.
4. Registered Office.
4.1 The registered Office of Te Roopu shall be at: 527 Castle St P.O. Box 56 DUNEDIN New Zealand
5. Membership.
5.1 All university students of Maori descent enrolled at the University of Otago shall be deemed members of Te Roopu. 5.2 Any member shall also include any persons bestowed a life membership. 5.3 Any member of Te Roopu who wishes to voluntarily resign from the Association must submit a letter of resignation to Te Rito, such resignation will be final. 5.4 Te Roopu may at any time by letter invite a member of Te Rito within a specified time to retire for breach of these rules or for not keeping with the objectives and spirit of the Association and in default of withdrawal to submit the question of expulsion of such member to a Hui Motuhake to be held within three (3) calendar months from the date of such letter and at such Hui the member whose expulsion is under consideration shall be allowed to offer an explanation verbally and/or in writing and if thereupon two-thirds of the members shall vote for expulsion such member shall. 5.5 Life Membership shall be granted as deemed appropriate by special resolution at a Hui a Tau.
6. Annual Student Levies.
6.1 The annual student levies for members shall be such a sum fixed by Te Rito and ratified by special resolution at a Hui-a-Tau.
7. Meeting Procedures.
7.1 All Hui of Te Roopu shall be conducted in accordance with Nga Tikanga Maori; whilst remaining consistent with these Rules 7.2 All resolutions and minutes shall be recorded by the Kaituhi; 7.3 All resolutions and minutes shall be made available to members within five (5) working days after any Hui; 7.4 Any Hui Motuhake, may be called by the Tumuaki, any three (3) members of Te Rito, or on receipt of a petition signed by three (3) percent (rounded down) of the members of the Association; and; 7.4.1 Such Hui must be called between fifteen (15) and twenty (20) working days after receipt of such petition or resolution of the Executive. If the Hui is not so called, any member may call the Hui; 7.5 Any Hui a Te Rito, shall have a quorum consisting of the simple majority of positions making up Te Rito for that year; 7.6 Any resolution at any Hui shall be made by the mode of voting by voices, other than elections; 7.7 Any Hui may not commit any act, pass any resolution or make any appointment in contravention of these Rules; 7.7.1 Any such action, resolution or appointment will be invalid and will not bind the Association; 7.8 All members of the Association are entitled to be at all Hui of the Association; 7.9 All strangers are entitled to be at all Hui of the Association; 7.10 All members of the student press are entitled to be at all Hui of the Association; 7.11 Those people present at a Hui who are not members of Association may only speak with leave of the Hui; 7.12 Any member may call for a quorum count at any time; 7.13 All members must be physically present to participate in Hui.
8. Te Rito.
8.1 Te Rito o Te Roopu Maori shall be the following elected members(save and except the OUSA Maori Student Representative who will be Ex Officio on Te Rito);
8.1.1 Te Tumuaki, who will Ensure Te Roopu operates in accordance with this constitution; Act as Mangai for Te Roopu at local, regional and national levels; Represent Te Roopu as a delegate at Te Mana Akonga Hui; Shall write the weekly article in Critic Carry out any other duty that from time to time, may be defined by Te Rito and/or Te Roopu for the Tumuaki; Carry out the duties and responsibilities of any position on Te Rito currently vacant; Each semester, submit at least one (1) report in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution.
8.1.2 Te Kaitiaki Putea, who will Oversee the financial records of Te Roopu The Kaitiaki Putea Officer is the Tumuaki Tuarua of the Association and will act as Tumuaki and assume all the powers and duties of Tumuaki in the absence of the Tumuaki. Give monthly oral and written reports to a Hui a Te Rito as to the financial position of Te Roopu; Be a mandatory signatory for Te Roopu bank account; Carry out any other duty that from time to time, may be defined by Te Rito and/or Te Roopu for the Kaitiaki Putea; Each semester, submit at least one (1) report in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution.
8.1.3 Te Kaitiaki Whare, who will Oversee the general running and security of Te Whare o te Roopu Maori Carry out any other duty that from time to time, may be defined by Te Rito and/or Te Roopu for Te Kaitiaki Whare; Each semester, submit at least one (1) report in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution.
8.1.4 Te Kaituhi, who will Oversee the general running of Te Tari o Te Roopu Maori which will include; Receiving correspondence and sending correspondence in accordance to the directions of Te Rito; Maintain office filing; Recording and displaying minutes of all Te Roopu Hui. Carry out any other duty that from time to time, may be defined by Te Rito and/or Te Roopu for the Kaituhi; Each semester, submit at least one (1) report in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution.
8.1.5 Nga Kaiwhakahaere; Maori Student Collective (3 positions), who will; Carry out any other duty that from time to time, may be defined by Te Rito and/or Te Roopu for Nga Kaiwhakahaere; Each semester, submit at least one (1) report in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution. 8.1.6 OUSA Maori Student Representative, who will; Each semester, is not required to submit reports in accordance with rule 8.2 of this constitution.
8.2 Each semester, Te Rito are to submit at least one (1) report, which will be oral and written; 8.2.1 The first report will be submitted to a Hui a Te Rito towards the end of the first semester and will detail the office bearer's objectives and work for that semester; 8.2.2 The second report will be submitted to a Hui a Te Rito towards the end of the second semester and will evaluate the work completed by that Office bearer for that semester; 8.2.3 Submitted reports shall be supplied to Te Huka Matauraka and Critic no later than five (5) days after they have been submitted.
9. Creation of Vacancies on Te Rito.
9.1 The position held by any member on Te Rito shall be vacated on the happening of any of the following events and from the occurrence thereof: 9.1.1 If such member ceases to be a member of the Association, 9.1.2 Tenders written notice of resignation to Te Rito; or 9.1.3 Is the subject of a vote of No Confidence passed by members; 9.1.4 Is elected to a different position on Te Rito during their term of office. 9.1.5 Is excluded from the University on any grounds whatsoever; 9.1.6 Fails to qualify as an Officer under the Charities Act 2005 or have a waiver from the Charities Commission.
10. Elections and Tenure of Office.
10.1 The Association will hold elections in the second semester of every year preceding the year in which Te Rito is to hold office. 10.2 Voting may take place using any media, physical or electronic, provided it is carried out in a manner consistent with these Rules. 10.3 Tenure shall be for one (1) year, except for any member elected under rule 10.5 who shall subject to any provision to the contrary contained elsewhere in these Rules, hold office for the remainder of the Association Year. 10.4 The members of Te Rito shall be elected by means of a general and secret ballot of the members. 10.5 When a vacancy occurs during the Academic Year in respect of any position on Te Rito then Te Rito shall determine whether this vacancy shall be filled by means of a by-election, Hui a Tau, Hui Motuhake or whether the position shall be left vacant for the remainder of the year. If Te Rito determines that this vacancy shall be filled by means of a by-election this election shall be conducted according to the election rules of the constitution. If the Executive determine that a Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake shall fill the vacancy then the Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake may summarily elect by special resolution any member who would be eligible to stand for the position at an election to fill the vacancy. The member elected to this rule shall, subject to any provision to the contrary contained elsewhere in these Rules, hold office for the remainder of the Association Year.
11. Nominations.
11.1 All members will be eligible for nomination, election and re-election provided they hold the necessary prerequisites for the office, and; 11.2 They must qualify as an Officer under the Charities Act 2005 or have a waiver from the Charities Commission. 11.3 Te Rito will, once nominations for Te Rito positions are opened by Executive motion, post Public Notice calling for nominations for Te Rito. This Public Notice will also specify a date not earlier than ten (10) working days on which all nominations must be delivered to Te Rito. 11.4 All nominations must be in writing, made and signed by the nominee and three (3) other members. 11.5 After the closing of nominations Te Rito will prepare a list contained under the heading of the various positions to be filled, a list of the persons duly nominated for each position followed in each case by the name of nominators and shall thereupon post one such list upon the Te Roopu notice board, supply one each to Critic and Te Huka Matauraka and shall retain another in the office and shall allow all members to inspect such list upon request. 11.6 No member will be nominated for more than two (2) positions. 11.7 Where a nominee wishes to withdraw from an election the nominee must deliver to Te Rito a written withdrawal signed by the nominee. Such withdrawal will be final.
12. Voting.
12.1 The days for voting will be no sooner than fifteen (15) working days after Public Notice is given of voting. 12.2 Voting will be held at the places and times determined by the Returning Officer in consultation with Te Rito. 12.3 Any member unable to vote on Polling Days may cast special votes up to three (3) working days before the Election. 12.4 Not less than twelve (12) hours (not necessarily consecutive) will be allowed for normal voting, and not less than twelve (12) hours (not necessarily consecutive) for voting in by-elections. 12.5 Every member duly enrolled will be entitled to exercise one vote only for each position; 12.6 Te Rito will post Public Notice stating the date and time of the polling days and the date, time and place of election Hui.
13. Returning Officer.
13.1 Te Rito will appoint a Returning Officer for any election before nominations are closed. 13.2 The Returning Officer will be responsible for the whole conduct of the Election. 13.3 The Returning Officer will be provided by Te Rito immediately upon the closing of the nominations with a list of names of the members duly nominated for each position. The Returning Officer will have the power to and will: 13.3.1 Appoint such deputies, poll clerks, scrutineers and other assistants and with such powers and duties as the Returning Officer sees fit, 13.3.2 Provide such material and facilities in such form as the Returning Officer deems requisite and suitable for the method of voting, 13.3.3 Ensure that only members vote, 13.3.4 Provide for the due secrecy and peaceful nature of the ballot, 13.3.5 Give Public Notice and inform Critic and Te Huka Matauraka of the days on which the Ballot is to be held specifying the hours during which voting may take place, 13.3.6 Direct and regulate the manner of voting and of recording votes, 13.3.7 Arrange for and supervise the counting and recounting of the votes and disallow votes not submitted in the specified manner or not sufficiently clear, 13.3.8 Retain all voting papers and voting records safely for five (5) working days after the elections after which he/she will destroy all voting papers and voting records unless a recount is demanded; provided that the method of voting allows for the retaining of voting papers. 13.3.9 Generally do all things necessary, expedient or advisable in his/her opinion for the proper, fair and democratic conduct of the Election, 13.4 All acts and things done by the Returning Officer for any such purpose will be deemed to be done under the authority of Te Rito.
14. General Ballot.
14.1 All members of Te Rito will be elected by general ballot, unless elected by a Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake (save and except the OUSA Maori Student Representative). 14.2 Where there is more than one vacancy for any position: 14.2.1 Each person is entitled to as many votes as there are vacancies. 14.3 Where one person stands for a position there shall be a category “no confidence in this candidate”, where more than one candidate stands there shall be a category “no confidence in any of these candidates”; 14.4 The highest polling candidates will be declared elected provided that these candidates poll higher than the number of “no confidence in this candidate” or “no confidence in these candidates” votes cast. 14.5 In all elections there shall also be a category "no vote" for each category. 14.6 Te Rito will forthwith post on the Te Roopu notice board, distribute to Critic and Te Huka Matauraka, a notice stating the names of the successful candidates for each position and stating the number of valid votes cast for each candidate, no votes and no confidence votes cast against each candidate. 14.7 Te Rito may appoint an independent arbitrator, who must not be a member of the Association, to resolve any issues to do with the election. 14.8 A recount will in all cases be granted by Te Rito if demanded by any candidate, provided that the method of voting allows for recounting, as hereinafter provided and will be conducted by the Returning Officer in the presence of such of the candidates as may desire to attend and at such time and in such manner as Te Rito may direct. 14.9 A demand for a recount or a new Election will be in the form of a notice delivered to Te Rito within five (5) working days after the conclusion of the Election and will state fully the grounds upon which the demand is made. 14.10 The manner, conduct, determination and effect of any recount and new election will be such as may be decided upon by Te Rito whilst remaining consistent with these Rules. 14.11 Every re-election must be completed within twenty (20) working days after such Executive motion, and if not so completed the original result of the election will stand and be valid for all purposes. 14.12 In the event of a candidate being elected for multiple offices he/she will choose the office he/she will occupy and the second-highest polling candidate for the other office will be considered to be elected to that office. 14.13 Te Rito shall ensure that the date and time of the polling days and the date, time and place of election Hui are publicised on large posters in at least ten (10) public places in the precincts of the University including the School of Medicine, the School of Dentistry and the College of Education, such posters to be displayed at least ten (10) workings days before voting. 14.14 Te Rito shall arrange for an election Hui to be held in a suitable place at 1pm in the afternoon of a suitable day shortly before any election and all election candidates shall be invited to address this Hui and to answer questions from the members.
15. Chair of Hui.
15.1 The Chair of the Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake is an elected member of the Hui, and cannot be a current member of Te Rito; 15.2 The Chair of the Student General Hui will be elected at the first Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake of the calendar year. 15.3 The duties of the Chair of the Student General Hui are: 15.3.1 To conduct Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake of the Association according to these Rules; 15.3.2 To convey all resolutions and recommendations made at a Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake to the appropriate persons as directed; 15.3.3 To report to and advise Te Rito on issues arising at Hui a Tau and Hui Motuhake; 15.3.4 To have an understanding of these Rules; 15.4 In the event of the absence of the Chair of the Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake a member of the Association may be elected as chair the Hui in accordance with these rules.
16. Hui Motuhake.
16.1 At Hui Motuhake all officers of Te Rito must be present unless extraordinary circumstances require otherwise; 16.2 Public Notice of any Hui Motuhake stating the date time and place thereof shall be given by Te Rito at least fifteen (15) working days before the date fixed for any such Hui provided that at least ten (10) of these days shall be days on which lectures are scheduled for all faculties, and; 16.3 No business other than that stated in such Public Notice shall be transacted at such Hui except by unanimous leave of the members present; 16.4 At any Hui Motuhake four (4) percent (rounded down) of Members shall form the quorum, however with leave of all members present the quorum can be reduced to one (1) percent (rounded down) of members, once the quorum has been reduced to one (1) percent of members all resolutions and motions of the Hui must then be by unanimous vote, and; 16.5 If such a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes of the time appointed for the Hui, no business other than the reduction of the quorum in rule 16.4 may be discussed or dealt with and the Hui shall lapse; 16.6 If during the course of the Hui it be pointed out to the Chairman that there are less members present than the quorum required in Rule 16.4 and if the Chairperson on making a check finds this to be the case the Hui shall lapse.; 16.7 Hui Motuhake may only be held on days when the Dunedin campus of the University is holding formal classes and at a time and place that is not inconvenient to students.
17. Hui a Tau.
17.1 At Hui a Tau all officers of Te Rito must be present unless extraordinary circumstances require otherwise; 17.2 Te Hui a Tau shall be called by Te Rito 17.3 The date of which shall be held in the second semester of the calendar year and in any case shall be held no later that the 31th of October of the same year. 17.4 Public Notice of any Hui a Tau stating the date time and place thereof shall be given by Te Rito at least fifteen (15) working days before the date fixed for any such Hui provided that at least ten (10) of these days shall be days on which lectures are scheduled for all faculties, and; 17.5 No business other than that stated in such notice shall be transacted at such Hui except by unanimous leave of the members present; 17.6 At any Hui a Tau three (3) percent (rounded down) of Members shall form the quorum, however with leave of all members present the quorum can be reduced to one (1) percent (rounded down) of members, once the quorum has been reduced to one (1) percent of members all resolutions and motions of the Hui must then be by unanimous vote, and ; 17.7 If such a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes of the time appointed for the Hui, no business other than the reduction of the quorum in rule 17.6 may be discussed or dealt with and the Hui shall lapse; 17.8 Hui a Tau may only be held on days when the Dunedin campus of the University is holding formal classes and at a time and place that is not inconvenient to members. 17.9 If during the course of the Hui it be pointed out to the Chairman that there are less members present than the quorum required in Rule 17.6 and if the Chairperson on making a check finds this to be the case the Hui shall lapse.; 17.10 At Hui a Tau the following business shall be transacted: 17.10.1 Ratify and make amendments, additions or alteration (if any) to the Te Roopu Constitution; 17.10.2 Receive written reports of Te Rito; 17.10.3 Discuss general business relevant to Te Roopu; 17.10.4 Ratify the financial budget for the following year; 17.10.5 Appoint an auditor 17.10.6 Set members levies for the following year
18. Finance.
18.1 The financial year of Te Roopu shall be from 1 January to 31 December; 18.2 All moneys received by or on behalf of Te Roopu shall be forthwith paid to the credit of Te Roopu in an account with such bank as shall from time to time be fixed by Te Rito; 18.3 Te Rito may from time to time invest and reinvest in such securities and generally upon such terms and conditions as Te Rito shall decide upon the whole or any part of the funds which shall not be required for the immediate business of Te Roopu. 18.4 Members of Te Rito may receive an honorarium. The total of any honorarium paid will be at the discretion of Te Rito but be no more than is defined in the budget for that year, and; 18.5 Payment of the Honorarium to members of Te Rito referred to in rule 18.4 shall be in two installments throughout the year. The first installment shall be at the end of the first semester and after the successful delivery of their respective reports and the second installment shall be at the end of the second semester and after successful delivery of their respective reports. 18.6 No cash cheques shall be written, and only crossed cheques shall be used.
19. Expenditure Authorisation.
19.1 Any expenditure must be approved and signed by any two (2) of the following, provided that at least one (1) of the approvers and signatories is the Kaitiaki Putea: 19.1.1 Tumuaki; 19.1.2 Kaitiaki Putea 19.1.3 Kaiwhakahaere; 19.1.4 Kaitiaki Whare 19.1.5 Kaituhi
20. Budget.
20.1 There will be a budget set which will cover operational and capital expenditure and to which expenditure will be linked. 20.2 Te Rito will present a proposed budget for the forthcoming year to members in the second semester of each year at a Hui a Tau or Hui Motuhake. 20.3 The members will consider the proposed budget and either resolve to set or reject it in its entirety. 20.4 If no budget has been set by the end of the University year, then the most recent budget set by members will be deemed to be the budget for the following year, adjusted up or down on a pro rata basis according to any change in income, provided also that the remuneration of Te Rito is not altered from the budget set by the members the previous year. 20.5 Te Rito will give ten (10) working days Public Notice before setting the proposed budget to allow time for submissions to be made by members. 20.6 At least five (5) working days Public Notice is required before the proposed budget is presented to members. 20.7 Te Rito will supply copies of the budget for the forthcoming year to Critic and Te Huka Matauraka following its setting by members. 20.8 At the commencement of each year, but before any Hui Motuhake are held, Te Rito may alter the budget set by members the preceding year, provided that the sum to individual budget lines does not exceed ten (10) percent and provided also that the remuneration of Te Rito is not altered from the budget set by the members the previous year. 20.9 Any proposed budgetary alterations in excess of the sum in the section immediately above must be referred to a Hui Motuhake or Hui a Tau, and be voted on by special resolution of those members present. 20.10 Any grants applied for and received by Te Roopu may be used for the purpose for which they were received, and shall be exempted from the budget restrictions under section twenty (20) of these rules. 20.11 The provisions and effect of section twenty (20) shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.
21. Application of profits.
21.1 Any income, benefit, or advantage shall be applied to the charitable purposes of Te Roopu. 21.2 No member of Te Roopu or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by Te Roopu in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage. 21.3 Any such income paid shall be fair and reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in arms length transaction (being open to the market). 21.4 The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.
22. The Constitution.
22.1 Each member of Te Roopu shall be entitled to receive a copy of Te Roopu constitution upon request and one copy of the same shall be kept in the office of Te Roopu Maori for reference purposes. 22.2 The constitution shall constitute the rules for Te Roopu. 22.3 These Rules may be repealed altered added to or amended at any Hui Motuhake or Hui a Tau by a special resolution of members present, provided that at least fifteen (15) days notice shall be given of any proposed alteration, addition or amendment. 22.4 Duplicate copies of each such alteration, addition or amendment shall forthwith be delivered to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies in accordance with the requirements of the Act and shall take effect as from the time of registration 22.5 Any alteration or rescission or addition to the Constitution of the Association shall not detract from the charitable nature of the Association.
23. Common Seal.
23.1 There shall be a Common Seal for Te Roopu and the Tumuaki shall be responsible for its safe keeping. The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by resolution by Te Rito and then in the presence of the Tumuaki and the Kaituhi who shall add their signatures as witness to the affixing of the seal.
24. Winding up.
24.1 A resolution to wind up Te Roopu may be passed by members of Te Roopu at a Hui Motuhake or Hui a Tau by a two-thirds (2/3) majority and a 30 day period is required between Hui to confirm this resolution. The surplus funds of Te Roopu, after paying all debts and other liabilities of the same, shall be utilised in the support or furtherance of such schemes assisting education for Maori at Otago University as Te Roopu in the Hui Motuhake or Hui a Tau passing such a resolution shall decide upon. In no event shall the surplus assets of Te Roopu be divided among the members thereof nor shall the members of Te Roopu have any beneficial interest therein.
25. Application of Funds.
25.1 All funds are to be applied solely within Aotearoa.
26. Indemnity.
26.1 Te Rito shall be indemnified by the Association from and against losses and expenses properly incurred by them in or about the discharge of their duties.