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Completed PhD theses

  • Mercy Ah Siu-Maliko, “Public theology, core values and domestic violence in Samoan society”
  • Douglas Anderson, “The origin and purpose of Matthew 27:51b-53”
  • Ruth Baker, “The reshaping of popular theology for the twenty-first century: From Peter Wagner to Bethel Redding”
  • Joel Banman, “Where Christ Speaks: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Bibliology and Exegesis, 1935–1940”
  • Michael Bartholomaeus, “Karl Barth's Doctrine of Sanctification: An Exploration of Church Dogmatics §66”
  • Miriam Bier, “Perhaps there is Hope: Reading Lamentations as a Polyphony of Pain, Penitence, and Protest”
  • David Bosma, “Finding without searching: A theological engagement with the conversion narratives of young people in Canterbury, New Zealand”
  • Deborah Bower, “Isaiah, the Gospel of Luke, and Peter in Conversation  with Cornelius: A Narrative-Critical Analysis of Acts 10:1-11:18”
  • Helen Bradstock, “Is there a place for religious education in the mainstream primary school curriculum of Aotearoa New Zealand?”
  • Deborah Broome, "Living together in the city: Sociality in Augustine's City of God: Lessons for the Church today"
  • Rebecca Burgess, “A Christian Reading of Psalm 119:  An Exploration of Torah as God's self-Revelation Using a Trinitarian Hermeneutic”
  • Andrew Callander, “Exploring a Christian conception of economic life from within Karl Barth's doctrine of creation”
  • Elizabeth Callender, “A Theology of Spatiality: The Divine Perfection of Omnipresence in the Theology of Karl Barth”
  • Chris Caradus, “Beyond a Sonderweg for Israel: An Exploration of Persistence of Exile Themes in Relation to Romans 11:26”
  • Edmond Chua, “Jung Young Lee's biblical-cultural trinity: A systematic theology from East Asia”
  • Philip Church, “Wilderness Tabernacle and Eschatological Temple: A  study in temple symbolism in Hebrews in the light of attitudes to the  temple in the literature of Middle Judaism”
  • Cameron Coombe, “The role of scripture in the theology of Jürgen Moltmann” (Humanities Division Exceptional PhD Thesis)
  • Scott Currie, “The Single Individual and the Church: Kierkegaard's Ecclesiology”
  • Kirsten Dawson, “Divine violence in the book of Job”
  • Peter Dobbs, “How Theology Shapes Practice in Faith-Based Organisations Supporting Families in New Zealand”
  • Adam Dodds, “The mission of the Triune God: Trinitarian missiology in the tradition of Lesslie Newbigin”
  • Kate Dugdale, “The Trinitarian ecclesiology of Thomas F Torrance”
  • Matthew Easter, “Let Us Go to Him:  The Story of Faith and the Faithfulness of Jesus in Hebrews”
  • Gerard Ellis, “Grammar as theology: A linguistic rereading of Philippians 2:6-7a”
  • Sara Evans, “Take off your shoes: How Christian liturgy forms the people of God”
  • Malcolm Falloon, “The Māori conversion and four early converts”
  • Donald Fergus, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Spatially Structured Ecclesiology: Reconfiguring the Confession of Christ's Presence”
  • Edmund Fong, “Obedience that saves: the obedience of Jesus Christ in the atonement theology of Karl Barth as shown in church dogmatics”
  • Michael Frost, “A pentecostal theology of social engagement with a particular focus on Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand”
  • Mark Gingerich, “Moral Clarity in Light of the Suffering Servant: The  Incarnation and the Moral Life of Rheinhold Niebuhr and Soren  Kierkegaard”
  • Sarah Harris, “The Davidic Shepherd King in the Lukan Narrative”
  • Erin Heim, “Light through a prism: New avenues of inquiry for the  Pauline Huiothesia metaphors”  (Humanities Division Exceptional PhD  thesis)
  • Jonathan Hicks, “Trinity, economy, and scripture: A  theologically-motivated recovery of Didymus the Blind”  (Humanities  Division Exceptional PhD thesis)
  • Anna Sui Hluan, “Silence in translation: Interpreting 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 in Myanmar”
  • Martin Holmes, “Making the New Evangelization a Reality: An exploration of the theology and evangelization project of Bishop Robert Barron”
  • Luke Hoselton, “New Creation in Colossians: A Comparative, Exegetical and Theological Analysis”
  • Joshua Hurd, “Soteriology before epistemology: Kierkegaard's theology of divine revelation”
  • Thomas Innes, “Into the Deep Water, to the Other Side: Discipleship in Luke's Lake Stories”
  • Tokerau Joseph, “Ethnic flames of the burning bush: An exploration of  ethnic relations in congregations of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa  New Zealand”
  • Hyeong Kim, Circular not linear: The interplay between the religious dimensions of believing, belonging and behaving in Korean Christian immigrants to Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Clare Knowles, “Interpreting Isaiah from Isaiah:  Intratextual Translation in Old Greek Isaiah”
  • Stuart Lange, “A Rising Tide: the Growth of Evangelicalism and  Evangelical Identity Among Presbyterians, Anglicans and University  Students in New Zealand, 1930-1965”
  • John Lewis, “The Influence on Medieval Church Architecture of Love for God: a Theological Approach”
  • Jacqueline Lloyd, “Archaeology and the Itinerant Jesus:  A Historical Inquiry ino the Extent of Jesus's itinerary in the North”
  • Jonathon Lookadoo, “The High Priest and the Temple: Metaphorical Depictions of Jesus in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch”
  • Andrea McDougall, “Karl Barth's Theology of Humility: Divine Humility and the Humility appropriate to the Christian Life”
  • Selota Maliko, “Constructing a pastoral care model to encounter the issue of banishment in Samoan society”
  • Aaron Manby, “Cogere Intrare”
  • Colin Marshall, “The Significance of Apollos to the New Testament Church”
  • Don Moffat, “Ezra's Social Drama: The Mixed Marriage Controversy in Ezra 9 and 10 as Social Conflict”
  • Andre Muller, “Donald M. MacKinnon: The True Service of the Particular, 1913-1959”
  • Thomas Noakes-Duncan, “Communities of Restoration: Ecclesial Ethics and Restorative Justice”
  • Andrew Nicol, “The God of Israel in Robert W. Jenson's Theology”
  • Ben Ong, “Partner-centred Interpretation in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Hermeneutic for Paakehaa in Partnership with Māori”
  • Aram Oroi, “Reclaiming Mana for the Church”
  • Joanna Osborne “Black light/whiteness rests my mind: Evocations of the spiritual in the art and practice of Ralph Hotere and Joanna Margaret Paul”
  • Ann Thorp “Hilary of Poitiers and the Concept of Divine Personhood”
  • Lucy Peppiatt, “Spirit Christology and Mission”
  • Andrew Picard, “Towards a living sacrifice of praise: A critical evaluation of Colin Gunton's Trinitarian theology of culture”
  • Jason Pickard, “A shaky foundation? John Owen and Thomas F. Torrance on Christ's mediation”
  • Jordan Redding, “Addressed by the word: The practical, pastoral, and eschatological anthropology of Eduard Thurneysen”
  • Brent Rempel, “God the Trinity in the Theology of John Webster”
  • Jonathan Robinson, “Markan typology: Miracle, scripture and Christology in Mark 4:35-6:45”
  • Peter Ross, “Pneumatology and union: John Calvin and Pentecostal theology”
  • Jono Ryan (PhD) “One Heart and Soul: Augustine's Call to Community in a Divided Society” (Humanities Division Exceptional PhD Thesis)
  • Jacky Sewell, “From sight to insight: God, art and the spiritual well-being of the young person”
  • Andrew Shepherd, “Establishing Theological Foundations for an Ethic of Hospitality”
  • Jeremy Sievers, “A Christian Life: Living Across the Lines. A Grounded Theory Study of Understandings of the Atonement Among Evangelical Christians”
  • Angeline Song, “Encountering Moses and Miriam of Exodus 2: An empathic reading with a postcolonial optic”
  • Wayne Te Kaawa, “Re-visioning Christology through a Māori lens”
  • Alan Thomson, “Culture in a Post-Secular Context: Theological Possibilities in Milbank, Barth and Bediako”
  • Dillon Thornton, “Hostility in the House of God: An 'interested' investigation of the opponents in 1 and 2 Timothy”
  • Sean du Toit, “1 Peter: Negotiating Life within the Greco-Roman World”
  • Andrew Torrance, “The freedom to become a Christian.  Søren Kierkegaard and Karl Barth on the transformative relationship with God”
  • Gillian Townsley, “The Straight Mind in Corinth: Queer Readings Across 1 Cor 11:2-16”
  • John Tucker, “A Braided River: New Zealand Baptists and Public Issues 1882-2000”
  • Julia van den Brink, “Blessings and woes in Luke: Intertextual echoes of antithetical covenant blessings and curses in Luke's gospel with particular reference to 6:20b-26”
  • Deolito Vistar, “The Supreme Σημεῖον of Jesus' Death-and-Resurrection in the Fourth Gospel”
  • Kevin Waldie, “The Compassionate Jesus: A Lukan Investigation with Special Reference to Luke 6, 12-49 and Luke 7, 1-8, 3”
  • Richard Weymouth, “The Christ-Story of Philippians 2:6-11: Narrative Shape and Paraenetic Purpose in Paul's Letter to Philippi”
  • Max Whitaker, “Is Jesus Athene or Odysseus? Investigating the unrecognisability and metamorphosis of Jesus in his post-resurrection appearances”
  • Maja Whitaker “Perfected yet still "disabled": continuity of diverse embodiment in the resurrection body”
  • Dale Williamson, “An Uncomfortable Engagement: The Charismatic Movement in the New Zealand Anglican Church 1965-85”
  • Selwyn Yeoman, “Is anyone in charge here? A Christological Evaluation of the Idea of Human Dominion over Creation”

Completed Masters' theses

  • Carmen Anderson, “'Amen I say to you': Faith, Understanding and Speaking the Truth in Matthew's Gospel”
  • David Balchin, “To Understand the Righteousness of God in Romans is  to Understand How the Gospel is the Power of God for the Salvation of  Those Who Believe”
  • Gray Baldwin “Creation Care: A New Direction for the Oikoumene”
  • Gareth Bezette, “Lift up your Guts: Liturgical Anthropology in Conversation with Schmemann and Calvin”
  • Bruce Billington, “A Critique of Martyn's Commentary on Galatians with an Emphasis on the Kingdom of God”
  • Hugh Bowron, “The Surprise Ending: An Aspect of the Eschatology and Pneumatology of Robert Jenson”
  • Deborah Broome, “Living in Two Cities: Lessons for the Church Today from Augustine's City of God”
  • Graham Cameron, “That you Might Stand Here on the Roof of the Clouds: The Development of Pirirākau Theology from Encounter to the End of Conflict, 1839-1881”
  • Peter Crothall, “A voice crying in the wilderness: the prophetic aspect of Colin McCahon; providing 'signs and symbols for people to live by'”
  • Timothy Dack, “Grace Redefined in 2 Corinthians 12:9a”
  • Brian Dawson, “Crossing the streams: sources of Anglican confirmation”
  • Jethro Day, “Towards a theology of discipleship: A case study of urban vision with special reference to its understanding of discipleship”
  • Peter Dobbs, “The effect of fatherlessness on the way one relates to God as Father”
  • Samuel Fernando, "Resurrection and Reality: In Dialogue with T.F. Torrance"
  • Rebecca Fleming, "A theological view on the duty of care owed to refugees by nation states"
  • Rob Fletcher, “Jesus and the Buddha on Desire”
  • Aaron Geddis, "The concept of the Return of Elijah in Matthew 11:2-24 and it's Christological Implications"
  • Tony Gerritsen, "Mission and Ministry with the New Zealand Prayer Book"
  • Amber Gibson, "Thomas More, Thomas Cranmer and the King's Great Matter"
  • Dale Hokim, "Is Motivation of Reward and Punishment Faithful to the Teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark?"
  • Bradley Kelderman, “Paul's Use of the Remnant Concept in Romans 9-11 and its Interpretative Implications for Romans 11:26”
  • Mary-Jane Konings, “Kerygma, Leitourgia, Koinonia: Indications of Orthodox Theology in Contemporary and Emerging Worship”
  • Phillip Larking, "A Theology for Resettlement.  What pastoral  outcomes can be determined, for the Kachin Christian Church in Porirua,  through a critical use of migration theology?"
  • Latuivai Latu, "Fetausia'i - A Servant Leadership Paradigm for the Mission of the Methodist Church in Samoa"
  • Sonya Lewthwaite, "The implications of the new materialisms turn in the social sciences for anti-foundationalist approaches to Christian ethics. Does Merleau-Ponty's anti-dialectical phenomenology of language and matter have implications for Hauerwasian ethics?"
  • Hamish Maclean, "Covenant and Treaty of Waitangi"
  • Raymond Moxham, "Qohelet's Fall: The Use of Genesis 2-4 in the Book of Ecclesiastes"
  • Numerator Ofoia. "Revisiting the Babylonian Exile in Jeremiah 29:1-14:  A Samoan La tō Reading using an Oceanic Hermenutic"
  • Glenn Paddison, "An Examination of the Pneumatological Anthropology and Pneumatological Ecclesiology of Yves Congar: Roots and Ramifications"
  • Marina Pasichnik, "The representation of the “Heavenly Jerusalem” and “Heaven on Earth” themes of fifteenth and sixteenth century Muscovite Church architecture with particular emphasis on the Kremlin Uspensky Cobor (Assumption Cathedral) and the Pokrovsky Cobor (Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat) in Red Square"
  • Bruce Patrick, "Octavius and Kate Hadfield, their significance and contribution"
  • Gillian Reid, "Spirituality and aging: how worship communities of “senior” people sustain their faith in the absence of traditional ordained ministry leadership"
  • Eleanor Sanderson, "A Public Theology of Relationships: Reflections  from the Mothers' Union in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia"
  • Christopher Saunders, "The response of grassroots Christians to the  introduction of Sunday trading to New Zealand in 1989: by what authority  are you doing these things and who gave you this authority?"
  • Jon Screech, “On the Uses and Disadvantage of Suspicion for  Christian Life with Continual Reference to Kierkegaard and Nietzsche”
  • James Tualagi Ah-Yek, “The Metaphor of Shepherding in John 10:1-18 and 1 Peter 5:1-7 and its Significance for Samoan Ministry”
  • Roland van Noppen, "Drink my Blood: A Theological Rationale for the Jewish Blood Prohibitions"
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