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Murray Rae image 2021B.Arch (Auckland) BD (Otago) BA (Otago) PhD (London)

Course adviser for Dip Grad, PGDipTheol, and BTheol(Hons) students
Room 4S7, Arts Building
Tel +64 3 479 5393

Murray Rae trained first as an architect, then studied theology and philosophy at Otago. He completed his PhD at King's College, London, on the incarnation in the thought of Søren Kierkegaard.

His research interests include the work of Søren Kierkegaard, Theology and Architecture, Christian Pacifism, Biblical Hermeneutics, Christian Doctrine, and the development of Christian faith amongst Maori.


  • CHTH 131 God and Ethics in the Modern World
  • CHTH 217 Māori Religion and Theology
  • CHTH 218 The Person and Work of Christ
  • CHTH 231 Christianity, War and Violence
  • CHTH 317 Māori Religion and Theology (Advanced)
  • CHTH 318 The Person and Work of Christ (Advanced)
  • CHTH 323 Theology and Human Well-Being
  • CHTH 331 Christianity, War and Violence (Advanced)
  • CHTH 423 Theology and Human Well-Being (Advanced)

Preferred Areas of Supervision

  • Theology and Architecture
  • Søren Kierkegaard
  • Theology and Scripture
  • Christian Pacifism
  • General Areas of Christian Doctrine
  • Māori Theology and Religion

Current Research

Current areas of research include:

  • Theology and Architecture.
  • Theological themes in the work of Søren Kierkegaard
  • The Resurrection of Christ
  • Theological interpretation of Scripture

Current Postgraduate Students

  • Ryan Brown-Haysom (PhD) Towards a post-tragic theology
  • Graham Cameron (PhD) A historical contextual theology of Pai Marire, the first indigenous Christian faith
  • Scott Currie (PhD) An Assessment of the Ecclesiology of Soren Kierkegaard
  • Taryn Dryfhout (PhD) Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi: Locating Whāngai Within a Theology of Community
  • Malcolm Gordon (PhD) Power and Protest: Exploring the link between the practice of lament and the position of powerlessness in 19th century Scotland and New Zealand
  • Caroline Jewkes (PhD) Examination of Pākehā narrative to provide insight into Tiriti partnership for a Christian organisation
  • Immanuel Koks (PhD)'A Gospel for All' Means Good News for You Too: How People with Disabilities Participate in Trinitarian Hope.
  • Ryan Lang (PhD) Prophetic Adoration: Suffering, Lament, and the Beauty of God
  • Hamish Maclean (MTheol) A Biblical Theology of Covenant as it Relates to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Robert Montgomery (PhD) Clinal and Partitional Patterns of Grammar, Vocabulary and Imagery in the Interpretation of the Bible in Tongan, Maori and English
  • Tamara Owyoung (PhD) Sonship as Salvation: A filial model of atonement
  • Te Hira Paenga (PhD) Towards a model of Theology in Māori Performing Arts (Kapahaka) Te Atuatanga Me Te Kapahaka
  • Jaimee Poole (PhD) Ontological Freedom in the Theological Tradition and Existentialist Philosophy
  • Philip Sampson (PhD) Christ In Our Place: Atonement in Aotearoa

Recent Postgraduate Students

  • George Al Kopti (MTheol) Christianity and Islam: The Mutual Understanding and the Development of their Early Relations
  • Bruce Billington (MTheol) A Critique of Martyn's Commentary on Galatians with an Emphasis on the Kingdom of God
  • Rebecca Burgess (PhD) A Christian Reading of Psalm 119: An Exploration of God's Self-Revelation Using a Trinitarian Hermeneutic
  • Edmond Chua (PhD) A Restatement of the Doctrine of the Trinity from Jung Young Lee's Paradigm of Mutual Complementarity
  • Olataga Elu (PhD) The language and theology of the Samoan Methodist Hymnbook: Circumscribing hymnal translation from a postcolonial perspective
  • Sara Evans (PhD) “Take of Your Shoes”: How Christian Liturgy Forms the People of God
  • Edmund Fong  (PhD) Obedience that Saves: The Obedience of Jesus Christ in the Atonement Theology of Karl Barth as shown in His Church Dogmatics
  • Richard Goodwin (PhD) Seeing is Believing: Revelation, Emotion and Film Images
  • Josh Hurd (PhD) Soteriology Before Epistemology: Kierkegaard's Theology of Divine Revelation
  • Lance Lukin (MMin) The Theology and Place of Chaplaincy in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Martin Holmes (PhD) Making the New Evangelization a Reality: An exploration of the theology and evangelization project of Bishop Robert Barron
  • Spencer Kombega, (MMin) The Character of the Binei (Human Soul) in the Yega Tribe of Melanesia, in Contrast to the Diverse Global Belief
  • Selota Maliko (PhD) Pastoral Care and Banishment in Samoan Society
  • Greg Marcar (PhD) Love, Conscience and Neighbours in the Gallows: The Ethic of Søren Kierkegaard's Works of Love Applied to U.S. Capital Punishment
  • Joanna Osborne (PhD) “BLACK LIGHT / WHITENESS RESTS MY MIND": evocations of the spiritual in the art and practice of Ralph Hotere and Joanna Margaret Paul
  • Andrew Picard (PhD) For the Healing of the Nations: A Critical Study of Colin Gunton's Trinitarian Ecclesiology for the Healing of Liquid Modernity
  • Jordan Redding (PhD) Addressed by the Word: The Practical, Pastoral, and Eschatological Anthropology of Eduard Thurneysen
  • Carolyn Robertson (PhD) Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Christian Responses to Consumerism
  • Jeremy Sievers (PhD) A Christian Life: Living Across the Lines. A Grounded Theory Study of Understandings of the Atonement Among Evangelical Christians
  • Wayne Te Kaawa (PhD) Re-visioning land and people in Christology through a whakapapa-genealogical lens
  • Maja Whitaker (PhD) Perfected but Still 'Disabled': Diverse Embodiment in the Resurrection Body
  • Jeffrey Wong (PhD) John Zizioulas' Ecclesiology of the One and the Many


Rae, M. (2024). Making places: Architecture. In J. Goroncy (Ed.), T&T Clark handbook of the doctrine of creation. (pp. 881-891). London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. Chapter in Book - Research

Rae, M. (2023, August). Life in company with the risen one. The resurrection of Jesus Christ: Its meaning and mission, Trinity Lectures series, Trinity Theological College, Singapore [Invited]. [Public Lecture]. Other Research Output

Rae, M. (2023, August). The creation made new. The resurrection of Jesus Christ: Its meaning and mission, Trinity Lectures series, Trinity Theological College, Singapore [Invited]. [Public Lecture]. Other Research Output

Rae, M. (2023, August). Promise fulfilled. The resurrection of Jesus Christ: Its meaning and mission, Trinity Lectures series, Trinity Theological College, Singapore [Invited]. [Public Lecture]. Other Research Output

Rae, M. (2023, August). The evangelical witness. The resurrection of Jesus Christ: Its meaning and mission, Trinity Lectures series, Trinity Theological College, Singapore [Invited]. [Public Lecture]. Other Research Output

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