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The Centre for Recreation Research was formed in the School of Business in 2008. The Centre is housed in the Department of Tourism and has undertaken various consultancies for commercial and non-commercial recreation organizations and agencies in rural, urban and natural areas, both in New Zealand and overseas.

Professor Brent Lovelock is leading the three year Marsden project on “Bad Nature”.

Staff at the Department of Tourism continue to undertake research on tourism and recreation in rural and peripheral areas, including wilderness and backcountry use.

Current research collaborations continue through online seminars, publications and funded research with colleagues (often previous PhD students) at Lincoln University, the University of Dalarna (Sweden); University of Wakayama (Japan); Dr Courtney Mason (First Nations Thompson Rivers University) and Dr Steve Taylor (Adventure Tourism Recreation Association).


Current project work

Understanding commitment and enduring involvement in outdoor recreation in New Zealand

Primary Investigator: Professor Brent Lovelock
Co-Investigators: Associate Professor Anna Carr, Centre for Recreation Research
Funding: SPARC

Summary of research

The goal of this research is to assess the levels of commitment and 'enduring involvement' in a number of key outdoor recreational activities (mountaineering/climbing, tramping, hunting and fishing), and assesses their importance of a range of personal, social and social and environmental influences upon commitment and enduring involvement.

This research will be the first comprehensive study of ongoing commitment/involvement in outdoor recreation in New Zealand. It will provide data that will contribute to the development of effective retention strategies by outdoor recreation providers. More strongly committed or 'involved' recreationists play a significant role in achieving recreational NGO and club goals, including revenue generation, networking, community, and developing a positive reputation for the recreational activity. At the individual level, greater commitment/involvement leads to benefits accruing in terms of personal health and fitness, leadership and outdoor skills development.

For more information


Research reports

'Planting the seed': Family preferences, experiences and benefits associated with  outdoor recreation in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Abstract (PDF)
Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Ahuriri Conservation Park Visitor Survey 2006

Abstract (PDF)

Ahuriri and Ruataniwha Conservation Parks visitor study 2006–2007

Abstract (PDF)
Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Dunedin City Summer cycle survey

Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Hakatere Conservation Park visitor survey 2007–2008

Abstract (PDF)
Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Recent immigrants' recreation experiences of outdoor nature-based settings in New Zealand

Abstract (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Ruataniwha Conservation park visitor survey 2007

Abstract (PDF)

An empirical study of visitor conflicts in New Zealand Southland conservancy: The case of hunters and trampers on Stewart Island

Abstract (PDF)
Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Linking the Taieri Gorge railway and the Otago Centre Rail Trail: A survey of users' demands

Poster (PDF)
Report (PDF)

Understanding commitment and enduring involvement in outdoor recreation in New Zealand


About the Centre

Associate Professor Anna Carr and Professor Brent Lovelock are co-directors of the Centre for Recreation Research.

Recent external work includes conducting surveys and qualitative research for Sport NZ (SPARC) and Department of Conservation. Results from research are published as reports and articles in academic journals.

Copies can be obtained by contacting the authors.

Profile of Associate Professor Anna Carr

Profile of Professor Brent Lovelock


The Department of Tourism is hosting the World Leisure Congress 2022.

Read the Otago Bulletin story

World Leisure Congress 2022 website

Centre for Recreation Research Symposium Proceedings – Recreation Values & Natural Areas Symposium - 18-19 March 2010 (PDF)


Contact us

Physical address:

Centre for Recreation Research
Room 905, 9th floor, Commerce Building
c/- Department of Tourism
Otago Business School
University of Otago
New Zealand
Tel +64 3 556 6903

Postal address:

Centre for Recreation Research
School of Business
c/- Department of Tourism
University of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand

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